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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Can We Know Truth?

    i wouldn't say negate, more like cover over
  2. Can We Know Truth?

    the question could be, can we capture silence with noise
  3. Theory of creation in Vedanta

    the way I relate to some of this theory is through electrical devices. For instance we can not see, feel, touch, hear, or taste a magnetic field yet it is there in an AC transformer. Electron flow is also active in AC transformers through the force of a magnetic field even though there is no physical connection between the primary and secondary side wires of an AC transformer....everything that takes place across the iron core of the transformer is invisible - electrons are not in the magnetic field but would not flow in the wires unless there was a magnetic field of induction. So in this example and in a way we can say that the electrons (in the wires) are coming out of nothing, nothing in the sense and analogy that until only a few hundred years ago very little or nothing was known about magnetic fields.
  4. A foray on the side: In complete silence He spoke 10,000 volumes and more, yet not a single word could be refuted.
  5. Yutang Lin

    By Yutang Lin: "Teaching of "Non-form" indicates non-attachment to form. Misinterpreted, it is adopted as holding to absence of form. Abiding in no forms at all, one falls into the abyss of void. Only in no grasping to form or non-form lies true liberation" I think the Isa upanishad has similarities to this saying along important lines; there is also a warning in this that some renunciates might benefit from. There is also a saying by Nagarjuna about the wisdom of non-attachment, anyway just doing some correlating which I think has some pros if we do not assume to much and cons if we do.
  6. btw, there are several other schools or branches of Shaivism that have not been visited here very much, so its not just an either or among just two schools for anyone taking a look-see.
  7. Real is more like relatively real to me, for instance if we look at the Sri Yantra what do we see... and if we insist upon grasping onto it with concepts how far will we see? Anyway I don't exactly claim or disclaim AV or KS, and as I have mentioned or implied a few times before my favorites are the Chandogya and Isa Upanishads, along with lots of other materials. So what I would agree with and know of is ultimately and only of my experiences. (with room on the shelf for lots more) edit: I'd add that we cannot ever or at least normally be 100% sure about what someone else is 100% sure about -lol
  8. so in the earth, astral and causal realms there are trillions x trillions of relative beings, while in the Siva realm, if it can be called that, there is only Siva.
  9. I'm no expert on views, but the Upanishads point to only one Self, not trillions x trillions expanding to multiple one Selfs, and the immanent you mentioned as I see it is an aspect of the Self not a multiplication to trillions x trillions of Selfs.
  10. that may be one take s1va, and it sounds like you still see a bunch of jiva's "expanding" and becoming a bunch of Siva's...while I'd say the realization is that the bunches of jiva's or souls are really only relative and apparent - thus in the end game - there is, was and only will be one Siva while the relative/apparent and countless jiva's or relative/apparent individual souls are just that and also limited in comparison...
  11. Yutang Lin

    haven't read that translation...is it also commentary? btw, after working on and through some karmic results I have no desire to enter the wrong dressing rm... and don't you know by now, "that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" or her scorn?
  12. Yutang Lin

    they say it is not impossible for a soul with mostly male incarnations to reincarnate as a woman, and then gaining entry into such a dressing room would be kosher.
  13. umm, there are not a bunch of or multiple unveiled Siva's blissfully running around doing this or that super-duper action with this or that super-duper power, - for there is only one Siva which is part of the unveiling/realization - (edit: which is what it often sounds like around here with people thinking and talking about getting the power for themselves to do interesting and fantastic stuff)
  14. Yutang Lin

    then again if one considers the "One" as containing everything including time and space, and also if one is free within the One, then one could go to anytime in time or anywhere in space per that total freedom.
  15. Yutang Lin

    ...per the paraphrase, "the Tao goes far and also returns", if one will that sounds like a two way street...
  16. Yutang Lin

    no, I think it has to be a two way street along or in the transition zone...
  17. Yutang Lin

    isn't that a white hole you are talking about?
  18. Yutang Lin

    what do I know...(except that one does not want to cross Kali-ma)
  19. Yutang Lin

    ...and what of a transition zone (so to speak) from formless to form or back again? and what of pure light/energy without specific form yet it to is of form in the sense that it is woven into specific shapes in time and space. (along with such times and spaces going beyond only 3d constructs, something that is hard to wrap your head around even after two or three cups of coffee or ginseng tea) btw, what is it that can really fall into a really hairy void, (hell I'd rather fall into a "ground-hog day" movie type scenario than that - which would give me time to learn playing the piano and to understand women better!)
  20. Yutang Lin

    which btw I think could be adapted to help on the recent topic of, can we know Truth. or trouble that neo-this or thats might get into, or.....
  21. i would suggest caution along any lines of "inserting"... for Revealing Grace is a thousand times more than something like that - it is simply through deep Mystery/wisdom of the Self revealing the Self - with no insertion from an apparent outside needed. (which is what it sounded like you were implying)
  22. nice quote man, btw this Grace descends not only on the prepared and advanced student...it descends upon whom it chooses whether they be a fool, buried in great karma, a so called normal person, a youngster, etc.. thus drawing up or implying certain limitations for It to act (which one may do and try to line up per method) is not really the case.
  23. I'd say that the Revealing and pure power of Grace uses the vessel not the other way around, granted that power also provides for the vessel or Sat Guru but they - the attuned vessel makes no claim to ruling It. (it rules them)
  24. the irresistible power of Sat may hold you, but you as a particular somebody can not hold it....
  25. no MH, you are the often fun or flexible person, while somebody else here acts like a know it all