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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. The Return to Innocence

    Nope, "Innocent" in the deepest meaning is not a state of mind, or related to subjective perspectives and such. Thus what such purity of truth is absolutely can not be delinated by mind. (as this or that or as nothing)
  2. The Return to Innocence

    There is no return (per-se) to "innocence" as in the unexperienced, child like state - although through the hard fought attainment of wisdom along with grace that makes such possible, karma eventually drops and then one stands innocent before a samsara which can no longer reach them.
  3. Yes, there is inspired, insightful, revealed and often mind boggling complex doctrines, in forms of sectarian teachings along with great forms of yoga...! But before going to far with all of that there is the joint foundation of: The Yamas "Since Yama comes from the root word ‘yam’ ‘to hold’ or ‘to rule’, yama yoga represents the behaviours that ‘control’ certain negative tendencies (the ‘animal/instinctive nature’) that occur in all human beings. These are the five ideals of: •Ahimsa (non-violence) •Satya (truth) •Asteya (non-stealing, or non-cheating) •Brahmacharya (continence, involving self-restraint and moderation in all you do) •Aparigraha (non-coveting, including no envy, jealousy or unhealthy competitiveness)". (and then also niyama) Thus without the first and great law being perpetually followed namely "Ahimsa", (along with the other laws) the most promising want to be to siddha/yogi that may practice SOME FORM of yoga won't be safe from falling into the greatest hell.
  4. Prabhupada

    I read somewhere about their rejection of a lot of Vedic based teachings, but don't have the materail on hand right now... Maybe proclaiming they are the only true knowers of the Vedic teachings would be another way to put it. What twisted sickness! http://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=4499
  5. Meet True guru, meet Self - the same. And still keep teeth.
  6. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Well I was being kind of flippant about the subject matter on that post and was going to delete but you gave me a light hearted chuckle so I'll hold off on deletion. (Btw hopefully Katee Sackhoff and Amanda Tapping would also show up for a coffee and chat with the crowd) Om
  7. What Is Non-Duality ?

    can't pin down empty either... must also let empty go Om
  8. What Is Non-Duality ?

    besides I'd to see "Star Gate", "Star Wars", "Star Trek" and "Star Buck" all tied together co-herently. (along with Clint Eastwood put in there somewhere)
  9. What Is Non-Duality ?

    taking the first paragraph to be true why stir in the second with it?
  10. What Is Non-Duality ?

    A suggestion for Taoists: Everytime D.O. automatically pops-up counter with an automatic quote of TTC 25.
  11. What Is Non-Duality ?

    "What Tathagata is there?" The Tathagata that is non-attached wisdom which is free and happy in the deepest and unbreakable meaning of such words... "The idea that nirvana is samsara, correctly understood, comes through Nagarjuna"
  12. What Is Non-Duality ?

    "Right speech" is based on what the Buddha said, thus one can not keep quoting the Buddha or Buddhist sources yet forget or deny that part of the Noble Eight Fold path with something off the wall.
  13. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Vmarco, I think Xabir is basically a gentleman who follows "Right Speech" as best he can, which is something he has demonstrated many times. You on the other hand don't have the foggiest idea of "Right Speech" (edit but never mind)
  14. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Well in the 1st chapter there is, "Names can be named, but not the eternal name". (which is often brought up at this site) Anyway, I don't have a problem with tracing things out as far as traces go...(The One, The Two, The Three, The ten Thousand) but traces will never be enough if that is what you are getting at? Btw, and then again how many really want to make the full sacrifice and penetrate beyond an impentrable One where no traces remain? Not many of us me thinks although there is lots of talk... Om
  15. I don't know about all this... lol, "neti, neti".
  16. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Mahaparinibbana Sutta "63. Then the Blessed One said to the bhikkhus: "So, bhikkhus, I exhort you: All compounded things are subject to vanish. Strive with earnestness. The time of the Tathagata's (insert: If one does not really know the meaning of the Tathagata then adding a few more letters to this word as in 'garbha' really makes no difference in knowledge or meaning as I see it) Parinibbana is near. Three months hence the Tathagata will utterly pass away."
  17. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Mh, Is such not possible for the Tao (TTC 43, 3rd line ?) and it's not exactly a differentiation/separation since there is an unbreakable connection/transformation. Om
  18. Behind the words

    If I was in a forum with mostly women... but this is a forum with mostly guys and admittedly there are some drawbacks to that.
  19. What Is Non-Duality ?

    The Buddha could not limit the four fold negation in only that way, for there is no such limit bound to the use or meaning of that tool(s). Besides he was also talking of Buddha nature and not just material form.
  20. What Is Non-Duality ?

    suggest you delete this post
  21. What Is Non-Duality ?

    That was a quick comeback which gives a variation that still has similar problems, although instead of a not 'out of this or that' it is because of a 'lack of this or that'; which btw I hear such an interpretation being refuted by the "four fold negation".
  22. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Yet the One still contains the Two, and that can be extrapolated to the Tao containing the One, although the mind can't really get a handle on that idea. (and that is well)
  23. What Is Non-Duality ?

    The verse (and its context) does not mention or speak of an afterwards or a final this or that that happens because of or based on something else... the verse points to and I quote "there is monks (and or laypeople) a not born, etc.." this context speaks of not being affected, effected or changed by anything including a burning out of something else because of the stated meaning of, "there is...". You go to great lengths to suit the verse to something it does not say. Perhaps you should deconstruct and dismiss your own understanding? p.s. then again keep your vehicle for as long as you want and may it serve you well.
  24. What Is Non-Duality ?

    Hello TzuJanLi, Word play or not I don't agree. (although that is logical, logic doesn't see far enough)