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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Tradition and Lineages

    Zen silly
  2. Those who know they don't know...

    All memory gone... Few pay such a high price.
  3. Tradition and Lineages

    clever sounding but again missing the mark.
  4. Tradition and Lineages

    Is that a "we" fart?
  5. Tradition and Lineages

    Bingo? How about fart? You just refuted the most important teaching of the Buddha (which without all the rest is in vain) by not following through beyond all fixations on all this secondary stuff, and don't take my word for it, Good luck. Om
  6. Tradition and Lineages

    Om Shanti
  7. Tradition and Lineages

    "I, Vaccha, am not of this view: "The Tathagata is after dying." I, Vaccha, am not of this view: "The Tathagata is not after dying." I, Vaccha, am not of this view: "The Tathagata both is and is not after dying." I, Vaccha, am not of this view: "The Tathagata neither is nor is not after dying."
  8. Tradition and Lineages

    true spiritual lineage equals purity (and much more) made manifest through that matrix.
  9. Tradition and Lineages

    "Derail", what an insightful observation for part of the goings on here. (although not all goings on)
  10. Tradition and Lineages

    Your posts are merely a dime a dozen. The "four fold negation" stands to correct your misconceptions. Om
  11. Tradition and Lineages

    Right, (I did some interjecting myself).... besides my posts like some others, are a dime a dozen.
  12. Tradition and Lineages

    Perhaps and if you care to or try to? (although I think VJ will automatically interject with his speciality double-talk) consider that "Buddhism" does not have a monopoly on the meaning of or what the word "Buddha" points to... Further, that very long and glorious type of expalanation about what a Buddha understands means nothing more than what a very simple analogy can more or less point to, for instance: only water fully understands water, or only Buddha nature fully understands Buddha nature. (with the the word understand only being used as a conventional means to try and convey more than "understanding" as the word is commonly used) Om
  13. Heaven is a place on earth.

    Actually Earth itself is evolving into a relative heaven, and its a long time coming! (In spite of the hellish things that have gone on here for ages) Thus when the Earth and her family of Beings finally attain a heavenly like evolution and renewing then the non-dharmic willed beings will no longer be able to incarnate and or influence here as they do now. Why, because Beings are basically matched to realms that match their vibration.
  14. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Ok, and I admit going to far earlier. (with several combative insults which I apologize to you) Anyway, I've been at both extremes of a silent type of communication, one end of it crushes and deadens into silence while the other end releases to freedom and enlivement beyond the needs of any further words that would encumber it...
  15. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    That is correct Informer but don't let VJ in on it since he is completely enthralled with his interpretations, concepts and experiential command of the Truth, thus he stands tricked out with all the trimmings, (which is his right in the privacy of his own home) - although or so it seems we can expect his continued use of any and all means to keep stuffing us turkeys in public. (sorry folks -disregard what could sound like lumping everyone into dumplings) Heck, even Tom who trys to be reasonable can only take so much stuffing before exploding.
  16. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    or, enlightenment is like an organic potato, while delusion causes trips to the dentist?
  17. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Hmm, I see, some partial quotes and a twisted quote along with presumptions that include various put downs and it's all toped off at the end with attempted patronizing. How fitting and convenient for and from you. Thank you for the lesson. Btw, in reference to: "The Present is beyond all concepts" well that is along the lines of what I've been alluding to and which you might see if you could be a little more flexible in your interpretations, understanding and usage of of concepts. Holy Cow dude. Om P.S. Revisiting my earlier post below where I see a correlation to your quote of "...beyond all concepts": "Thus there is no absolute proof or disproof that can be pinned down with words, (or worded concepts if you prefer?) things or ideas for such are not nor will they ever be absolute.
  18. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Wow V., you do have issues. (which I don't claim to be able to help you with) Anyhow the "truth" problem for mankind has made countless rounds at this site yet there are those sounding like yourself that continue to come along to make claims to the Truth, along with their groupies or through such and such a teacher. Ime a truth is that any Being regardless of their attainment can at best only point towards the Truth (or the Way) in helping another and in some cases possibly serve as a friend along that Way. Thus there is no absolute proof or disproof that can be pinned down with words, things or ideas for such are not nor will they ever be absolute. Btw, your asking for such proof says a lot about you and your continued incongruousness concerning same since you have also quoted some Zen that is counter to such. Go in peace.
  19. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Oh boy, sounds like you are another all knowing nut with claims to having the absolute truth, while the rest of us are below your condescending high-ness, just get off it already. A definition from the Oxford dictionary, Divine: 1b. sacred (divine service)... Since you want to play around with (change or deny) words and meanings to make your pov more palatable.
  20. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    V, You disagree, so what, who really cares, such is only "correct" or true for you. (or birds of your feather who flock together, thus I suggest getting off it) Btw, your stated mental and emotional conditioning is incongruent with the quote you borrowed that uses the word "sacred". (among others)
  21. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    Thank you for sharing that video Serene Blue, This Master mentions the Divine "Mother" and that She can be said to deliver one to the threshold of "lightless Light", I fully agree and that is a major step (and work) of being attuned to a high vibration of pure light and truths. The next step is that of light going inside of light - this can not be done by the Mother for then She would not be, thus that is where one can not tread with their woven (aka created) beliefs and ideas or as Yogiraj Gurunath said or implied - the holding of desires for such beliefs or notions to take form, for such things are weavings from and variations of the Mothers light (or of the vast creation) which inludes time and space, and none of them can be taken across or pass through and remain in the "Lightless Light" where they are "swallowed" up. Om
  22. Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachings.

    More double talk and labeling; one can begin to understand when one begins to shut up.