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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Finding a Guru

    Get a cat or get a dog if you don't have a pet... for they teach us a lot just by them being their natural selves. ;-) There are true gurus that can help in spiritual emergencies just as there are medical doctors that can help in medical emergencies, but don't expect to become a gurus close student right off the bat, just as you wouldn't expect to become a medical doctors close student right off the bat without putting in tons and years of prep work. If a spiritual or medical doctor did their job and helped you get past an emergency be thankful but then don't limp about, stand up on your own two feet which is the reason they gave you a helping hand to be able do so in the first place! Om
  2. a rediscovered mantra

    Sorry if that didn't open your third eye along with unfolding other siddhis, but if you cracked a grin on hearing it then you may not be as far from "total enlightenment", the "9th liberation", losing weight, or getting a date with a nice gal, etc. as you may think you are. (?) Btw, the order of the above may vary or even be multitasked to some degree with the help a of blackberry since limes and coconuts can only go so far.
  3. Tonights Full Moon

    ...don't care much for the full moon because the demons are also peaking out then.
  4. a quote

    "Only by living in the Present can we experience the Living Presence that is not outside us and beyond reach, but within us every moment of an ever-present Now" From a Kenneth Meadows book
  5. Jim Croce

    video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBWDHyAct4w
  6. A Buddhist deconstruction of the "self"

    isn't that oh my goddess? lol
  7. A Buddhist deconstruction of the "self"

    ;-) MH, traces can go for a long ways but then implode in on themselves leaving no trace... Om
  8. The Nature of Self

  9. I have little to nothing to say and that is a "pleasant surprize". (the truck can only go so far, then one must get out and go the rest of the way on foot) )
  10. ...Or they could be personally mitigating karmas that are coming in elemental form (as tornados) because of the breaking of elemental dharmas.
  11. Divine power

    There are a great many types of powers that human beings can cultivate, namely for or against the common ground and or for what could be termed the common good, which obviously includes development for individuals; such is part of what we "do". Whereas the Divine Power is something we may prepare for but it is not something we choose for ourselves or dominate with manipulations in any way! The Divine and or greater root power is the one that makes the choice through laws and compassion whether or not to fully have us, (in a manner of speaking) thus it is not us who can take or get Her through any force of "cultivations", and in my limited experience to think such is to be 180 degrees out of sync. Om
  12. Divine power

    Om Shanti, sister :-)
  13. Divine power

    Yes, and if I may add unconditionally moving "out of the way"... for then it is not shunted to purposes or even good intentions that we may want or see as being right, for the True Power is its own vast Wisdom, Love, and purpose flowing beyond just the needs or workings of "mankind" although mankind is also meant to be a noble steward for It. Om
  14. Divine power

    Our "own volition" is limited to the lesser powers. (so to speak) For there is an inductive/reactance like force built into the misuse of greater power, that means resistance and with resistance comes heat and with heat things begin to burn up, thus without zero resistance or ego great power can never flow. (regarless of personal volition or will) Om
  15. Surf energy

    takes about 15 seconds to auto load depending on connection speed... http://www.surfline.com/video/featured-clips/epicenter_53965 I don't know all the rules about links but I think many will like it...
  16. This Is It.

    Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all right now, like in a great big ball containing vast numbers of strings yet all of that ball together is still only right now.
  17. Rumi

    O Seeker, These thoughts have such power over you. From nothing you become sad. From nothing you become happy. You are burning in the flames. But I will not let you out, Until you are fully baked, Fully wise, And fully yourself. - Rumi
  18. Divine power

    Hello MH, Sounds true to me in the sense that if all are under (and or within) the One then how could any really be lost to the One. (and even further with the One being under The Tao!) Good Day
  19. Divine power

    Well in context to your question/comment I didn't mean "power's" per se --- as much as I meant the root power, and She decides who, what, when or where without motives derived by, from or just for mankind or individuals. The Tao Teh Ching (among many other teachings) directly and also with alludings points to preparations far better then this one... Om
  20. The Nature of Truth

    even the "we are one" ends up being just one, without the "we".
  21. "enlightenment" can not be developed or made (per-se) nor can it ever be unmade, thus corruption can never reach it. Om
  22. Spiritual "enlightenment" is not of the mind or in the mind, and there is no power of mind or "siddhi" that can know of or circumscribe such enlightenment; also such an enlighenment when it has completely taken over prevents any misuse of the various powers of mind. (whereas partial insights may not) Further, great gods, great demons and other great beings may have many developed powers of mind but not always enlightenment! Om
  23. Slave of Gods

    Septimus, It is true, the highest heaven is not enough... for the even the highest heaven is still a thing so to speak as related to what could be called heavenly time, space and or forms. (thus any Beings or gods identified with those realms also suffer in one way or another) Btw, imo certain aspects of Buddhism which may be only partially understood can surely blow one's mind if there is not also the knowing of the pure joy which is beyond all realms and never fails or falls to sorrow; (sorrows such as identification with various forms in time and space which are prone to corruption; and I'm saying that even though I don't claim to fully understand everything about Buddism) "To be, or not to be", are not options for the Great Tao or Spirit if you will (?). Thus the quintessential freedom which is enough begins in knowing oneself as Spirit, the Spirit which can never be nailed down by any power of thought, no matter how great or keen such may be. Nothing is not nothing, and such are both thoughts. Further, the great "Wheel" is also like a dream, and even the relentless and exacting keeper of that dream is like a dream and thus has no power over the awakened Spirit that returns to Itself... which it never really left. Om