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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Do-be-do-be-do-be-do

    "to be or not to be" does not occur to the Tao, what manner of freedom is that? ("with to be or not to be" being an apparent choice, yet if one were one with the Spirit which also includes an indestructible "bliss" such a choice would not occur in that context for such a choice is already made beyond the ups and downs of relative happiness, further the nature if you will of Spirit uses any and all means including traditions, vehicles or souls to "go far and return" even though it never really left. Om
  2. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    "Jesus" is a particular soul, "Christ" is a creative force, and mockery is neither of those.
  3. The Nature of Virtue

    The very pinacle of virtue is also directly tied to and related to the practice of the most simple and most basic elementary beginning elements such as non-violence, for without such humble connections the "high" falls very fast and hard into the abyss.
  4. Dangers of atheistic thinking

    "God" is not limited to mind... thus any thoughts from or of the mind (for or against) are just that, thoughts of or from the mind. But the Pure and Free energy that flows through all thoughts is a primary and knowable aspect of an unknowable (via only mental means) "God". Om
  5. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 102

    Imo the first sentence can give a false impression... For the unchanging and or "great Tao" never rises or declines, and thus never cycles -although containing all such cycles when manifesting aspects known as The One, The Two, The Three, etc.. come into play.
  6. I hate to get all Biblical, but....

    I hadn't heard that term before and googled it. Anyway, maybe we could multiply two by an unknown number... I think your idea above also applies to certain spiritual books that have a lot of things going on in between the lines. (at the same time)
  7. I hate to get all Biblical, but....

    Manitou, I think I understand your point as related to many recent and also past political events, and with such often being historically displayed in repetitive cycles of the rising and falling of relative justice and injustice of mankind upon himslf in a world (or earth) of his own making. Btw, the world as made or driven by man has been trying to sort itself out for "x" number of years but for various reasons has never really reached peace. ...Thus what if (and imo related to this string) we are not talking about a political world or "earth" that mankind has fashioned for himself, what if we are are talking about an Earth working by laws far deeper and purer than the political ambitions of men, or even the fairly common-man that often gets caught-up or carried along by such political forces? Who then is going to inherit/inhabit an Earth that is fully restored and empowered by spiritual laws that a political mankind can not really debate or decide about, ime only those of us able to fully attune to that day of beauty when a "new earth" will not have even one "unclean spirit", Being or thought that is able to walk in Her singing silver-green forests where purity is inviolate. Om
  8. I hate to get all Biblical, but....

    Btw, there is nothning weak about the meek in great master soul such as Jesus, unless you consider a blazing white-light torch of invincible and indomitable will that is also beyond measure in intensity, power, truth, scope, focus, wisdom and compassion to be weak...
  9. Are you Born from Above?

    Holy cow! Thanks, that is a lot of material for the peanut to process Om
  10. Mastery in the sense of alignment and synchronation with the internal master, thus attaining a unity in all ways and forces without a division of same or allowing such divisions to put one at cross purposes. Om
  11. The saying related to "mastery" is correct, but the saying related to "divorce" is tricky for if one has mastery then a disconnect such as divorce can be or is contradictory.
  12. Dependent Origination

  13. Dependent Origination

    Justice finally! Imo a very high percentage of VJ's posts broke Buddhist precepts related to Right Speech,(among its other precepts) thus I for one do not consider him a "Buddhist" if going by those parameters; no matter how much he did and or could go on about same.
  14. Higher self ?

    Yan, a saying below that may be of interest to you ? Om Khandogya Upanishad, VII Prapathaka, 23rd Khanda. 1. The Infinite (bhuman) is bliss. There is no bliss in anything finite. Infinity only is bliss. This Infinity, however, we must desire to understand. Sir, I desire to understand it. 24. 1. Where one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, understands nothing else, that is the Infinite. Where one sees something else, hears something else, understands something else, that is the finite. The Infinite is immortal, the finite is mortal. Sir, in what does the Infinite rest? In its own greatness - or not even in greatness. 2. In the world they call cows and horses, elephants and gold, slaves, wives, fields and houses greatness. I do not mean this, thus he spoke; for in that case one being (the possessor) rests in something else, (but the Infinite cannot rest in something different from itself) 25. 1. The Infinite indeed is below, above, behind, before, right and left--it is indeed all this. Now follows the explanation of the Infinite as the I: I am below, I am above, I am behind, before, right and left--I am all this. 2. Next follows the explanation of the Infinite as the Self: Self is below, above, behind, before, right and left - Self is all this. He who sees, perceives, and understands this, loves the Self, delights in the Self, revels in the Self, rejoices in the Self--he becomes a Svarag, (an autocrat or self-ruler) he is lord and master in all the worlds. But those who think differently from this, live in perishable worlds, and have other beings for their rulers. 26. 1. To him who sees, perceives, and understands this, the spirit (prana) springs from the Self, hope springs from the Self, memory springs from the Self; so do ether, fire, water, appearance and disappearance, food, power, understanding, reflection, consideration, will, Mind, speech, names, sacred hymns, and sacrifices--aye, all this springs from the Self. 2. There is this verse, "He who sees this, does not see death, nor illness, nor pain; he who sees this, sees everything, and obtains everything everywhere. "He is one (before creation), he becomes three (fire, water, earth), he becomes five, he becomes seven, he becomes nine; then again he is called the eleventh, and hundred and ten and one thousand and twenty." When the intellectual aliment has been purified, the whole nature becomes purified. When the whole nature has been purified, the memory becomes firm. And when the memory (of the Highest Self) remains firm, then all the ties (which bind us to a belief in anything but the Self) are loosened.
  15. Dependent Origination

    Indeed. There is Truth and Joy (without the mental opposites of untruth and sorrow) - that springs forth - and it can never be packaged or limited by any realms of mind. Om
  16. Dependent Origination

    Not checking for train wrecks as much because they just keep rewinding and recrashing! (but admitting some residual curiousity at the sight of such) Om
  17. Dependent Origination

    Nobody can clear it up except ourself, (although granted with some key help) Besides, even the most possibly perfect doctrine requires the most possibly perfect being to understand same for themselves - for such understanding can not be bought or sold, given or taken away, it must be unfolded from within (so to speak), along with all sorts of nearly countless direct experiences. OM
  18. I hate to get all Biblical, but....

    "inherit the earth" can also be put into terms of a close enough frequency to inhabit the earth. Further, the frequency of the earth is changing and increasing even though there is also great turmoil which would seem to say otherwise. Anyway if one accepts that idea then there comes a point where some of us souls will, and some us will not have enough frequency (so to speak) to inhabit an earth that has evolved; and of course there are also other realms quicker than and slower than the earth realm for whatever frequency we have attained or un-attained. Om
  19. In some ways it does get simpler than that - no one else can give you (or take away) that which you most importantly are. A realized teacher can help their students come to know of that which is covered up, but they are not the giver nor the source of the great treasure hidden in plain sight. Thus does one revere a great un-coverer, (so to speak) of course. And what comes to be seen deep in the eye of the master is also seen as the same as that which is deep in the eye of the student. Further, the onus for uncovering is on us, yet help is given through an apparent other.
  20. Your second sentence is way off in the sense that the greatest of the non-violent normally (at some point or at some time) has the greatest amount of violence and or evil directed at them, the difference is that such violence or evil will not effect or reach their core truth of non-violence which is not "inter-dependent" upon or with any external forces for its radiance to radiate! Om
  21. The After Death Question

    The really real "now" includes the past and the future, for the past and the future only exist under the One and the One is already now. Om
  22. The After Death Question

    Well many people are not strangers to the connotation I've implied... thus there are also terms like "the rat race", "keeping up with Jones", "burned out", "meaningless", "ado", "unsustainable", etc.. thus mine was a different connotation from what it sounds like you are implying with the word world? Btw, I hear your concern about the potential misuse or misunderstanding of the earlier "dead" saying (which I'm not 100% sure about from the poster?); there are also many other saying which we need to be careful with.
  23. The After Death Question

    I think a better saying than the "dead" one would be, "to live in the world but not of it" - with "of it" partially defined as more or less being caught in trival distractions and binding or limiting habits (namely of mental, emotional or physical forms) that deplete a person. (so in that sense a person would be dead to such as being counter to their particular disciplines which do not deplete a person)