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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. The After Death Question

    Good morning MH, I have to go to work soon so only a short response for now: "Nature" is a great word... but the natural laws are not so simple in manifestation for instance, the "Ten thousand" are under are far more jumbled ways or laws than the ways or laws of the "Three" - which gave them *birth; thus in that sense the Three could be said to be super-natural in comparison. Considering that I do not use the term supernatural lightly or only in one definition to mean something like spiritual fakes out to make a buck or have influence over others with palor tricks. (which seems to be your drift?) (*paraphrase TTC 42)
  2. The After Death Question

    Righto, if I only had a dollar for every 25 cents I've spent on repairs I'd be pretty well off "We need to have our own truths so we have no inner conflicts", MH. Problemo is that if one had their own truth counter to Tao they would soon cease to exist. (paraphrase per the T.T.C., chapter 30) "See? That's basically what I have been saying". Ok if this is the case then it would seem that you would have no hard and fast rules as to what "delusion" is?
  3. The After Death Question

    because feeling good is very fleeting, besides no else's truth is enough. Om ps. For instance if or when I get my old Chevy with 178k rebuilt I'll feel good until something else on it will need work.
  4. The After Death Question

    "...Breathe deep the gathering gloom, Watch lights fade from every room. Bedsitter people look back and lament, Another day's useless energy spent. Impassioned lovers wrestle as one, Lonely man cries for love and has none. New mother picks up and suckles her son, Senior citizens wish they were young. Cold hearted orb that rules the night, Removes the colours from our sight. Red is grey and yellow white. But we decide which is right. And which is an illusion?" .
  5. The After Death Question

    Ok, but ime "dust to dust" is only indicative of permutations in flux, (or some kind of flux-capcitor dealy bob) while the "changeless" (as also mentioned at the end of TTC 52) or Spirit unto Spirit can not be known as dust to dust or as any other thing. (or duality, yet it knows itself) Om
  6. The After Death Question

    Imo being reborn or not is not the primary problem, but not being free is; notice in the Tibetan wheel there is a depiction of a Buddha in every realm yet that Buddha is still free even those realms is he not? Om
  7. The After Death Question

    Hello MH, I think the following two lines from the song have some bearing on the subject: "But we decide which is right. And which is an illusion?" Om
  8. The After Death Question

    A couple of quotes from the Tao Teh Ching: "...And he who dies but perishes not enjoys real longevity". chapter 33 "...to be heavenly is to be one with Tao; To be one with Tao is to abide forever Such a one will be safe and whole Even after the dissolution of his body." chapter 16
  9. The After Death Question

    The Day Begins --------------------------- Cold hearted orb that rules the night, Removes the colours from our sight, Red is gray and yellow white, But we decide which is right. And which is an illusion? Pinprick holes in a colourless sky, Let insipid figures of light pass by, The mighty light of ten thousand suns, Challenges infinity and is soon gone. Night time, to some a brief interlude, To others the fear of solitude. Brave Helios wake up your steads, Bring the warmth the countryside needs from the Moody Blues
  10. The After Death Question

    Death is that which dies, that which knows this does not. Om
  11. To resident Buddhists and others alike

    well Lucky you gave it a shot but the bandits shot you up... Om
  12. To resident Buddhists and others alike

    The onus is on each person. For instance: "...those who only have faith in me and affection for me will not find the final freedom. But those who have faith in the truth and are determined on the path, they will find awakening." (Majjhima Nikaya discoure)
  13. Abstractness of Tao te Ching

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.
  14. To resident Buddhists and others alike

    I like an Allan Watts kind of approach or getting along. Om
  15. Gospel of Thomas

    Btw, larger pitch and different or fancy fonts fit right in with underlining and caps.
  16. Real Masters have no motives for power or displays of power; thus the true power now has them. (and not the other way around) Om
  17. True Self

    thus you elevate yourself and patronize other ways to sound flexible which you are not.
  18. Words from some Old Coyotes

    Quotes are ok but don't count for much unless you can put them into your own words.
  19. True Self

    "the enjoying group"...? VJ, you often make all sorts of assumptions about and discount the ways of other people as being more or less ignorant and thus less than your way; apparently doing so gives you great pleasure along with something to feed on? Btw, we have several folks here that follow the ways of Zen and other Buddhist schools but for some reason they don't carry on like you do with your attempted displays of total understanding, insights, knowledge, intellect, experience and deep investigations regarding various ways, and again some of which you tirelessly try to prove as being less than your way. So yes some of us don't enjoy your profound errors nor your misuse of Buddhism which I do happen to see as having some great teachings. "May all Beings be happy" including you but not at the expense of smearing the ways of others. Om
  20. True Self

    ... if your pictures start to show you going semi-transparent towards invisble like that other guy from a while back then we will have to assume that your true self is unmanifest.
  21. True Self

    someday people will set all such "stink" aside, which is what any teachings become through hypnotic like mental repetition as demonstrated. Om
  22. True Self

  23. True Self

    ut oh... could be confusing when considering the "Hindu" related schools and sayings of, "Jiva is Siva"? Om
  24. True Self

    with photoshop who can tell?
  25. The Importance of Context

    Ok, and I didn't mean it was exactly in context either; I meant more along the lines that it can be a fine line of when to speak or not to speak and mistakes can be made either way. (such as the questioning of covering a candle) The "eye for an eye" is of lower laws in effect, can we say that the law of the jungle is trite or that it is just the law of the jungle? Btw, surely and at some point one tires of being under that law...