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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Is This The Truth About Kundalini?

    pissing contests to justify this or that interpretation stops at some point along the way... We can beat our brains out and vainly dispaly such for all to see, but that is not of wisdom or compassion. Om
  2. Is This The Truth About Kundalini?

    Any tricked-out and tripped-out harpings made about any form of spiritual vehicle being the ultimate is BS. It's that simple. (in my experience) Om
  3. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 87

    Hello Marblehead, I've heard you talk about the "manifest" often enough ... and what else is the purity of "Love" if not the highest nature made manifest and in action? For example in TTC 25: "to go on is to be far" thus with such potential made manifest. Anyway, I often hear references in your texts to that which you embrace but also seem to make sure you fully reserve the right to shy away from. But what the hell do I know? Om
  4. Red Canyon area near Utah-Wyoming border... Om
  5. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 87

    "The Deadliest Weapon There is no deadlier weapon than the will! The sharpest sword is not equal to it!" Only a total purity of love melded with wisdom and will is invincible, all other forms of will alone will fail and fall before it. Om
  6. When the many blames are reduced to one blame, to what is the one blame reduced to? (a change of words related to a Zen saying) Om
  7. some favorite spots

    Very nice folks! Arches N.P.
  8. Righto, amd then he moved on to Stargate or SG-1 and did well there getting into and out of all sorts of jams with his buddies.
  9. Opinions?

    The word "opinion" has to be better defined and or qualified, not unlike how the word "love" does.
  10. nine main siddhis?

    None of these are the point at all, only fringe benefits at best to be used for Spirit; if misused and sought for egotisical gain then they become fast rocket ships to various hells. Om
  11. Opinions?

    If we don't stand for something we can fall for anything... This world and mostly living in it is not the void - which is void of opinions. Om
  12. OK Fellow Daoists and Taoists

    ..."is this a serious post?" Of course wise one... and I think more serious than the boy/men who seriously post asking for advice about how to handle their dicks, its activity and or foreskin.
  13. OK Fellow Daoists and Taoists

    put on some Willie Nelson...
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    "So yes, I suppose that it could be said that Hitler was living naturally while he was killing those millions of Jews if he was at peace with himself while doing it". Imo not really, and not at all - for even a "Hitler" does not exist without the Tao - thus beings can only bend or go against that which is also of their own ultimate nature for so long and then, "whatever is against Tao soon ceases to be". (TTC 55) Which to me refutes any idea of Tao being democratically minded, for no separate vote or action against it can stand. Om
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    obviously we are part of Tao personified or formed, so the idea or implied sense of protecting ourselves from various forms or personifications through types of denial or rejection of same does not compute for me. Thus there are names and or personifications directly applicable all the way to the "One", while beyond that there are only alludings to with names, which still does not mean such names or alludings to are not or can not be conducive to same. Om
  16. Shamanism: Use and Misuse of Power

    Thanks for typing out that great excerpt Tao Apprentice! No one really owns the power for the power really has and works through them. Om
  17. Umm - I feel that most Buddhists (here) considerately state information from their schools and experiences. And I will defend their right to do so per my beliefs and website protocol. I happen to appreciate a great deal of the Buddhist sayings and teachings which I to have quoted from time to time, and btw I feel that many Buddhist sources or schools considerately state their teachings along the lines of the ethics spoken of in the quote. Om
  18. The quote could seem out of the blue to some. (but not to others) It could also be applied in general to various ways... whether it gets going as a topic or not remains to be seen but as a reminder it has been submitted.