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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 83

    Hi Manitou, To find the true home of Spirit or the Heart of hearts, where Spirit can rest in Spirit! Om
  2. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Btw, in reference to the particular tattvas chart (pdf file attached below) Parasiva is beyond all categories including consciousness: (pure or otherwise) dws_r8_charts-tattvas.pdf Om
  3. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 83

    This is not exctly in context but: Mt 8:20 "And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head" or: Man has no where to lay his head, until he finds his heart. Om
  4. Hello Jenn, You have brought up many points and questions! Here is a short take that I hope can help. In my understanding evil has no (separate or) inherent root... thus it can only exist as that which trys to turn and twist (or corrupt) that which starts as inherent purity. (btw, imo there are various conceptual mix-ups along these lines) Thus it takes Beings that have various levels of choice or will to twist and corrupt that which started out in purity, for if there were no beings to either follow the inherent way, or those that try to turn and twist against it based on fear or malice - then the questions and effects of good and evil would not exist. Another side of this is that the Beings who have turned and twisted that which started out as inherent purity (which is in Itself a Goodness beyond "good and evil") must untwist and unturn what which they have done (karmas) to regain their inherent freedom or remain limited or bound as I believe Manitou alluded to. In relation to what I'm trying to describe the simple saying of, "it takes good for there to be evil or vice a versa" is not a fully correct definition. Om
  5. Passion, Wisdom and Courage

    Hello MH, (although in a different context) To me that is like saying the Tao does not do it job very well; btw such measures as the author suggests just replaces one evil with another...
  6. Passion, Wisdom and Courage

    Some tough and true insights... but then the author falls hard and deep into a hell of his own making reflected in his words with: "...It is that sort of person who is beneath my contempt. The world has too many cold-hearted people. If sterilization of the unfit should be carried out as a state policy, it should begin with sterilizing the morally insensible, the artistically stale, the heavy of heart, the ruthlessly successful, the cold-heartedly determined and all those people who have lost the sense of fun in life -- rather than the insane and the victims of tuberculosis...." Lao Tzu speaks far wiser than this, as in chapter 74: "...Is not the Great Executor always there to kill? To do the killing for the Great Executor Is to chop wood for a master carpenter, And you would be lucky indeed if you did not hurt your own hand!"
  7. And sometimes Love is like an incandescent, white hot torch of far greater intensity and power than that of a sun, which can instantly vaporize those that would manipulate such purity. (for selfish designs) Thus option one: something has to give and it won't be that truth. Option two and beyond: covered by option one. Om
  8. Quan Yin didn't go anywhere as some nebulous energy pattern... and if we happen to be deaf, dumb and blind to the other side(s), that still doesn't mean that She and other goddess's and god type beings don't exist and are not helping us! (with help being the key word thus not forcing goodness which is not good at all) Om
  9. Evil gets away with nothing in the end... for those that feed the beast become the meal and in the end this beast then only has itself to feed upon and is undone through self-destruction. "Non-dualism" is nice. In the meantime there is a massive bloody spiritual war going on. "Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight"! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqjET1cBjXM&feature=related
  10. Emptiness and Thought Observation

    Imo you do a fine job of representation of your path and of yourself Xabir. And VJ. if you happen to be reading this I suggest you try shutting up before you get started. Why, because 90% of the time you come across as an obsessive, know it all Holy Roller. (and seldom does it matter to you what anyone else has to share or how they feel as long as you can spout on and on about dependent origination as if you were teaching and correcting us on such, which obviously feeds into our super-size me ego trip! Om
  11. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    A skip in the recording, over and over again.... that is deaf to itself.
  12. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Heck with it, the Buddha is a great teacher for Buddhists and also has good points for those of other paths to consider.... BUT just "give me that old time religion": Yuan-shih T'ien-tsun -- The First Principal "He has no beginning and no end. He existed "before the void and the silence, before primordial chaos." He is self-existing, changeless, limitless, invisible, contains all virtues, is present in all places and is the source of all truth". Om
  13. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    "...Nagarjuna accepts no blame for those who make emptiness itself their obsession. And but two verses before this we find the famous monitum: "A wrongly perceived emptiness ruins a person of meager intelligence. It is like a snake that is wrongly grasped or knowledge that is wrongly cultivated..." (and or unperceived ) good luck folks, have at it ...
  14. "Given to the dying"

    Call the kind monk Thich Nhat Hanh about it. Om
  15. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Anyway, forcing from either party is missing the mark. "...If you do not strive with others, You will be free from blame". from the TTC, Chapter 8) Om
  16. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    The four-fold negation is a basic and key premise commonly accepted to be from the Buddha and imo it refutes certain forms of Buddhism that have come up with all sorts of teachings counter to it. Also, what you say implies that the Buddha had no more need to say or do anything...(after enlightenment) yet He spoke and taught of the four-fold negation - a fact which can't be glossed over or made moot, for if it could then any "basic premise" of Buddhism could be, including whatever you allude to. Om
  17. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Excerpts from TTC chapter 25 that imo allude to the Mystery: "And yet It contains within Itself a core of Vitality. The core of vitality is very real, It contains within Itself an unfailing Sincerity... How do I know the ways of all things at the Beginning? By what is within me". Om
  18. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Words said to be quoted from the Buddha: "I, Vaccha, am not of this view: "The Tathagata is after dying." I, Vaccha, am not of this view: "The Tathagata is not after dying." I, Vaccha, am not of this view: "The Tathagata both is and is not after dying." I, Vaccha, am not of this view: "The Tathagata neither is nor is not after dying."" Frankly, if the teaching above is accepted as truly Buddhist, then it refutes certain schools that claim the name Buddhist since their teachings are counter to this. No offence meant but obviously various types of Buddhists do not agree among themselves concerning all doctrines; similar to what happens with most or all spiritual teachings of any kind on this planet... thus imo any kind of vehicle must be let go of at some point. Om
  19. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Simple Jack is not so simple...
  20. The Way of the Warrior

    Hello Stig, That sounds along the same lines. I meant something like seeing and understanding all the pieces of a multi-dimensional problem nearly instantaneously instead of being stuck with only a slow and tedious process of problem solving for same. (which can still be used up to a point) In other words 3d can easily and quickly see 2d, but 2d is always stuck with the powers of 2d and can never really see 3d. (and also extrapolate that idea out) 3Bob
  21. The Way of the Warrior

    Hello Stig, That is a fine post covering a great deal of ground!! I would touch on just one point for now where you say, "The final point I would like to make for now though is that, through the process of liberating our perception, the Warrior is able to "See". By this I mean that the Warrior's perception is perfectly in sync with the forces of the world around them" I feel that the last sentence in this paragraph could use some clairification? That is in the sense that the spiritual warrior is in sync with the root of all forces, thus can see into (and or intuit) all of the forces arising there-from, including those of the "world". Om
  22. From Matthew 6, 22

    From Matthew 6, 22: 22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! 24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. 25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? 26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? 27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? 28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? 31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. -------
  23. The Way of the Warrior

    Hehehe, I have no problems with that which was mentioned in my previous post... (which a partial quote changes the connotation of, ) but I often have all the other common, A-Z type of problems that a human being has to work on. "But yes, the Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. But we still try to describe some of its characteristics" by MH, and agreed here. Om
  24. The Way of the Warrior

    I have no problem with the saying of "Tao follows its own ways" (of Tao). Which is not unlike a saying of, Spirit unto Spirit. I have no problem with saying creator or creation as alluded to in chapter 1 of the TTC in the words of, "As the Mother of all things it is nameable" - with the understanding that that first name can not "really" be put into a box and then be dissected by intellect. Thus negations or affirmations made by intellect are equally lacking regarding that which it can not really encompass even with the name of "Mother". (btw, this is more so when it comes to that which can not be named as also mentioned in chapter 1, "As the origin of heaven-and-earth, it is nameless". Further, I have no problem with the "nameless" and unknowable by intellect as being the most "natural process" which can not really be understood by anyone or anything except by itself, as in the: "Tao follows its own ways". - Lastly, until a warrior surrenders to that they can be defeated. Om