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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. The Way of the Warrior

    Well the simple translation I have says, "Tao follows it own ways" thus where is there a trouble with "tzujan" or of such a spontaneous following of its own ways? As you've read and studied in Chapter 42, "Tao gave birth to One", and that is a biggy!!
  2. The Way of the Warrior

    Hello Marblehead, (my responses in blue text) "I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I share no connection or commonality with Hitler or that guy who raped and mudered the 11 year old girl. No, No! All forms are ultimately under the One; such as the forms that are tagged with the terms and meanings of good and evil... But the One is under the Mystery of Tao. Jesus and Buddha are dead and they both returned to the Source. (I just had to say that. Hehehe.) I will agree that the Life Force (Chi) was in all of us and is in all of us while we are alive. Beyond that I am unable to even form an opinion. hehehe, opinions and beliefs are at best like vehicles, no need for us to wreck into each other. You cannot prove that the spirit of the person continues to exist and I cannot prove that it doesn't. That is one of those "I don't know." things. Agreed as far as physical proof goes, although one can only find this out through experience. "Level of observation" is tricky. Yes, everything is stardust. Thats the way the universe works. But they are individual specks of dust. A tree is still a tree even if you say the tree is part of the forest. Without the individual trees there would be no forest". Without the Tao there is not the "One", but without the One the Tao still Is. Om
  3. The Way of the Warrior

    The manifest is not separate, spirit does not die, and what is in Jesus or Buddha is also in all of us. "level of observation" is all encompassing for the Tao. Om
  4. The Way of the Warrior

    What others? Separate others to the spiritual warrior are only apparent, thus there really are no others. (which co-insides with "there is no place for death in him" for the veils to the lifeforce when removed do not see separate others or death...)
  5. The Way of the Warrior

    Depends on the culture and school. (for instance such as the historic Buddha, Master Jesus, in many forms of Hindusism, etc.) Om
  6. The Way of the Warrior

    a "warrior" is also a proper beggar or knows how to beg properly without ado. Om
  7. Atma Shatakam

    Siva is bigger than Shankara school. Om
  8. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 79

    Hi MH, Animals suffer to, hopefully we can be good stewards of the ecosystems that they and we to need. (obviously a cougar is not as complicated as human being) Anyway, it sounds like you are saying that it is better to be an agnostic than to make things up, and or to never question one's beliefs that can be like programming, if so I fully agree. Thus first hand personal experience is key, even though others may be of loving help and guidance one still must find out for themselves by making the journey(s) of life. Most of the creation stories (including that alluded to in the TTC) have grains of truth imo. Although a reading of between the lines is often required. Further, a person can more or less personally verify the import of various creation stories by returning to (or visiting so to speak) the "One". Btw, the One is the gate to no-thing but let's face it - for most of us that is getting light-years ahead of the game considering we are bumping and crashing around at fulfilling our human dharmas along with working on tons of karma! Lastly, any of the grand things we mentate about in regards to no-thing vanish on impact with no-thing! (as a figure of speech) Om
  9. The Way of the Warrior

    A "warrior" can have the will to surrender their will. (to the greater power) Thus its not exactly that a warrior has or owns the power for themselves but that the power and truth has them. Also a saying from chapter 13 of the TTC: "...Hence, only he who is willing to give his body for the sake of the world is fit to be entrusted with the world. Only he who can do it with love is worthy of being the steward of the world. Om
  10. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 79

    One definition of supernatural that I use is simply a higher energy or law that can supersede a lesser energy or law... for comparitive instance energenic healing could be called supernatural when it supersedes an incomplete healing from use of over the counter drugs. One could keep extrapolating that example/idea back to the "ancient beginning". Thus in such a sense its all natural including the unameable Tao that can never be encompassed by limited yet also natural permutations. Om
  11. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 79

    Also hehehe here, since pure-unconditioned, undying "supernatural" energy is also material in a sense; just not in the sense of being stuck in identification with a particular but changing form or "straw dog". Thus the Lifeforce plays no favorites to particular forms although nutures all like a good mother/father. Om
  12. Bashar vs. The Buddha

    Buddha: (in my understanding) there is awakening from relative suffering... Om
  13. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 79

    (spinning off your post) "...are outward flowing..." MH YES, and further yet when that force (with compassion and its sisters being closely related aspects of same) does not waver or weaken in flow in a Being who maintains (or effectively is) in deep connection with the Source of same - then: "...there is no room for Death in him" LT (and I'd add not just philosophically but also litterally) Chapter 50 "...It is said that he who knows well how to live meets no tigers or wild buffaloes on his road, and comes out from the battle-ground untouched by the weapons of war. For, in him, a buffalo would find no butt for his horns, a tiger nothing to lay his claws upon, and a weapon of war no place to admit its point. How is this? Because there is no room for Death in him". Eureka! Om
  14. The Way of the Warrior

    This is how it often goes at websites, and similar or far worse internal conflicts can also be expected among members of military institutions. (excepting that open debate or arguments with those of higher rank are seldom or never tolerated in certain situations; hello brig goodbye off-duty)
  15. The Way of the Warrior

    And how weak a warrior would be without such tests, without such battles... thus such forces as these are exactly what is needed to utterly prove beyond any doubt those that would serve and be fully entrusted with the purity of the Life-force! Om
  16. The Way of the Warrior

    Great Rumi quote, and thank you also onlyindreams
  17. The Way of the Warrior

    Answers will be attracted to and gather in response to burning questions. (thus sayings along the lines of, "the right question is half the answer".) "How can one invoke that energy, that mindset in every day living?" A particular form or being may be invoked but the life-force itself needs no invoking; for example the air we breathe needs no invoking per-se. (with the life-force being quintessentially more important and of greater need than even air) Many mixed voices roar for attention... yet the one still, small and vital voice when heard speaks louder and truer than all of them. Listen and respond, for she guides you with the power, goodness and truth of the life force, for without that any warrior will miss the mark. Om
  18. The Way of the Warrior

    Ok, the evolution of that saying could become something like, "we have met our friend and he is us" or "we have met the life force and it is us". Thus the first saying (related to the enemy) is made in context to that level of reality - which does not cover the whole kit and ca-boodle by a long shot. (no pun intended ;-) Borrowing from a form of Christain saying: If one is rooted in the Tao of whom shall they fear? Om
  19. Temporary vs. Permanent Kundalini

    Think of three octaves; when K results in permanetly moving the state of a human being up a whole octave (so to speak) then that person has effectively become somewhat like a heavenly deva although with a physical body. Om
  20. The Way of the Warrior

    Better to know one's personal dharmas/ways... and thus naturally be a gardener or a soldier or a householder or a monk, etc., etc. accordingly. (all which can be warriors in their own way) Om
  21. The Way of the Warrior

    That is an ages old question that so many have deeply wrestled with... what do the teachings of Aikido (or perhaps Judo) say to you in regards to it? "...what is required then? doing? not doing? undoing?" It seems all three would be- at the right time and place balanced with the help from a humble, empowered and fearless master. Om
  22. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 79

    Thanks the feedback MH. ;-)