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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Bashar vs. The Buddha

    Very nicely said CowTao. But my point was that "Buddha nature" is not forged or made through all of these practices; it is already complete beyond the potential of seed type analogies thus we as that true identity are already complete, which is the awakening that the historic Buddha had and unveiled from that pov - instead of from the often common pov of the veiled mentating about some future enlightenment that can never take place since enlightenment is only and forever now. (mental practices can only clear mental veils which is their purpose) Om Om
  2. The Way of the Warrior

    The wars against American Indians were based on grand lies, and not just something that took place along with the minor imperfections of a government. After study of that and other examples in detail and then we may begin to understand the saying, "we have met the enemy and he is us". A true spiritual warrior does not create an enemy, nor more madness and suffering. Om
  3. The Way of the Warrior

    If the Tao could be murdered the "enemy" would have done so long ago; thus the rootless can not prevail against the rooted. The saying, "We have met the enemy and he us" applies to whom? If there is really only one of us that is in all of us, what can be killed and what can not?
  4. Bashar vs. The Buddha

    VJ, What Buddhism or what the Buddha said is inherently debateable for eternity. more so when dealing with an expert like yourself.
  5. Bashar vs. The Buddha

    Hi Cowtao, Nice reply earlier. I assume you meant everyone is a Buddha, it just takes practice to unveil such? Om
  6. The Way of the Warrior

    some fine quotes... If I remember correctly the "fourth way" is also alluded to as the way of the "sly man". Death is not an easy nut to crack but it to dies. Aikido, wonderful teachings there! Om p.s. You can edit the title note from the "fifth" to the fourth by using the full editor, but no biggy really.
  7. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 79

    MH, I can relate to a lot of what you are saying above. I'm not exactly young, having two daughters in their mid-twenties and I got married late. Spending so much of my time making a living (and everything that goes with maintaining a middle class standard of living) feels like it has half killed me at times... but that is pretty much how a high percentage (billions) of the worlds population gets by in this day and age and many without reaching middle class finaces related to decent homes, health care, food on the table, putting the kids through college, and at least some ability to enjoy retirement in old age, etc.. None-the-less, the time-less-ness of enlightenment/love is not over-rated for it is the only thing that makes lasting sense along with making the grind and or the "good fight" worth it to me. Good day, Om
  8. Ok, that was better explained. (btw, which is partly why the very difficult and high level teaching of "love thine enemy" is included) Om
  9. Jetsun, Pegging along with the term, "Christian brain washing", how unhealthy and misunderstood of you... Om
  10. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 79

    Hello MH, I meant in the sense of the Plato's parable of the cave... or why leave a cave of relative and known safety for an unknown and seemingly unsafe outside?
  11. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 79

    Why let go of doubts if they feel safe? (rhetorically speaking)
  12. Bashar vs. The Buddha

    Imo that was a demonstration of low-level astral indulgence along with exposing kids to same, what a shame. Any heavenly being that is truly working with and for the divine (way) does not have the need to "channel"; thus if there is a true spiritual need and sincere purity of heart on our part they can make direct, helpful and spiritually up-lifting contact without the use of a flim-flam man. Thinking obviously has it place and uses, for without it we are like a leaf in the wind that is blown about by every type of influence that comes along... There is one true desire and the fulfillment of it, without that all is more or less the "vanity of vanities". Reading all of the countless and very often conflicting interpretations and commentaries of the Buddhas words can and likely will blow your mind!! (which for me is also about par-for-course with all of the major and minor religions being taught on earth) None-the-less many truths abound and can be found, both within and without. Best wishes in your search. Om
  13. Well, it sounds to me like you don't understand the quote; which in my interpretation doesn't get stuck in these astral realms you are describing, and thus alludes to seeing, working and being masterly involved in all realms as needed in multiple ways, which is far beyond just or only a "one pointedness" type of goal which of course also has its place. Btw, the Buddhist terms you are using to paint over what could be called the Hindu interpretations don't match up. Another thing that does not compute to me (and perhaps some others here?) about your posts is your easy mixing of Buddhism with astral stuff, which the historic Buddha and many modern day Buddhists don't go on about although I do understand that aspects of astral stuff is in the cultures where Buddhism has spread with resulting adaptations of parts of same being incorprated into various forms of Buddhism. Good evening Om
  14. I feel that multi-tasking is possible, for example and as described below: "...All of the states of turya from nijananda to cidananda comprise the various phases of nimilana samadhi. Nimilana samadhi is internal subjective samadhi. In your moving through these six states of turya, this samadhi becomes ever more firm. With the occurrence of krama mudra, nimilana samadhi is transformed into unmilana samadhi, which then becomes predominant. This is that state of extraverted samadhi, where you experience the state of samadhi at the same time you are experiencing the objective world. And when unmilana samadhi becomes fixed and permanent, this is the state of jagadananda" From Swami Lakshmanjoo Brahmachari Om
  15. Dipper Mother There is a time for great help; and there is also a time to stand resolute with the power of truth at the core of your own being. Om
  16. Practice here and now

    Agreed in the sense that we can not carry systems and schools where they they can not be taken.
  17. The term "spirit world" is so undefined in the sense that there are so many categories. Further, to know oneself as an atom (so to speak) of free Spirit is not of a "world" per-se but of an Ocean without measure! Om
  18. I'm not sure how to reply to this post but I do have a picture related to your last sentence... masks.bmp
  19. talking to people

    Even so called useless chit-chat can be used to lighten-up the day if a good vibe is inserted with a "pass it on type" of intention. Forms of boredom also tend to happen when we extend forward or back in time to something we think is more important, instead of being in the moment where the most freeing power is at hand. Om
  20. Taomeow, Dozens of other top 40 songs could also be taken as Koan-ish... (besides the salt subject) The way you expressed yourself earlier made it sound like this was a very serious and intensely burning issue to you, and then your come back is "Margaritaville"?? (for a laugh?)
  21. Practice here and now

    Ok, wow for you but not for me. Agreed. And any time full realization/actualization of the unnameable and unencompassable is limited to just two schools within just two of the ways Buddhism and Taoism then I'll just let those go. Om
  22. so is non-dualism big enough to contain a "lie" of dualism, or is dualism not really a lie? Om
  23. Totally frustrated

    Maybe take a look at karma yoga, such is ultimately non-selfish action in action. Btw, without Shakti many forms of meditation can easily leave one as you are describing. Om