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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. ...and who's fault is all of that Taomeow?
  2. Practice here and now

    The first post as presented here is long. I suggest one full page to start with and then a link to the rest. The following line is "romantic" to me, "There is no mind...only spirit, just look at the eyes of any newborn and you will only see a spirit. No mind". DC Mind mastered is used as an important working tool of Spirit. A childs mind starts as a clean slate but not as mastered mind, thus one sees that openess and its potential for the working of spirit. Om
  3. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    (Is a dead horse still being beaten? Then again one man's dead horse is another man's treasure)
  4. Hello Cowtao, My take in reflection to your post: Love does not abandon hope, The Buddha does not abandon the first jhana, And enlightenment does not abandon its nature as joy. Om
  5. Taomeow, Yes, beautiful and very well said! --------------------------- She is moving so very fast that she is standing still everywhere at once. Om
  6. Mel, Then why copy my comment on his post as an aside, when you could have just recopied the same post that I did and then give your opinion to Dwag straight away on its content... It is not impossible to say something like, "Bob I don't agree with your comment or pov" or just ignore me which I think would more spiritual of you compared to bouncing stuff off of other people to convey such disagreement. Bob Om
  7. Thanks Sean, That was neat and my wife will realy dig it to. Om
  8. Dawg, Where did you get this stuff, a lot of it is off?
  9. hmm... regardless of the form of Buddhism the words of the Buddha as handed down speak of the great possibilities that a huamn being has!! (that obviously have bodies) Thus I don't buy into certain generalizations or only one aspect or one bit of information along these lines. Om
  10. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    "...A "real" teaching can be just as "real/fake" as a "fake" teaching. A practice that "hurts" you can be just as "effective/ineffective" as a practice that "helps" you..." by SZ I feel that is wrong. For instance real food can nourish, while food that looks the same but is more or less "fake" does not nourish nearly the same.
  11. Hello Kate, You are welcome for the quote. The book I mentioned (found at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0486297012/sr=8-1/qid=1287508541/ref=dp_proddesc_1?ie=UTF8&n=283155&qid=1287508541&sr=8-1 ) has some interesting and also some far-out concepts pointing to what same can not really encompass; (especially considering the book was mostly done in the early 1900's) and at this time I'm not really up to making studied comments in the context of those "fiddlings" by Peter Ouspensky, which he partly did before going into his work related to the "4th way" - which imo has all sorts of heavy duty pros and cons! (or truths and also permutations into cults) The mention of "ancestors" refers back to some cryptic like verses in the Bible. Good fortune, 3Bob
  12. Kate, A quote that may be related - in case you are interested? "In the conditions of three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time, plurality of existence is impossible. But under the conditions of six-dimensional space-time it is quite natural, because in it "every point of time touches every point of space" and "everything is everywhere and always". In the space-time represented by two intersecting triangles there is nothing strange or impossible in the plurality of existence. And even an approach to these conditions creates for a man the possibility to "go the way of all the earth", to "be gathered to his fathers", which enables him to influence his ancestors or their contemporaries, gradually to change and to make more favorable the conditions of his birth and gradually to surround himself with people who also "remember"" Excerpt from, "New Model of the Universe" early 1900's. Solomons seal
  13. Yes, no doubt about it, such can and does happen. But the reasons and needs between you have to be strong and so does the Master who has passed over. Good luck
  14. Overdosing on TTB

    Blasto, Best of wishes in whatever you do or wherever you may go. Sorry we never got to know each other better, but maybe someday? Something to consider during your travels: From Navajo Myths, Prayers and Songs "In the house of long life there I wander, In the house of happiness there I wander. Beauty before me, with it I wander. Beauty behind me, with it I wander. Beauty below me, with it I wander. Beauty above me, with it I wander. Beauty all around me, wtih it I wander. In old age traveling, with it I wander. On the beautiful trail I am, with it I wander." Dawn Boy's song on entering white house...
  15. Gold Dragon Body Photos

    Even if somehow the pictures were real that really is not the main point to me. (since the whole universe also dissappears) It is the motives along with a very serious need and reason for such a transformation to be displayed in public. (and is there such here (?) I don't see it) Thus and for instance picures of people being helped, healed, relieved of other types of suffering and connecting with dharma are far more important than such far-out dispalys that can tempt a mind for power. Om
  16. Politically Correct BS

    Surely you have watched speechs given by A. Hitler and the like? Not much to much to analyze about while you and millions of others fight or run from being murdered. So imo it is not a matter of hate being allowed to exist, but cases of it being countered, or returned to the sender in ways that will hopefully bring about reason. Om
  17. Politically Correct BS

    "True, sometimes we don't like the way the lessons are presented but that's life".
  18. Write the word game

    find a good rest stop...
  19. The Light on Vedanta

    Paul, It does blow me away sometimes that information like that coming from Jane Stork (and other eye-witness accounts) is often minimized or not even looked at! I understand the ideas and generalizations about how we can also learn from troubles or contrasts, but such is not a good reason to give in to, fall under, or go silent regarding such influences; in other words experience from being in a fender bender (and sharing that) would hopefully prevent one (and others) from becoming a fatality in a head-on crash down the the road. Om
  20. The Light on Vedanta

    Ok Dwai, Like I said earlier and will say again I did go to far with some of my stereo-types directed at you and I'm sorry. I do know about getting shocked out of the ruts of what I would call mundane outlooks... and the right hand path can easily do such beyond what the mind can imagine! (through compassion) Om, Jai Sat Guru
  21. Politically Correct BS

    Mel, If it me that you keep alluding to (considering some of our very brief past posts) Then imo you need to get off your "poor me", and hounded victim charade and speak your beefs to me directly instead of what I'm hearing as your continued back stabbing and infantile attempts at druming up factional support for same by bouncing strangely sick and under-handed attacks about me off of other people. Otherwise I will respond as my right as long as you continue such. Bob
  22. Politically Correct BS

    Saying that is nuts...
  23. Politically Correct BS

    Ok Stig, well quoted.
  24. Politically Correct BS

    Ralis, I meant words filled with hate and vemon, not physical hate crimes per-se. (although such can also cause damages) So it's no surprize my misuse of the term was taken other than what I meant. Om