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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Law Wheel

    Diplomatic Craig, but your words: "...Falun gong has "real" qigong techniques" imo should be changed to: Falun has stolen parts of "real" qigong techniques. Om
  2. Asking a girl out at yoga class....

    Thelittlemouse, "Yeah, I really tend to do that to myself a lot... I don't know where it comes from but it is something I need to figure out, not just with women though with people in general to and it is a very limiting thing" We all do it to greater or lesser degrees - so don't beat yourself up about it, just try to catch it when it starts to take place. Suggestion: try to remember that the Spirit that is in you is also in all of the forms walking around - such is our greatest common denominator. Om
  3. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 74

    the water (as an analogy) is standing still because it is moving so fast that it has never left, while the bridge is moving because it is to slow and can't catch up and stand still. lol, my interpretation anyway
  4. hook, line and sinker? (this is an audio) http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/kpfa-guns-and-butter-falun-gong-audio-1-6/93ca44c051ba321d801093ca44c051ba321d8010-204137693858?q=Falun%20Gong%20Cult out of the blue in 1992
  5. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 74

    Hey MH, I think you have often done this in many ways at this site Om
  6. Asking a girl out at yoga class....

    well since everyone is being so "nice" to you here is something different: "but for lack of women who aren't completely wrapped up in this illusion.... I seem to attract women who aren't on a path other than the American one.... Maybe that is what I need though, someone not into this stuff so i can stay a little more grounded...." the above is a stupid projection you are blinding yourself with... Om
  7. Chi into Shen

    will is converted when it willingly surrenders itself... Om
  8. Any paths that lead away from the secret hidden openly in your heart of hearts are side paths; for example -not even in the highest heaven is there complete satisfaction. Om
  9. K. Gibran

    By K. Gibran On Self-Knowledge And a man said, "Speak to us of Self-Knowledge." And he answered, saying: Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights. But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge. You would know in words that which you have always know in thought. You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams. And it is well you should. The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea; And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes. But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure; And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line. For self is a sea boundless and measureless. Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth." Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path." For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.
  10. K. Gibran

    top of the morning to all Om
  11. first there is a mountain then there is no mountain...then there is Om
  12. Levitation

    "Oh, I floated around the meditation room called "mahashunya" on the bottom of "shree muktanada ashram" in "anugraha" during meditation while a person looked at me with bugged out eyes as I lifted my body to the rooftop. Or rather the energy of kundalini, the light of awareness levitated that possibility through my body. This was about 14 years ago. It was an interesting time in my life of many manifestations of the extra-perceptual, extra-energetic, extra-physical realities occurring through this body. This is probably why I'm considered quite odd in my expressions in a way that challenges the merely 3 dimensionally experienced individuals..." from VJ With enough hot air any big ass can float
  13. Dream Police

    You wear your heart on your sleeve... but I also suggest as Jesus said, be "as wise as a serpent". Btw, I think it fair to say that many here do not believe in the Christian meaning of God or Jesus, although many here will still show you a certain respect. No need to tell us or others you are an empath or whatever else along such lines, just be and keep to spiritual foundations; for in that way any light that needs to shine will shine- and not by our hand but by a greater hand reaching through us. Om
  14. Advice in 20 characters or less

    when you fall get back up
  15. Laozi and the magic square

    And how shall he or anyone else go on and return? Write a thousand volumes, give speechs, become a famous Master, gain a great name and following, even become an immortal? ...such are names, thus to really go on is to dissolve names and everything a name encompasses; and who of us is daring and faithful enough and really ready to choose and also be chosen for that? I don't claim to be such, but such sometimes reveal without the use of names. Om
  16. Laozi and the magic square

    The One is "real" enough until it to disappears. Or there is a saying that goes something like: "when the many have been reduced to the one, to what shall the one be reduced? Om
  17. Does cultivation ever stop?

    does change ever stop... only for that which remains unchanged. does the process of taking in energy ever completely reverse... only for those who have attained to completely giving out energy. (out of no-thing)
  18. this is kinda of out of context but "mind" is not unlimited per-se, for it is limited to mind itself - which it can go around and around in for an unlimited number of times and ways but never beyond itself. Om
  19. So it is: Alan Watts

    He served as a very good bridge between east and west! Om
  20. Fallen Angels

    You are welcome Melanie. and thanks for the kind words. I'd add in a different context that in the seeming beginning, middle and end we are just Spirits - and unto Spirit, all of the countless rest of things can be ways to help make such conscious and also free of anything less; yet the creation is still for en-joy-ment... "Behold I make all things new" Jesus Om
  21. Fallen Angels

    Hi Melanie, "I will keep at my prayers, and trying to live the best life I can"; righto and well said, such is the main thing that all of the truly spiritual teachings point to. (such as the "Sermon on the Mount" by Jesus) What I or anyone else does or does not believe in, or know or not know are very secondary to your own proofs. Surely you understand from being in the world that there are forces that are for the general good and welfare of all beings, and that there is also their opposite. Btw, many of us human beings are more or less in the middle somewhere. Suggestion: carefully test any spirit in physical or non physical form - for such are not always what they may seem, thus do not put yourself in harms way. Bob Om
  22. Fallen Angels

    Dabbling around can get you (and perhaps your loved ones) into lots of trouble. (demons are not in "the middle" although the more dangerous ones may pose to be such) Om
  23. A quote to ponder on

    your words or a quote?