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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. umm, if a householder is never home (as I stated and implied) with family then their heart condition does not matter to that family... for they are no longer or really a family.
  2. umm, there is no "of course" per such a contradiction in mixed pursuits and the serious scattering of forces for either a householder or a renunciate. Btw. the scattering of forces can be put in other context besides those in the last couple of posts, say that of a business person who really should not be married or have kids if they are never home and basically neglect their family to the point of it not being a family thus its members suffer, even to the point of very personal forms destruction on various levels
  3. umm, several thousands of years of certain lineages and their lineage holders also see this differently Steve. (and I believe you know that) Btw. householders normally give major support to help monks and nuns with their basic physical needs not the other way around...that is an obvious and accepted practice while the monks, nuns and head of an order attend to their monastery, temples, shrines, religious services, retreats, teachings, and thus basic withdrawal from the world, etc... Btw. #2. such is not a defeatist attitude towards such traditions but a tried and true way for them, while eclectic New Age types sometime show disdain for such established ways because they are so hip spiritually - and can learn, know and even teach advanced practices just by buying some books down at the local Barnes and Noble store along with getting a few crystals and maybe a deck of Tarot cards. (and maybe some mixed info at a website like Dao Bums) Again, what I'm trying to say is one can not really live the life and do the practices of both a renunciate and a householder at the same time and do either dharma practice well. (Btw#3, do you believe a good husband and father who is their for his family as much as possible besides meeting the 9-5 grind can also travel constantly and work endlessly in relation to outside family pursuits and also fulfill householder dharma?)
  4. speaking of family, one does not hear of many "spiritual gurus" having a spouse, kids and a grinding nine to five job in the world; most are renunciates doing what renunciates do, as in renouncing the "world" and most of its goings on, thus they need the support of their religion or fellow group of renunciates to live that type of life. Btw, I'd say many of the discussions at this site are quoting and advocating methods that are for renunciates (monks or nuns if youwill) which are not applicable or are even counter-productive for house-holders and its type of dharma. (for one can't live both ways although one could transition from one to the other)
  5. there is no lasting freedom unless we work out and resolve karmas, we can walk around all day long saying, "awakening, enlightenment, nirvana, oneness, Self-realization, the Buddha said this, and so and so said that, etc.. but without the work and Grace such is just mostly concepts. (although that is a start and does have a place)
  6. it also has results as a teacher that is exacting and relentless, also making preparation for moving on or repeating if a lesson was not learned so we should own our way through it. Btw. spotless do you talk like that when you get together with family and friends - holy cow man that sounds like a lot of overhead!?
  7. my experience says otherwise, granted it's result is not mass that can be weighed in any normal way but it does coat-up and move with one so to speak per earned results, thus it's like weight on soul...sometimes we can go all transcendent/cryptic/above it all mystic (until the cows come home) but that is often like another form of vanity that doesn't help anyone much. (except maybe conceptually)
  8. karma has mass and movement because of and related to said mass, sounds opposite of your stillness...
  9. if MH doesn't have to check his dictionary I do...although not his
  10. a drop is finished when goes into the ocean, btw. does the ocean rule itself yet it is not in need of rules
  11. Reality vs. Unreality

    how could you or I have a "my reality" - which sounds separate...with even such sounding not being real.
  12. Reality vs. Unreality

    may all the days of your chair be ergonomic, and give comfort during times of coffee.
  13. Reality vs. Unreality

    not really factors since only Brahman exists, and nothing happens.
  14. so how much time do we have to get all of this straight and in place, and what happens if we only get part of it but not the rest, and is anybody worried if they don't? Btw. is the Tao worried about any of this in any way...
  15. a problem (perhaps) for some here is seeing the student as an illusion instead of as an evolving soul. Sure - the Self does not evolve (which is pointed out) but the soul/matrix for the Self does evolve and every influx of awakening truth furthers such evolution. So one might ask what is spotless poking around at - can the soul ever find or know its place with this transcendent Self or is it just a collection of illusions that is not able to Be and never was or will Be? Or does it reach peace in knowing the Soul of it's soul and carry on evolving fully to an unbreakable, never really broken connection of satchidananda, its natural state?
  16. Reality vs. Unreality

    substantiation or un-substantiation is in the eye of the beholder - obviously. (or if one prefers in the eye of the eye of the beholder)
  17. Reality vs. Unreality

    I still take your school of thought as a kind of two stepping denial even if you take it as the ultimate truth and also seemingly trying to force same upon me or maybe anyone else that doesn't get it.. you might ask yourself why the hell that is happening since you are so smart? Anyway, we can have our schools and eat them too as long as we don't try to force anybody else to.
  18. Reality vs. Unreality

    again, "The bald truth, the final truth, is ‘No world has ever been created’" this is not in the Chandogya upanishad (or Vedas) but if you or your school somehow choose to interpret it that way then it is on your heads. (with "created" in this context being more or less synonymous with emanated) Btw. not many Hindus deny the aspects of Lord Siva as the Lord of Dance or creation (including preservation and destruction) if one will...
  19. which could mean there is an Eve to go with Steve, although that is none of our business,
  20. Reality vs. Unreality

    the term "creation" was supplemented in my reply with "emanated" and "springs forth" which are better pointers imo, surely you noticed same. (?) Anyway, my point is that there are all sorts of quasi-Hindu teachings, that granted I'm no expert on, yet if those teachings deny Vedic truths then they fall some where outside of Sanatana Dharma no matter how neat they may sound or who they may come from, and if they turn your crank then good for you. (another example is a Hare Krishna group with a guru that openly denied the Vedas)
  21. Reality vs. Unreality

    umm, I did not bold the quote from your text submission, I quoted it with quotation marks so maybe we are not on the same page? Btw. you are sounding kind of coy to me? Anyway, this is not rocket science namely creation, preservation, destruction, veiling and unveiling grace - (which happens... )
  22. the most pure is the most simple, and the most simple is the most pure, thus the mind of cunning is turned upside down and inside out. (which has nothing to do with simple mindedness)
  23. Reality vs. Unreality

    ok we agree, break time, hurah...
  24. Reality vs. Unreality

    it's time for coffee isn't it? (mine is from yesterday which doesn't really exit but it still good enough anyway)
  25. Reality vs. Unreality

    you are also pretty fast moving around on the board or at the website, thus you "go far and also return"