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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Shaktipat

    a different line but I believe related: Genesis 4, 8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. 9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? . .
  2. The Tao still exists even if we don't see it.
  3. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Loving kindness and compassion doesn't carry on and on about "capacity", for if it did it would be something else and weaker. from 3bob
  4. How could the Zen Master ever stop twisting his nose if the ducks never flew away...?
  5. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    VJ, We can not force prove anything to another and the more we try the deeper the ditch we dig. Proverbs 26: 27, "Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him" Om
  6. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Ok, To me it's kinda of incredible when many of those who have never studied "Hinduism" lump it all together under a few stereo-types... when it more or less ranges from A-Z, (sorry I don't know much sanskrit) and even after hundreds of years of study one probably wouldn't know much about its vastness!! Om
  7. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Dwai, Thanks for sharing the lovely quote. Btw, "(Satchidananda is Parasiva)" may be so to the school or schools you are involved with, but not so to Saiva Siddanta school. Om
  8. Shaktipat

    A -swami- by ages old definition has taken very, very serious vows, one being no sexual involvement with women, period. There are all sorts of people who may be this or that type of (quasi) yogi but they are not Vedic related swamis in the traditional sense or meaning. There are many examples of spiritual sounding types that may have started out meaning well but who went bad or were turned through corrupt uses of power, so the answer is 100% no, power is not sufficient to be spiritual. As for naming names one really has to do their own research, although in some cases the evidence along such lines is so obvious with documented accounts given by multiple eye-witness's that it can't be glossed over or denied, thus becoming public knowledge. "Osho" is a name that falls under that category. (a.k.a. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Oregon in the 1980's) Btw, public knowledge is often soon forgotten. Good fortune to you and may healing restore those taken advantage of. Om
  9. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Thank you but is there an English version?
  10. what the *** am i?

    "The one who has entered a solitary place, Whose mind is clam and who see the way, To that one comes insight and truth And rapturous joy transcending any other." Dhammapada
  11. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Some Vedic related schools (for instance Advaita Vedanta) point to "Satchidananda" as ultimate, other schools (for instnace Saiva Siddanta) point to "Parasiva" as ultimate. Are you of the Advaita Vedanta school? Om
  12. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Ok. Although after a certain point in discussions such as these most words can be dubious in a sense, but if the they help convey or point to meanings then why not, in fact such is their purpose. Jai Ganesha
  13. Shaktipat

    "positive group psychosis"
  14. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    "Comments: this is the Realization of I AM. The realization of the True Essence of Being that transcends and is prior to all manifest. It is that Existence, that Self-Existing, Self-Shining Awareness, that stands prior to and witnesses manifest-consciousness. IT does not come and go, it is Pure Existence-Awareness that is Still, Unmoving, Abiding - the non-objective Principle of Awareness alone that witnesses the coming and going of consciousness, as well as dream, and deep sleep". From Xabir Well said Xabir Om
  15. Shaktipat

    Actually yuanqi I find your lack of referring to inspirational and "revealed" spiritual wisdom of say the upanishads to be non-kosher in the sense of what you seem to be advocating, so why bother pointing out what to you are the non-kosher trips of others? Om
  16. what the *** am i?

    hmm, "chop wood and carry water..." that is a good saying, but to me it sounds like you are beating around the bush and spilling the water? The joy and freedom mentioned is not measureable by man or even gods, that is the fundamental "mystery" that is simply right under our noses Gentleman CowTao, regardless of how complex, far-away or "ultimately elusive" mankind may assume or make such out to be. To overcome our entrapments in manipulated doubts is to (edit) come to know such beyond the regular knowing of mankind even if in a form of mankind. Om
  17. what the *** am i?

    You are more than the sun, you are more than all the galaxies combined, you are more than the "big bang" and you are so tiny that there is no measure that can measure you; thus there is nothing including life or death that can hold back or take away your joy and freedom. Om
  18. Ravi Shankar music

    Ravi Shankar enjoy
  19. Ravi Shankar music

    Yes Rainbow Vein
  20. Buddhism is a vehicle and it more than says so of it's Way through multiple references!! Really no need for all or many of of these car crashes...