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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. "The meek shall inherit the earth", not the meek as in weakness but meek as in hunble and true to Tao. Om
  2. Shaktipat

    Freaky V., real sicko freaky!? (a mouthpiece for lies co-opting Hindu spiritual terms- wow.)
  3. Shaktipat

    Sorry, but I'm not a part of your cult worship.
  4. Shaktipat

    "My qigong teacher likes to tell the story of a Japanese woman..." Vajrasattva, aren't you a funny little jackass?! We very seldom have any meaningful moderation here... but in case there is any woman out there that did not exactly appreciate Vajrasattva's crude submission speak-up, or tell me to shut-up so that I'll understand that you don't mind being lumped into generalized connotations related to such images? (also if there is any guy out there that doesn't appreciate this speak up; and if you do appreciate it then also speak up so that any woman out there (besides V's fans) will know where you stand) Om
  5. Contemplating Veganism Any Advice

    My niece was vegan for a couple of years and besides besides being thin her hair started falling out... her doctor told her to start eating fish and chicken to regain some of her general strength which goes with health. Imo to be a true vegan and do it in a healthy way you would have to be a semi-expert on nutrition; until then an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet is pretty safe. Good luck
  6. logic

    . "A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it." Rabindranath Tagore
  7. Keep memories after death?

    (throwing another loop into the mix) Excerpt from "A New Model of he Universe". (page 494) "There would be no possibility of thinking of the evolution of humanity, if the possibility did not exist for individually evolving men to go into the past and struggle against the causes of the present evil which lie there. This explains where those people disappear who have remembered their past lives. From the ordinary point of view this sounds like an absurdity. But the idea of reincarnation contains this absurdity, or this possibility. In order to admit the possibility of reincarnation into the past, it becomes necessary to presume plurality of existence, or again co-existence, that is to say, it becomes necessary to suppose that life of man, while repeating according to the law of eternal recurrence at one "place in time", if it can be put thus, simultaneously occurs at another "place in time". Moreover, it can be said with almost complete certainty that a man, even approaching the super-human state will not be conscious of that simultaneity of lives; and will remember one life or the life at one "place in time" as past and feel the other as present. In the conditions of three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time, plurality of existence is impossible. But under the conditions of six-dimensional space-time it is quite natural, because in it "every point of time touches every point of space" and "everything is everywhere and always". In the space-time represented by two intersecting triangles there is nothing strange or impossible in the plurality of existence. And even an approach to these conditions creates for a man the possibility to "go the way of all the earth", to "be gathered to his fathers", which enables him to influence his ancestors or their contemporaries, gradually to change and to make more favorable the conditions of his birth and gradually to surround himself with people who also "remember". (skipped some of the quote here...) ...The privilege of the position of reincarnating into the past for the man who remembers what he has learned in his past life is explained by the fact that he knows the results, knows what has sprung from the actions of the people of the time into which he reincarnates. This does not of course mean that everything or many things can be altered by one man being reincarnated into the past. The possibilities of altering external events are very small, but they must exist. If in every moment there were only one possibility we should live in a world of absolute predetermination, and nothing could be altered. But "moments" differ from one another very greatly in this respect. There are moments with only one possibility; there are moments with several possibilities; and there are moments with many and varied possibilities. -(skipped some sentences here) ...But in the case of reincarnation into the past this question is much simpler because only that man can reincarnate who has already attained great consciousness and power. By this means, that is, by means of the reincarnation into the past of people who have reached a certain degree of inner development, a reverse current is created in the midst of the stream of life, this reverse current is the evolutionary movement, the movement which gradually makes life better and nobler, and itself returns enriched to the source from which it originated." P.D.Ouspensky completed most of this in 1914, and revised it in the 1930's.
  8. logic

    "Fascinating", Commander Spock (or was that Data?)
  9. logic

    What is your reason for asking?
  10. Shaktipat

    ...he could have said many of those things (which have validity in their own context) without pointing fingers and it would have gone over much better, especially in a public place. Notice that Guru's don't or very seldom go public and point fingers and if they do point it's normally irrefutable although not up against the wall, so to speak. Jai Guru
  11. Keep memories after death?

    "In my case, "help from beyond" is actually my everyday life and all the people in it". Kate I think this is an excellent point you've made! And a good reminder that the "beyond" so to speak is also working right here with us 24/7. (just a matter of tuning in...
  12. logic

    For what purpose did you read this quote?
  13. Keep memories after death?

    Hello Kate, I think another another way to say something along these lines is more awake... for it's truth is beyond the dance or interplay of alive and dead. Btw, met Mr. Ego the other day and he was one really tricked out and sly dude, we could all use some help from beyond when dealing with him/her.
  14. Shaktipat

  15. logic

    that seems logical... hehehe
  16. Shaktipat

    ... one thing though none of the kind and helpful or stern and relentless gods or goddess's are enough, for what is inherent in them is also inherent in us and only that is enough, thus even the last gate and the keeper of it can not keep us from that if we let go of what can not pass.
  17. A god was key in saving Buddhism

    Well you can play your mind game, or you can try to relate or give a reply that further helps explain what you are getting at or even mention lines of doctrine. Otherwise catch you later aligator... Om
  18. logic

    Come what may... and at this site anyone can expect anything from a-z or nothing at all.
  19. Shaktipat

    Hi CowTao, Not sure but Ramakrishna studied many paths and was said to point to experiences and attainments related to those different paths? Swami Yogananda may have also mentioned inter-religious experiences but it has been a long time since I've read materials from either those sources. I have witness to both Hindu and Christian Beings of or on the "other side". Thus coming back and coming to terms with different teachings such as dualistic and non-dualistic can be at least problematic. (lol) I have also confronted certain sectarian forces of both religions about some of the points you mention - but in my limited experience most of the time such forces doggedly remain within their vested interests. (one can see and also follow the power and money trails when it comes to spiritual establishments on earth even if they claim to have, or perhaps even if they do have divine and or mystical insights of a universal nature) Om
  20. Keep memories after death?

    well besides after death it's not easy keeping memories (as in true and clear) during life!
  21. "The Enneagram is perpetual motion, the same perpetual motion that men have sought since the remotest antiquity and could never find. And it is clear why they could not find perpetual motion. They sought outside themselves that which was within them; and they attempted to construct perpetual motion as a machine is constructed, whereas real perpetual motion is part of another perpetual motion and cannot be created apart from it. The enneagram is a schematic diagram of perpetual motion, that is, of a machine of eternal movement. But of course it is necessary to know how to read the diagram. The understanding of this symbol and the ability to make use of it give man very great power. It is perpetual motion and it also the philosopher's stone of the alchemists. The knowledge of the enneagram has for a very long time been preserved in secret and if it is now, so to speak, made available to all, it is only in an incomplete and theoretical form of which nobody could make any practical use without instruction from a man who knows. In order to understand the Enneagram, it must be thought of as in motion, as moving. A motionless enneagram is a dead symbol; the living symbol is in motion."
  22. Shaktipat

    Sounds interesting Red dragon, thanks for sharing! Om
  23. A god was key in saving Buddhism

    It doesn't take much effort to type Nac, Nac... btw, does it take much effort to type Bob compared to OP? From the Buddha: "...Enough now with teaching What only with difficulty I reached. This Dhamma is not easily realized by those overcome with aversion & passion. What is abstruse, subtle, deep, hard to see, going against the flow those delighting in passion, cloaked in the mass of darkness, won't see. As the Blessed One reflected thus, his mind inclined to dwelling at ease, not to teaching the Dhamma. Then Brahma Sahampati, having known with his own awareness the line of thinking in the Blessed One's awareness, thought: "The world is lost! The world is destroyed! The mind of the Tathagata, the Arahant, the Rightly Self-awakened One inclines to dwelling at ease, not to teaching the Dhamma!..." Thus considering the lines above to me there was in a sense a certain "saving"; although whatever term you may feel is more appropriate (?) go ahead and submit it to us. Om