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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. A god was key in saving Buddhism

    Hi MH, Glad you liked the sound of the account... btw, I don't believe it would be included in Buddhsit doctrine if it was meant just as a tale or an entertaining yarn, do you?
  2. A god was key in saving Buddhism

    Ok, I'll buy that, although even "pointless specualation" has a point --- in that it to has to be worked through or transmutated just like any other type of problem.
  3. A god was key in saving Buddhism

    (from Blasto) "I would invite you to spend less time wrestling with ancient Buddhist cosmology, which was borne out of the Hindu orthodoxy of the day, and take heed of the Buddha's admonitions against pointless metaphysical speculation. I would then invite you to examine your practice of constructing a false dichotomy between people who allegedly believe in a god and those who do not. If this is what you have drawn from your studies then you have missed the entirety of the Buddha's teachings". What is interesting to consider is that the Buddha had many great metaphysical powers (as told of and recorded in many well known and respected suttas) thus he did not have to speculate about such...and neither do we; thus he can not knock the tools that he in fact used! (if you are implying such?) Btw, I do agree that purely quasi-intellectual speculation along these lines is at least problematic. Further, no one needs me to construct a dichotomy (whether true or false) about beliefs, no thank you very much anyway; for such has been going on for ages without my help, thus for myself or anyone else to make such an observation about the histories of mankind is making an obvious and common examination. (examinations such as the Buddha also made) Have a happy and fury fun filled day. Om
  4. A god was key in saving Buddhism

    (from Xabir) "No true Buddhists have ever denied the existence of gods". Agreed "All true Buddhists have denied the existence of a God" (with the capital G, aka a Creator). debateable
  5. Most girls fart in secret, don't they? Not so for guys...
  6. Well think of a high voltage electrical buss, lets say a trillion volts with a bascically unlimited flow of amps... now just reach out and grab that electricity with both of your hands soaked with salt water while standing on wet concrete; "God" direct can be like that. Now imagine standing close to that same electrical buss but not grabbing onto it while also seeing that there is a an enlightened person who is in fact holding onto that buss but by some mystery he or she is not being melted or vaporized... "Christ" is like that, and also way wise enough to protect you from grabbing more than you can hold onto - in the sense of connecting you with just the right amount of voltage, thus while needed that Being is acting just like an electrical transformer for you to the level that doesn't get you melted or vaporized. Amen and Om
  7. Taoist Philosophy

    well I can accept that because it is all "magic" so to speak, and its all wonder! Om
  8. Taoist Philosophy

    When the an area of the Earth is thristy for rain that part communicates the need and then she sends rain for all the different plants and Beings in that area. One can hear this communication; there really is order and nuturing in the universe, and the universe is built on Tao and imo that communicates (or should) something about the Tao to us. Om
  9. Taoist Philosophy

    Hi MH, Yes, the word and meanings related to "consciousness" have been kicked around a lot lately... none-the-less I submit that if the Tao did not know the Tao then all would be rooted or not even rooted in meaningless-ness. (and chapter 21 imo does not point to meaningless-ness! Om
  10. Taoist Philosophy

    The One is connected through and with transformation (thus Itself is the the first and last transformer and the first and the last to be transformed (in time and space and as all time and space) out of no-thing. Further, such a complete and unbreakable connection does not make them the same per-se... for "The One" can be named but not so for no-thing. Also in chapter 43 I believe the transformation is shown to also work in reverse (so to speak) as the One in a sense returns to no-thing via transformation with the words, "Only nothing can enter into no-space", so again the transformations or GATE is working in both (apparent) directions and is a profound mystery that memory or thoughts can not hold or encompass, yet the Tao knows the Tao. Om
  11. Taoist Philosophy

    Hello MH, I imagine many are glad to see some Taoist references and discussion... (after some of the goings on here ) My take: "The One" is the first and the last "thing". (or "born" thus related to change even though a person might ask how could there be change with or in "One"?) "No thing" is not knowable by "thing" although they are connected... thus not only is no-thing a "mystery" but so is its connection to One! I believe some Buddhists touch on this subject with the saying of, "when the many are reduced to one ,to what shall the one be reduced". Om
  12. not sure of definitions going around with this string.... but I'd say that the universe as all that is created, maintained, and destroyed (thus aspects of "mind") can be known with purity of mind, although its source can not be known in the same way because it's not of mind - pure or otherwise. Om
  13. A very fine voice of Sister Glenda. (Catholic) http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/nada-es-imposible-para-ti/15a36c405669a6a5582115a36c405669a6a55821-61111010583 Om
  14. "nothing is impossible"

    "nothing is impossible", (including someone commenting on her fine voice)
  15. You can't do anything!

    The more unified a person the more that person does... and one completely unified completely does for the winds and currents (so to speak) of various permutated forces can no longer drive them about. Inner unification coincides with indomitable will, indomitable will has the strength to surrender itself and join the un-named Tao conciously. Om
  16. Has a higher power ever saved your butt? It has mine... and at many key times that I know of and remember, while only God knows how many other times that I don't know of or remember. Deep thanks to You, higher powers! Om
  17. Obviously there are many inter-related things that had to happen for this terrible oil spill to take place. (many of which have already been brought up) Often and sadly mistakes involving the whole gamut of machines have been taking place since mankind started inventing various types of machines and or devices, and without greed or other types of corruption always being involved in such events - thus it seems to be in our human nature to make mistakes with our created devices. And why we haven't learned more from history also seems to be related to our human nature?
  18. J. Campbell

    "If you say "no" to one little detail of your life, you've unraveled the whole thing. You have to say "yes" to the whole thing, including its extinction. That's what's known as "joyful participation in the sorrows of the world." Love informs the whole universe, right down into the abyss of hell." - Joseph Campbell
  19. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    If breaking dharmas while speaking of same (whether of Buddhist or Hindu dharmas) then both parties are binding up with karmas. Om
  20. Fizix, Non ended his reply with, "Well at least not for me there wouldn't be any higher power" and imo that is a fair (non-aggresive) assertion from him - without anyone going off on him, thus I suggest and ask for not pointing the finger at people with a "YOU" are this or that. (at least in this string please) Om
  21. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    Can a higher power resolve this conflict?
  22. "Mom" and Dad, yep no doubt about it!
  23. A fine and wise multi-purpose saying, "this to shall pass" ! Thanks Robert
  24. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    "when the many are reduced to one, to what shall the one be reduced?" ...and if we the many have do not really know the one, how can we honestly allude any further?