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Everything posted by 3bob


    any idea of only "personal" to die.
  2. You can't do anything!

    The Dalai Lama is a long term guest in vast land of India.... where the first and deepest law is non-violence to all beings; and I'm sure He is thankful for that and to his largely Hindu hosts. So whoever of us pisses the farest may win the pissing contest but still only be a pisser.
  3. Transmissions

    --------- Grace --------- and surrender
  4. "This condition I call neither arising nor passing away, niether dying nor being born. It is without form and without change. It is the eternal,which never originates and never passes away. To find it is the end of sorrow". Udana Sutta, the Buddha. (thus and simply a "this" which is not bound with dependent origination nor empty of eternal-ness) Om
  5. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    The big catch, (so to speak) is that there is no disconnect. Even that which is the so called transcendent in some schools is not disconnected from what it is apparently transcendent of. Om
  6. Transmissions

    "Thoughts on what makes a "good" student of such things?" You already know Kate and have demonstrated so. Om
  7. Transmissions

    Excellent post Trunk! A great deal of information there! I visited the site and saw parts of what you mentioned above. Thanks for sharing... btw are you an old gentleman cowboy? (as in the picture) Om
  8. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    "Hence the advise by teachers to students to always "refine the view", while at the same time "keep the experience" because this is not about a denial of your experience, but a refining of views. For example 'No Witness' does not deny the experience of Witnessing, 'No Phenomena' does not deny the experience of Phenomena, it just denies their being independent, self-existing, permanent and separate entities. A related post I wrote to someone at the I AM stage last year would be Keep the experience, Refine the view". Xabir That's a pretty fair view . And I'd say refining views is better than pegging type judgments of someone elses... Om
  9. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    Ok, same here... btw, some of your icons are not coming through like =^) or I don't know the symbol?
  10. Transmissions

    "After you get it once though - you see it everywhere - Wolves Howl, the wind screams, storms have a beat, the moon tinkles, the sun sizzles and pops to jazz, mountain streams have mozart and beethoven's spirit and refuse to let them rest and all that is just a beggar's begining" JK Alright!
  11. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    Ut-oh, you used the f word, "flow" what do you mean by that? "...he just denies that it is all one homogeneous eternally static thing..." not exactly imo, what he expertly uses is the four-fold negation which is far better than trying to nail the Buddha down.
  12. Transmissions

    The natural flowing sound of the excellent base beat sets up the foundation for the flying and expressive rifts... I'm not much of a rocker but if I was I could well hear those songs relating to the quote I submitted. Thanks for sharing man. Om
  13. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    The "end of sorrow" realizes the end of sorrow... and imo the four-fold negation is as about as far as intellect can allude or relate to this, although countless other alludings are also used. (btw, who said anything about a thing or an aggregate?) Thus I don't see us having a radical disagreement, and you even used the 'E' word
  14. Life - as in capital 'L' is not forms per-se. Life is ultimately free. In the end forms never really are, even advanced forms. Thus we have Life unto Life or Tao unto Tao to be and know ourselves as that, instead of any form that we may think we are or that we mistakenly feel doesn't care. T.T.C. Chapter 21 is about sincerity, even though chapter 5 may not sound so to us... maybe it means the processes in time wait for no man or form?
  15. Transmissions

    Ya Mu, A tangent spun off your post that may go further than the truism you mention of, "use it or lose it". "If you do not bring forward what is within you, what is within you will destroy you. But if you bring forward what is within you, what is within you will heal and save you". - The Gospel of Thomas
  16. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    For those who may appreciate the Udana sutta from the Buddha is why I started it. Thus if this isn't good enough for you as given (since poor translations, interpretations or otherwise are in the eye of the beholder) then start your own string on it with probable reams of whatever else you care to do. (I've already considered and responded to some of the fairly given counter-points and or insults; btw, no one else can truly verify anything for me, and that was a kind of strange comment or projection regarding same...) Om
  17. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    You don't listen that much Xabir, I said that I had no probelm with the translation you submitted in addition to and which continues with the Udana Sutta. And that it says the same thing to me as I said earlier... Btw, I'll take the carefully handed down and recorded words of the founder and my experiences over all the reams of stuff you come up with like an Eveready battery powered fount. Good fortune to all
  18. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    This is a quote from the founder not a quote from a commentator, apparently some don't understand that? I have no problem with nor do I see any difference in meaning with your addition to the continuing part of Udana sutta. Thus a "poor" translation (and also interpretation) may be in the eyes of those who say it is. Om
  19. The "eternal" in Buddhism

    I accept the meaning of this (sutta) teaching of the Buddha, others may do as they wish. (such as submitting nearly countless other pages of english translation. "Wonder of wonders" Om
  20. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    To many assumptions above, and to many putting into boxes. Om
  21. Advaita and Buddhism are the Same After All

    Great quote Dwai :-)
  22. You can't do anything!

    the darkness you see is twisted light untwist
  23. Transmissions

    If I may suggest Pietro, besides only creating the kind of set-up you've gone into above, (which does have its place and purpose) imagine a set-up that moves so exceedingly fast everywhere at once that it is standing still... What place or purpose could that have or serve?
  24. Transmissions

    Agreed Cloud. Another meaning in relation to this string is the idea of synchronization.
  25. Transmissions

    "transmission" can transcend local time, space and death, as has such has been sent to me. (I'm not qualified to try to send except as in simple prayer) Om