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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Sharing

    Your text reminds me of the saying that is something close to: "when the many have been reduced to one, to what shall the one be reduced?" My interpretation: we can attain the bliss of the one and allude about it in words, and more importantly be based in that, but we can not be reduced beyond the one and then say anything about that which the mind can relate to because "that" is really beyond memory and or any other aspects or powers of mind. (even the one mind!) "to what shall the one be reduced..." or how can the one go further inside of itself when it is already one? - I don't remember. Om
  2. Taoism and Heavy Metal Music

    Agreed - feed the beast and sooner or later become the meal.
  3. Kundalini

    An upanishad related to "I": (for anyone interested) --------------------------------- Khandogya Upanishad, VII Prapathaka, 23rd Khanda. 1. The Infinite (bhuman) is bliss. There is no bliss in anything finite. Infinity only is bliss. This Infinity, however, we must desire to understand. Sir, I desire to understand it. 24. 1. Where one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, understands nothing else, that is the Infinite. Where one sees something else, hears something else, understands something else, that is the finite. The Infinite is immortal, the finite is mortal. Sir, in what does the Infinite rest? In its own greatness - or not even in greatness. 2. In the world they call cows and horses, elephants and gold, slaves, wives, fields and houses greatness. I do not mean this, thus he spoke; for in that case one being (the possessor) rests in something else, (but the Infinite cannot rest in something different from itself) 25. 1. The Infinite indeed is below, above, behind, before, right and left--it is indeed all this. Now follows the explanation of the Infinite as the I:I am below, I am above, I am behind,before, right and left--I am all this. 2. Next follows the explanation of the Infinite as the Self: Self is below, above, behind, before, right and left - Self is all this. He who sees, perceives, and understands this, loves the Self, delights in the Self, revels in the Self, rejoices in the Self--he becomes a Svarag, (an autocrat or self-ruler) he is lord and master in all the worlds. But those who think differently from this, live in perishable worlds, and have other beings for their rulers. 26. 1. To him who sees, perceives, and understands this, the spirit (prana) springs from the Self, hope springs from the Self, memory springs from the Self; so do ether, fire, water, appearance and disappearance, food, power, understanding, reflection, consideration, will, Mind, speech, names, sacred hymns, and sacrifices--aye, all this springs from the Self. Om
  4. Hubble Telescope Photos

    What is in great scale is also in small scale which we are, also the essence of that is not bound by any sizes or forms of energy. Om
  5. Nice post, I work around electrical equipment everyday. There is something called "Inductive reactance" that affects AC powered equipment, a form of it (so to speak) can also limit what takes place in or through us.
  6. Light Qi

    Awesome also Seth :-) Om
  7. Need to sell powers. Moving.

    How about a trade for some used Ford car and truck parts?
  8. Kundalini

    Hi Susan, Thanks for all of the details you have shared along these lines. I agree and disagree with some of your points related to the details you have touched upon or brought up. For instance in one post you state: "Shiva without Shakti is nothing..." And in a following post you state: "Parasiva is the realization of the God Self. Self realization. Direct knowing of God". To me these sentences are examples of what may happen when we borrow terms and or meanings from a system or tradition without really being part of that tradition, thus we can not really or fully represent that tradition (something I have done at times); also anyone that is listening to us should be made aware of or reminded of such by us - I feel you have fairly done that in several ways - although in certain remarks you tend to give the idea that non-members of certain traditions may know better than or at least the same as the people who are in said tradition, and that "precision" regarding same is or becomes irrelevant!? Anyway, I believe and or hope that you would agree with me that entertaining such a modus-operandi can easily lead to risky business? (both for those that lead and those that follow in such circumstances) "Kundalini's job is to help you reach your highest potential". Yes, agreed! Sorry, this is a short post from me in response to your previous long one containing parts of your personal life witness, but I do hope to re-visit with you again Sister Susan. Good fortune in your work and life. Regards, Bob
  9. Light Qi

    You are welcome. Btw, it did seem to me that the first chapter of said book (masterly) pertained to your question at the beginning of this string. Good fortune Om
  10. Kundalini

    I'm familiar with such reasoning and understand the drift of what you are saying but again... I do not always see such correlations as always lining up as you imply; and at times I've more or less been a correlation addict along lines such as these! I submit and or agree that we may have bits and pieces (so to speak) and sometimes we make correct correaltions among or across traditions from our experiential framework but not always or in all instances. For instance considering your words above you have reached a long ways into the "Tattvas" but you have not included "Parasiva" beyond the tattvas of Siva-Sakti manifestations (which is sometimes called "Nataraja") and which has been attained by Self-Realizied masters - which btw you have said yourself you are not, and me niether - thus exactly where you are sitting as alluded to above is not clear from your own statements, regardless of whatever mine may touch on. Om
  11. Kundalini

    Hi Susan, I'm not all that sure what a "kundalite" is in your definition? Anyway I have studied teaching materials related to kundalini (and met some of the people) from ongoing "Hindu" spiritual/mystical lineages that are thousands of years in standing. Thus with that as part of my background I see some problems and incongruity when Abrahamic related traditions and or people co-opt parts of originally Hindu teachings and its specific terms that are not really part of or used in the dualistic, Abrahamic traditions - many of which have also been throughly diced and or spliced in many other ways. To me the Divinity or Divne energy is not male or female per-se, although I would agree that various Beings (or certain manifestations) would have leanings or natures that tend towards male or female aspects even though they are connected to or essentially of the central, non-gender or beyond gender core of Divinity. To me the Divne is Oneness in Unity, not just or only of male and female aspects. Btw, in Hinduism Siva is often shown as a male type being, but then again there is another well known representation of Siva as being of both male and female... see jpg below. Good day.
  12. Kundalini

    I'm no expert but I'd add that Kundalini Shakti is not really "female energy"; although an aspect of kundalini energy flow through the {ida nadi} is often related to what is termed the female side, while flow through the {pingala nadi} is related to the male aspect side. Further, when these male and female aspects balance then this universal (non-gender) kundalini energy enters and flows into the {sushumna nadi} which goes up the center of the spine, whereas the ida and pingala nadis and flows are normally related to the snake type shapes that curve around or near the spine. I've read of some of the problems people have had, with some of those related to flows of energy not being balanced in the ida and pingala nadis, thus one of those nadis can become highly over-loaded with drastic effects resulting from incomplete and or other types of unguided and unwise attempts to arouse energy. Also I don't believe anyone here has mentioned chakras below the root (or the hell realms) but arousing energies or forms of prana and having some of it flow there because of incomplete and unguided efforts is no cake walk to say the least! It is very easy to find all sorts of talks about kundalini on the web, and to me many of those posts are fantastical like while barely, or sometimes not even touching on the precepts of "yama and niyama" as related to moral and ethical wiring and safe grounding of Being, which some of us apparently see as slow, boring and maybe even skip-able! Next time you need electrical wiring done in your home hire an unqualified person to do it, which is about the same as having an unqualified or even partly qualified person teaching you kundalini. (btw I'm not qualified, and I know it but I do hope this post was of some useful information) Om
  13. Light Qi

    Durkhrod Chogori, ...came across a book that may be of interest to you if you don't already have it (?) that speaks of some of these effects. (I just began reading it) "Practicing the Jhanas", from Pa Auk Sayadaw teachings, authors Snyder & Rasmussen, Shambhala press 2009 Om
  14. Eastern and western mysticism

    "The most sublime truth of all has never been stated or written or sung, not because it is far away and can't be reached, but because it is so intimately close, closer than anything that can be spoken". - Gangaji It is not so much that we will find the teachings and teachers it is that the teachings and teachers (that are needed) will find us when we work with a good heart at whatever we have been given so far. Om
  15. Why I am against 'powers'

    I do not deny duality and it's goings on... and I do not deny non-duality and the Ocean that it is as the true power of Spirit. Having said that I see no separtion such as you have personally recounted here that exists in that Ocean, thus I'm hearing your claims and rationalizations for the domination of another coming from a world or state of duality that includes good and evil, heavenly and demonic, light and dark, etc.. Also, I don't agree that particular names such as "Catholic" or perhaps those from other times and cultures as being a major main point here in the sense that certain of those forces exist in and as duality. Btw. and yes, I have seen parts of duality both within and without that exist in "my" mind, and more importantly in "the" mind. Further, from the tone of your witness you indicate to me (and whoever else hears similar to as I do) that you are speaking from a mind (or sitting in) influences of separation and violence - (whether such are self-generated or external) I doubt you will agree with anything I've touched on, thus this string of yours will probably not hear any more from me. Om
  16. Natural events

    Sorry, I'm not an oracle or of masterly revelations... - but again, that which follows the ways of Tao wins out over that which would dominate with malice and is driven to consume all before it... thus and in counter-point to that Her Beauty and Goodness is wounded but She will not be broken and niether will those that stand with Her, resolute before the gathering storm. Om
  17. Why I am against 'powers'

    I'm saying that laws related to energy exist and when we break them we pay... what you allude to - and that may take on different forms in relation to those laws are secondary to such being in force. Believing me is not the point, thus in keeping at such practices (as previously mentioned) one will see and get the results for themselves. Om
  18. There is no self

    Do you have a copy of that picture Rails? Lord Ganesha is a beloved Deity, son of Siva; I've never seen a picture such as you have mentioned? (although there are pictures of Kali standing on Siva which I believe is meant to show the analogy that without Shakti, Siva is not manifest. Also the picture you mention would be of a Buddhist Deity standing on one of Hiduism, which is not noramlly done between the two faiths as far as I know! (?) Btw, I'm not sure of the source but there is text along the lines of the following: "prior to his incarnation as Gautama Siddhartha he lived in the heavenly realm, where he taught the law to the gods.... Truly, monks, the Buddha once said, I have been Indra, the ruler of the gods, thirty-six times". Perhaps our Buddhist brothers or sisters know the location and or history (not meant to add fuel to the fire, lol) of such a text? Om
  19. Monkey King

    MONKEY: "The infamous irrepressible Monkey King, Trickster God, and Great Sage Equal Of Heaven. Star of stage, screen and scroll, MONKEY is the true hero of Journey To The West (Xiyou Ji) - the amazing novel of frivolity and profundity written by Wu Cheng'en in the Sixteenth Century. (It's one of China's Four Great Novels, and we highly recommend it to anyone seeking enlightenment or entertainment.) From the beginning of time, a certain rock on the Mountain of Fruit and Flowers had been soaking up the goodness of nature and CHI energy. One day this pregnant rock released a stone egg, and from it hatched a Stone Ape, who solemnly bowed to the Four Corners of the Earth - then jumped off to have fun. This was MONKEY. He was high-spirited, egotistical and full of mischievous pranks. He was soon having a wonderful time as King of the Apes. But a niggling worry began to gnaw at him - one which would change his life. The Monkey King feared Death. To find immortality, MONKEY became the disciple of Father Subodhi, a rather dour DAOist sage. The sage, unimpressed with his simian tricks, gave the Monkey King a new title: 'Disciple Aware of Emptiness'. MONKEY was very pleased with this epithet, not realising it referred to the vacuum in his head. But after much haggling, Father Subodhi uttered the words of Illumination, explained the process of Cloud-Flying - and also revealed the secret of the Seventy-Two Transformations. Which, thought MONKEY, was extremely good value for money. Returning home to his monkey subjects, he discovered they were under siege by a fearsome monster. Magic tricks were no good - what he needed was a weapon. So he whizzed off to the Dragon King AO-KUANG and cajoled his way into the Treasury. There he found the great Magic Wishing Staff, a huge rod of black iron which Heaven had used to flatten the bed of the Milky Way. It weighed 13,000 pounds but could expand to fill the Universe or shrink to the size of a needle. MONKEY was delighted with this Weapon of Mass Destruction and used it to bludgeon many a demon thereafter. It wasn't long before reports of MONKEY's tricks started to reach the austere ears of the JADE-EMPEROR. First the DRAGON-KINGS complained of rudeness and theft. Then YEN-LO-WANG, the God of Death, lodged a formal protest. "That intolerable ape has just vandalized my filing system and made monkeys immortal. What are you going to do about it?" Not wishing to shed needless karma, the JADE-EMPEROR invited MONKEY to Heaven and gave him a job. Without pay, of course. This plan to keep the peace was amazingly successful for an entire day. Then MONKEY discovered that his post as Keeper of the Heavenly Stables was so lowly, even the horse manure ranked higher than him. Insulted beyond belief, MONKEY ran amok, burst into the JADE-EMPEROR's court and dared to threaten his august person. The Ruler of the Universe sighed, consulted his advisors and bestowed a new title upon him: Great Sage, Equal Of Heaven. "That's much better," said MONKEY, impressed. But by his very nature the Great Sage was irrepressibly naughty. He just couldn't help it. He gobbled up LAO-ZI's Longevity Pills, stuffed his face with the precious Peaches of Immortality, gate-crashed official parties and made insulting gestures to all and sundry. Finally he left Heaven in disgust, claiming it wasn't good enough for him. Now the JADE-EMPEROR finally lost his esteemed cool. He sent the Heavenly army to obliterate MONKEY once and for all. Nothing could withstand this mighty force... But the Great Stone Ape - immortal, spiritually illumined and filled with Heavenly essences - was not only indestructible but also pretty handy in a fight. The forces of Heaven made an embarrassing display and slunk off in defeat. There was nothing for it - the Ruler of Heaven called for BUDDHA. Now BUDDHA, in his infinite wisdom, knew better than to subdue MONKEY by force. Instead he offered him a wager. "If you're so clever, jump off the palm of my hand. If you can do that, I'll take the Emperor in as a lodger and give Heaven to you. But if you can't, I'll expect a full apology and penance." The Monkey King laughed to himself. He could travel thousands of miles in a single leap. The bet was on. BUDDHA stretched out his hand and MONKEY jumped... Several thousand miles later, the Great Sage landed in a desolate plain with great columns reaching up the sky. "These must be the Five Pillars of Wisdom at the end of the Universe", he thought. "That BUDDHA is just plain stupid to make such a silly bet." And, to show his disrespect, he pissed all over the nearest pillar and jumped back to claim his reward. "Is the Emperor packing his bags yet?" asked MONKEY as he landed. The Holy One raised a sublime eyebrow. "I don't know why you're grinning," he said, "you've been on my palm the whole time. Look." An astonished MONKEY stared at the five familiar-looking pink pillars of BUDDHA's hand. Then he smelt the stench of monkey pee and trembled. The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground with a mountain on top of him. And there he stayed for five hundred long years, being fed molten copper and iron pills by an attendent demon while the moss grew in his ears. By the time GUAN-YIN came along, the Great Sage Equal of Heaven was a thoroughly humble creature. As told in Journey To The West, GUAN-YIN enlisted MONKEY as chief disciple of the young Buddhist monk TRIPITAKA. Together with SANDY and PIGSY, he protected the boy on his quest to India, battling demons and righting wrongs along the way. His natural monkey trickery now had a holy purpose which he unleashed with much enthusiasm - and his uncontrollable ego was kept firmly in place by a little device of GUAN-YIN's devising: a head-band made of gold. The unsuspecting Great Sage was not prepared for the terrible torture of the Headache Sutra! Whenever MONKEY misbehaved, TRIPITAKA recited the Sutra and the golden fillet squeezed until his very eyeballs felt like bursting. Try as he might, he could not remove it. There was no defense except submission, and pretty soon MONKEY was the most humble disciple the world has ever known. Usually. After many, many, many adventures, the travelers fulfilled their quest. MONKEY was rewarded for all his efforts with the title 'Buddha Victorious Against Disaster' and finally made his peace with Heaven. We don't know what the Great Sage gets up to nowadays, but presumably he keeps himself occupied".
  20. Natural events

    Seen from the inner eye there is a war going on here (on Earth) that not only includes us humans but all sorts of other influences and various Beings that are invisible to us most of the time!! And That which is rooted in Tao wins the war. Om
  21. There is no self

    I don't see various histories as a waste of time when kept in proper perspective; thus they have importance although not of the primary importance related to the principles that they may convey. (or happenings and paths that they point towards with records)
  22. Why I am against 'powers'

    "total mental domination" of another person is of demonic motive and one would sooner or later find themselves tele- or transported to the hell realms for such practices. What is impressive to me is that the power of divine Spirit can and will bring one out of the hell realms when they give up such motives. (schools of hard knocks) Om
  23. Monkey King

    Thanks for the link Mal, agreed on the irrepressible
  24. Caught in the Versus

    "O Seeker, These thoughts have such power over you. From nothing you become sad. From nothing you become happy. You are burning in the flames. But I will not let you out, Until you are fully baked, Fully wise, And fully yourself" - Rumi
  25. There is no self

    a possible problem is that unless we practice in our relationships we will often be walking alone.