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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Yes, change is coming and something has to give and it won't be the manifest Holy Spirit! It's been a long time coming but it will also be as short as the twinkling of an eye! Om
  2. A good video, I think it would help if more people in the west knew about the Sufi's and that we also have some reduction in the daily news about certain groups of violent Islamic bombers and dangerous dictators in places like Iran; btw, the laws of the "dark ages" being carried out in places like Saudi Arabia are very real anti-human crimes imo and I don't tolerate or accept such - yet we continue to sell them some of our best weapons after also sending them shiploads of our money to do so!? Anyway, the teachings in the Koran will not allow for an Islamic reformation will they? (and even the Sufi's are still apparently bound by it?) Reformations such as that which many forms of Christianity have gone through, and are still going through today - even though the Bible as interpretated by many doesn't allow for reformation either. Good luck
  3. Why I am against 'powers'

    To wisely help move a soul from a crushing hell realm and into a more free type of learning realm is of a great power of spiritual compassion in action!
  4. "...a lot of it is infact in sufi practices" By S. Hmm, Are there Sufi's who do not believe in the Koran, who deny Islamic history, culture and also all of the traditional roots related to same? Thus they, as you are seeminly now saying for yourself, only, "teach train & share"... and what do you only teach, train and share if not also of that very tradition; which does not make you or your fellow people fanatics but such does make you from and or part of that tradition. "haha" ?? Om
  5. Susan, I thought that was well said by you. And yes, as you've mentioned - there have been and are a few masters and "newer" lineage holders that are inclusive, although like I've implied they are comparitive hybrids and are out-numbered and out-gunned in this world by schools that are not inclusive. Such is the great diversity although it's not in very much unity. (and spin-offs related to that particualr saying and some of the schools who may like to use it sound inclusive but they really are not, imo) Do I want to change them? no, that is their job if or when they see the need. Om
  6. Ah, now that was not so coy. It shows to me your "Abramhamic" tendencies (as in "there is no God but God") which have nothing to do with most of the Hindu revealed teachings. (and co-opting those terms is still non-kosher, in the Jewish meaning of that term) Congratualtions on your diverse background but do not call it traditional Islamic Sufism or traditional Hinduism, it sounds very much to be a hybrid and granted the Spirit can and will use any means possible or form to do it's work. Om
  7. Hello Shaktimama, I've been reading those types of essays for 30+ years... and I more or less understand where they are coming from. The fact is we don't see the masters and lineage holders of various major and minor schools of Hinduism or Sufism (not to mention or involve all of the other types of schools) giving up their total control, power, influence, and self-perpetuating ways when it comes to same and replacing that with universalism. Traditional Hinduism and Islam in this world do not mix, at best they tolerate one another; and that would be a comparitively wonderful state imo. Om
  8. Perhaps... but how coy on your part. Show me a Sufi elder who has no problem at all with his sons and daughters fully embracing and becoming Hindus and thus leaving a great deal of what their family has lived for and taught them behind ----- or a Hindu elder who has no problems with his sons and daughters fully embracing Islam and becoming Muslims thus leaving behind most of what their family has lived for and taught them ----- when that day comes and such schools are totally inter-changeable then we will know what universalism really is - until then "shaktipat is the same as baraka" is effectively non-kosher talk or at best intellectual cross-correlation. (something that is easy for us to do in the "west" where even the "Christianity" that many of us believe is essentially and or inherently ours was co-opted) Om
  9. Why I am against 'powers'

    Hello Jane, Do you believe you were fortunate not to have bumped into a lot more trouble than some of what you have mentioned here? Many of these types of methods and so many others "of the world" so to speak, more or less come down to everyone looking to be happy and secure don't they? And as you imply to me you have gotten back to understanding and attuning to more of the true desire - which had been taking the shapes of so many of the spin-off desires that you've described in great detail. The true power can and will use any method or form (and countless tests which are not in vain) to reach to us for that is it's true desire. And ultimately it has us like the Ocean has drops, instead of us having it separately. Om
  10. little puddy cat

    this guy is a lion whisperer!! see photo
  11. There is no self

    Ah Nuts again, I gotta run and don't have time to correct my corrector. (although some of your info was useable to me.
  12. There is no self

    cool dude Om
  13. Kundalini and Occult Powers

    nice video, thanks Om
  14. There is no self

  15. little puddy cat

    another picture from the set
  16. Well I'm not a saint when it comes to borrowing things from various paths... having said that imo we should still remember that the various spiritual sources, lineages and or schools have made many great contributions and imo they should be recognized and given credit for doing so by us giving a certain care and handling to same. Also, it should not be implied by us in borrowing their various materails that our use of such is in any way related to how their school uses those materials in their membership unless we are a part of that membership and cleared to do so. To do otherwise is not Kosher. (so to speak in using that Jewish term) Om
  17. There is no self

    Alwayson, I'd say Zen (so to speak) knows better than that by alluding to such in a saying something close to: "When the many have been reduced to one, to what shall the one be reduced?" Om
  18. Sounds interesting, and thanks. Btw, are you of a Sufi school? And if you are of Muslim belief I find it very strange, and non-kosher that you are co-opting Hindu terms and meanings. Bob
  19. There is no self

    To me it's not only ok that the Dalai Lama said that he is not enlightened, it is honest, humble and refreshing; and in those important ways (and some others) he seems advanced. As far as there being thousands of enlightened or liberated students (an oxymoronic like statment since students would no longer be such if they were enlightened) existing in the Buddhas time or now is something I don't buy into, even if there are some references in doctrine along such lines - although I'm sure there were and are many advanced Buddhist students. Why do I say these things? Because if there were thousands of fully enlightened beings on earth back then or now such would equal a spiritual/mystic force and presense great enough to offset far more of the non-dharmic times and events that took place back then and that are also happening on this Earth now; but we don't have that situation do we? Thus we didn't have thousands of enlightened beings manifesting on Earth back then or now. Further, I'd add that when the Earth and a certain percentage of us humans are fully enlighened along with a certain percentage that are advanced - we will then vibrate together as, "a new heaven and a new earth"... but until then and as it has often been for countless generations this realm retains it's slaughter-house and war-realm types of great suffering. Om
  20. There is no self

    "I'm not enlightened" from the Dalai Lama. "Ok", from me. Om
  21. There is no self

    "What do we do after that?" K. Surreneder, what else?
  22. There are pure and also corrupted versions of such powers - That which is beyond corruption is the truest and greatest of all power. Om
  23. The Tao & The Monothesitic God

    Yuan-shih T'ien-tsun -- The First Principal "He has no beginning and no end. He existed "before the void and the silence, before primordial chaos." He is self-existing, changeless, limitless, invisible, contains all virtues, is present in all places and is the source of all truth".