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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Disturbing conclusion

    Step by Step, Eddie Rabbit (click arrow) http://new.music.yahoo.com/eddie-rabbitt/tracks/step-by-step--1506577 ...and some of his other songs will play afterwards if you leave it at that player.
  2. how to open chakras?

    Christianity and (7) chakras in somewhat veiled terms: 10. "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11. Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 12. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13. And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15. And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. 17. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: 18. I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." Om Some schools teach of 21 chakras, example: -7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1 as the various hellish states, then 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 as rising states, then +1,+2,+3,+4,+5,+6,+7 as even deeper divine states that can only be spoken of in hints. That makes three sets of 7. And an example of what that can mean if you will is that it would take the power of a level 7 being (or at the "Christ" level, who has the keys to hell and death) to truly deal with a being of nearly total malice and hate who is at a level of -7. Also, related to what one poster here said, it is important to stabalize and seal off at state 1 so that any of the -1 and lower states don't co-mingle and get jumbled up in the process. There is also that saying that goes something like, "the higher we go the further we can fall" thus we don't really want to fall below the state of 1 and shouldn't if such preparation made there is sound.
  3. Liberals and Atheists Smarter?

    My take: From day one after birth humans are designed to learn - but convoluted, non-evolutionary programing can take over quite young.
  4. Need some Zen koan help!

    I don't feel qualified to give advice (through a particualr quote) on such a serious subject over the internet... what I was saying above is only related to my own experience/thoughts in that area - for whatever that may be worth in sharing? Thus for your brother-in-law I'd suggest finding mental health professionals and or lead people of whatever faith system you are part of for more one-on-one personal help. As for basic dharma and or the ways of the Tao there is a great wealth of material on the internet (or in book stores) that can easily be found using a search engine by someone like youself or others who know him well and the details of the situation. Best wishes to you at this difficult time.
  5. Need some Zen koan help!

    I'd also suggest reviewing the basic dharmas related to being a human being in the present, regardless of any feelings related to past or future outcomes along the lines of, "what the f___ do we thnk we're doing here"... and it may also help to really look at any young kids who are relatives, friends or in the community and ask yourself what kind of legacy and or example do you want to leave for them, and what do you want or hope to see on their faces and or in their hearts? (thus honestly weigh violence against ones-self and the aftermath to such human relations and then truly ask yourself what the hell was I thinking!? (besides the absolute guarantee of far worse and more prolonged and hellish suffering for yourself in checking out before it is your time!) Sorry, I'm not to good at saying that lightly. Om
  6. Confused

    Mal, I would have been more correct to say, "some of this organization and some of it's members" since I'm very new here and don't assume to know, nor will I ever know but a small fraction of whole and diverse story of said parties; none-the-less I do know of the particular posts I was referring to earlier... Anyway, and in a way I can appreciate what to me was your light-hearted shunt of "ROFL", since it is a free website - although and obviously our world of mankind is not free of the sick sexual manipulation that is sometimes pawned off as sophistication and or as mystical practices of Taoism or what may happen in other religions; further, if pointing out "insults" such as these which are taking place in our world in general and sometimes even in "spiritual" communities, (whether website or not) are frowned upon and seen as "politically incorrect" then I think it reveals just how much the ways of the gentle, strong and pure Tao are covered over with the ways of this world - Om
  7. Confused

    I quit reading Drew's posts (who sometimes comes across as well educated and informed on certain matters) after hearing him rant on about and proclaim his twisted and sick obsessions and abilities related to sex and black-magic like manipulations, regardless of any "full-lotus" co-opting B.S.! (and I don't know much about how others around here feel but to me such goes far beyond ocassional adult jokes and or goofy posts on sex) Anyway and apparently sick sex posts are seldom moderated around here because (?) of some kind of pretense related to quasi-sophisticated, brains falling out the head spectrum of views related to Taoism held by this organization and some of it's members? Thus if you guys want to moderate me for being a party pooper - no big deal - no big loss - I know that what can be garbage to one person can be a treasure to another, and if sick sex posts are entertaining and instructional to the balance of the members and moderators here then I won't be around long even if there are some fine people that do drop by here. Om
  8. Light Qi

    I'd say because it takes some time and hard knocks to learn that vice is not virtue. Om
  9. Confused

    Tyler, I left a reply on your personal page. Bob
  10. When HamSa becomes SoHam

    cool, right out of mystic Hinduism. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
  11. Spring feeling

    Try Wyoming at 6500' elevation, but at least it's a dry cold... Btw if you don't know where Wyoming is you're not the only one. Om
  12. Confused

    the link for free downloads (pdf format) of Qi magazine. A great resource! http://www.qimagazine.com/qimagazine00.html
  13. Confused

    Om Shanti... and get off it already or at least with me.
  14. Confused

    That is an ideal way of looking at swimming in the mind so to speak, although if I may add (and I'm sure you are aware of it) that hungry sharks swim there and or here to. Mr. Ya Mu seems to have a fine system related to Taoism, although I know very little about him I feel that he has given out good vibes and well shared thoughts. And like the other person said he may not be to far away from you? And again, I'd say that Alan Watts has some good introductry books on eastern ways that westerners can relate to, although he was from another generation compared to the many authors now in print and what is being published by them. Oh, I just remembered Shaktimama gave us a link at this site for a giant and excellent resource on Chinese arts at Qi magazine - who are sharing all their material in downloadable pdf file format!! I don't have the link at this moment and I don't know if their files are still out there for free but I'll check into it and get back with you. Om
  15. Awakening Kundalini 101

    before (and with kundalini) commentary. Yama and Niyama.doc
  16. Confused

    Hello Makyea, Sorry for the posts that may be distracting from the primary questions in your first post concerning Taoism... When I start a thread I don't mind some tangents arising (which are expected) but such can get fairly wild and far a field, thus I'll leave out further posts on Hindusim in this thread, which like I said before and think could be further addressed in a different thread. (being that I presently believe it was not of your intention to wade through reams of pros and cons related to Hinduism in this particualr thread?) Top of the morning to ya, Bob
  17. Confused

    Actually I'll have to disagree with your narrow summation, "Hinduism" is more panentheistic than polytheistic; see - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panentheism Along with "Satchidananda" and or "Paramatman" being of exceedingly deep importance and teaching regardless of all the variations in paths! Btw, for those that don't know, all branches, sects, and almost all the countless sub-sects recognize Lord Ganesha as a common, close and important God in their religions but mostly not as their Supreme Mahadeva or God, and of course there are the teachings of "Brahman" (in various texts) that really points beyond all names and forms, yet within all names and forms, these imo could-should be called the leaders or lead concepts and Source of Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism -- Anyway, there is incredible diversity in Hindusim but it has no man-made or elected Pope, also imo any Brahmin that breaks the dharma (by trying to co-opt it for selfish purposes) will have to answer for doing so just as any so called ordinary person would or much more so karma wise if they break the trust! (which imo has happened in certain cases although I'm no authority on such, nor do I choose to spend the time being so since I more or less have mountains of karmic stuff of my own to work on. Om
  18. Confused

    Well said Jinjujitsu!, Thanks for filling in on part of the A-Z, and other related comments. Om Shanti
  19. Confused

    "Hinduism": it has many beliefs via its various sects and sub-sects that more or less range from A-Z. India before and during Hinduism (per-se) has vast periods of history and major events that more or less range from A-Z for over 5000+ years. India has different types of sub-cultures that more or less range from A-Z. It has male and female spiritual teachers that more or less range from A-Z in practices and merit. India has climates that more or less range from A-Z. It has different gods and goddess that more or less range from A-Z. It has impersonal and personal aspects in relating to the ultimate. (see the Upanishads) It has many true teachers, saints, and good people and it also has untrue teachers, rascals, con-men, etc.. It has age old studies and wisdom related to information on natural health and diet, and many other sciences. It has those that have abused power and those that have nutured the well being of the people... In other words it to has the whole spectrum of life and death struggle going on!! I respect her, and could never put her into a little box.
  20. Confused

    .. diatribe to.
  21. Confused

    pros and cons related to this should probably be on another string/subject, my two cents.
  22. Confused

    and a number of people I know in real life do not share your opinion. Om
  23. Confused

    Mind and body as servants of Spirit need a certain rest... but their master does not need rest in that sense for the Ocean already rests in herself as boundless freedom that is ever moving and ever still - singing her song that never ends yet is always new, always new... Om
  24. Disturbing conclusion

    Get off it already... blame game.