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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Confused

    "...I wonder in the end if that is all that anyone wants internal and external peace. The freedom to rest..." Hello Makyea, That is a wise overview of the issue! And I agree, a freedom and restful peace that we can not be robbed of is definitely along the lines of what I feel all of us Beings hunger for. Going further if you will, there is a deeper freedom and lasting peace that even death (cycles) can not rob us of, or that sleeps in unconsciousness - for in coming to that truth there is a boundless JOY and happiness that is not limited by or that falls back on what could be called its regular counter-part of sorrow, for then we see death die, - losing its hold or its veil over our realization and awakening to the undying truth and freedom within all of us, that is all of us! where dancing, singing, and working are easy, Om ...
  2. Confused

    Yes, and there can also be much to unlearn. More importantly though - no one can give to us or take away from us what we already truly are! Om
  3. Confused

    Many types of powers and knowledge related to Taoism or many other paths may only come to or only amount to the "vanity of vanities" without love... And Sister without love we will all be "far behind" and know little or nothing, including the so called most powerful and smartest among us. You may be interested in Quan Yin? (as a reference and example) Om
  4. Light Qi

    ...a major aspect of the ultimate but not the ultimate. Some use the name, "Lord Brahma"... many others use many other names. Btw, imo there is no real "samsara", there is only something misunderstood that some people name as samsara. Om
  5. The Tao and Baptism (christian)

    That's a very hard one man... Speaking of hollow have you read, "Autobigraphy of Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda? If not you can find in it another understanding of Master Jesus/Christianity through the eyes of a Self-realized Hindu Master... strange world isn't it? Om
  6. The Tao and Baptism (christian)

    Love your mom, (and or anyone else) but assert/explain that you are making a choice for a non-violent way; btw if one just flat out ignores their parents along these lines then imo I feel we would also be breaking with dharma or Tao. Om
  7. A really great teacher can/will know of your serious questions/difficulties better than you "normally" do before you verbalize them; thus the main thing is to be honest with yourself and with them and they will naturally help in doing or saying what needs to be done or said... lend a hand and you be lended a hand. Om
  8. that sounds like quite the box or corner you are putting yourself into shaolin... and all based on intellect which is inherently limited. Good luck.
  9. Hello Shaolin, I relate to this subject with the simple example of a prism; on one side of it we have undifferentiated white light and on the other side of it we have colors. Now when using that image CAN we say that the white light or the prism "creates" the spectrum of colors - not really right? (btw. what created the prism? ) Anyway, mind can investigate various energies along these lines and reach the point where all the colors or energies are known as pouring out of a great cosmic prism, but then again for mind to reach through this prism towards the pure white light side - it to would have to leave itself behind as "individual" colors or individual minds for such do not exist on the other side of that prism. ...Further, the processes alluded to above can be talked about, but lets now say that the pure light or energy is somehow looking for an even greater source and or connection. Thus on one side of another, even greater prism than the cosmic one mentioned above is where pure energy knows itself as same, yet on the other side (or inside) of this even greater prism is the "unknown" even to it, unknown because for pure energy to reach through this next prism - it to would have to leave itself behind as such, for even it does not exist on the other side of this greater prism. Lastly, imo this last idea is getting way ahead of the game if we are deeply stuck in individual colors. (and or minds) Om
  10. limitless

    The cavity of the mysterious gate lies within. It is without structure and form and is limitless. Try to find it, and it will seem as if beyond ten thousand mountains. Try to locate it in the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, and you will find nothing. Words cannot describe this cavity. If you try to grasp it, it is no where to be found. --- Wu H'suan P'ien (a saying copied from Sean's header)
  11. Ah, excellent link! Many thanks. Om
  12. ...and why is that, because (imo) without fruitfull methods to do so one will probably wander into unfruitfull methods that give hellish type results.
  13. Jerry Alan Johnson books

    An excellent interview with many fine explanations shared!! Thanks for the link.
  14. Wouldn't it be nice if all we had were, "conceptual difficulties"? thinking about enlightenment can be very hellish...
  15. limitless

    The limits of an Ocean of light can not be found but its unlimited source can.
  16. 365 Tao - DEFENSE

    This quote above is from who Blasto; and is it also of your perspective...? Below a quoted perspective on evil that turns it, whithout giving up defense: "Assailed by afflictions, we discover Dharma And find the way to liberation. Thank you, evil forces! When sorrows invade the mind, we discover Dharma And find lasting happiness. Thank you, sorrows! Through harm caused by spirits we discover Dharma And find fearlessness. Thank you, ghosts and demons! Through people's hate we discover Dharma And find benefits and happiness. Thank you, those who hate us! Through cruel adversity, we discover Dharma And find the unchanging way. Thank you, adversity! Through being impelled to by others, we discover Dharma And find the essential meaning. Thank you, all who drive us on! We dedicate our merit to you all, to repay your kindness". - Gyalwa Longchenpa
  17. Cat/Patients

    Great story
  18. The sound of one hand clapping

    the roaring silence that feeds the children and guards over their happy laughter
  19. Enlightenment-a TTB definition.

    or perhaps an egg eaten from the inside out and what emerges is stronger than counting our chickens before they are ready to or have hatched.
  20. limitless

    Hi Marblehead, thank you, Imo terms such as these can not exactly be cross-correlated in meaning because definitions more or less depend on the tradition and or school we associate with or are wired into - thus I don't think we can really find or have complete agreement about such terms unless we agree to agree on the meanings that the terms point to as if we were all in one school or traditon and speaking the same language.(so to speak) Such would be nice as far as reducing arguments that arise along these lines but it would also be an attempt to reduce or deny aspects of the wonderful and incredible diversity arising out of the Ocean side of pure energy! Shall we enjoy the swim...
  21. limitless

    Lets say you have a transformer, (not unlike an electrical transformer) and on one side of it is an unlimited Ocean of pure, deathless, blissful energy along with all the laws and forms that that energy can take, from the "One" to "Ten thousand". And on the other side of that transfromer there is an Absolute, beyond any powers of mind. (since the mind of light is and can only exist on the Ocean side of the transformer) Now in between the Absoulte side of the tranformer and the Ocean side of the tranformer is an area that transformation can take place and flow in either direction... I'd call that area the "void" because it is not yet the Ocean and it is no longer the Absolute but an in between. (where things and also you disappear, which can be kind of disconcerting. So from my very limited experience I believe that until most of us are extremely old souls we will opt to remain on the Ocean side of the transformer for almost countless eons - although at some point choosing to enter all the way into the void and disappear/dissolve into that unknown and undergo a final transformation and merger to the Source side of the transformer. Btw, there are no disconnects anywhere at any time (or at any no time) on either side of the transformer or in the void, it's all a whole grand kit and caboodle. Om
  22. Enlightenment-a TTB definition.

    By Yutang Lin: Teaching of "Non-form" indicates non-attachment to form. Misinterpreted, it is adopted as holding to absence of form. Abiding in no forms at all, one falls into the abyss of void. Only in no grasping to form or non-form lies true liberation.
  23. Psychic Powers

    "Again, I didn't start this thread to find enlightenment". S.Z. Since when are beggars choosy? You have gotten tons of feedback (pros and cons) but if you only want it to go your way, strictly on your subject then I'm sure several of us will leave you in the privacy of your own thread. Bob