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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Psychic Powers

    Ok, sounds like you are saying faith and caution at the same time, which is not cynical but also doesn't end up (as an example) in a commune in Oregon like some did in the 80's with the wool pulled over their eyes. (because of that cult-ture) Btw, do you study the Upanishads? Om
  2. limitless

    Ah, a very lovely post and quote!
  3. limitless

    Same here, hehehe
  4. Psychic Powers

    Shaktimama, "Love the Self. Honor the Self" ...This sounds very much along the lines of Vedanta/Upanishads and has been (in very similar terms) repeated many times by many fine Self-realized or enlightened beings in their teachings. Further, I have zero disagreement with the saying, but I'm wondering why you use it when on other hand you have also seemingly said in flippant sounding way that enlightenment is a cultural delusion - or something like that? Bob
  5. Psychic Powers

    We can't knuckle our way in with force at any age, and there is also "the need to know aspect" that comes into play along with each step and its associated responsibilities. (and no matter how small that step is it has importance) Thus in trusting the wisdom of the keepers of the way, we to may someday be entrusted by them.
  6. Psychic Powers

    "The fulfillment in spirit comes in the life lived daily in joy and gratitude. This is one of the greatest psychic powers and one of the greatest secrets" S.M. Amen
  7. Nina Kulagina

    with kundalini shakti fall (upwards) into Love, all else is a sidetrack. Om
  8. Forgiveness

    Judith Herman, M.D., is considered to be the leading authority on PTSD. Here is an excerpt from Trauma and Recovery on the topic of forgiveness: "During the process of mourning, the survivor must come to terms with the impossibility of getting even. As she vents her rage in safety, her helpless fury gradually changes into a more powerful form of anger: righteous indignation. This transformation allows the survivor to free herself from the prison of the revenge fantasy, in which she is alone with the perpetrator. It offfers her a way to regain a sense of power without becoming a criminal herself. Giving up on the fantasy of revenge does not mean giving up the quest for justice; on the contrary, it begins the process of joining others to hold the perpetrator accountable for his crimes. Revolted by the fantasy of revenge, some survivors attempt to bypass their outrage altogether through a fantasy of forgiveness. This fantasy, like its polar opposite, is an attempt at empowerment. The survivor imagines that she can transcend her rage and the impact of the trauma through a willed, defiant act of love. But it is not possible to exorcise the trauma, through either hatred or love. Like revenge, the fantasy of forgiveness often becomes a cruel torture, because it remains out of reach for most ordinary human beings. Folk wisdom recognizes that to forgive is divine. And even divine forgiveness, in most religious systems, is not unconditional. True forgiveness cannot be granted until the perpetrator has sought and and earned it through confession, repentance, and restitution." That last sentence is debateable to me. For instance, does the Tao forgive? If you care to share - what is your experience or take on this excerpt and on the matter of forgiveness? Om
  9. Enlightenment-a TTB definition.

    I'll second that
  10. Forgiveness

    The big bang is happening right now, the big crunch is happening right now and everything in between is happening right now - if our perspective is big enough right now. I like mountain standard time but pacific standard time would be ok, while eastern standard time has always been a little to crowded for me. Only my localized mind and body limit me to one zone at a time.
  11. Psychic Powers

    the most I've ever learned was from a teacher who without any secrecy didn't say a word. Om
  12. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    Hi Cat, I also read parts of the string you've mentioned above and I felt kinda like a babe in the woods considering the heavy bricks being tossed around - heads up and somewhat surprized the mods didn't kick at some point?
  13. limitless

    There is no disconnect between what seems or appears limited and the unlimited. Although from the limited perspective (so to speak) such can never see the unlimited, but from the unlimited perspective (so to speak and which may sound contradictory) there is no limited.
  14. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    Eureka, Neti Neti
  15. Forgiveness

    ...although everything that has ever happened, is happening and will happen is here existing all together under the One, which is why it is called The One.
  16. Instant incredible power Is in a moment of unconditional Love with the fullness of wisdom. Om not separate...
  17. Instant, incredible power

    how about how far it can reach?
  18. Enlightenment-a TTB definition.

    Om Khandogya Upanishad, VII Prapathaka, 23rd Khanda: 1. The Infinite (bhuman) is bliss. There is no bliss in anything finite. Infinity only is bliss. This Infinity, however, we must desire to understand. Sir, I desire to understand it. 24. 1. Where one sees nothing else, hears nothing else, understands nothing else, that is the Infinite. Where one sees something else, hears something else, understands something else, that is the finite. The Infinite is immortal, the finite is mortal. Sir, in what does the Infinite rest? In its own greatness - or not even in greatness. 2. In the world they call cows and horses, elephants and gold, slaves, wives, fields and houses greatness. I do not mean this, thus he spoke; for in that case one being (the possessor) rests in something else, (but the Infinite cannot rest in something different from itself) 25. 1. The Infinite indeed is below, above, behind, before, right and left--it is indeed all this. Now follows the explanation of the Infinite as the I: I am below, I am above, I am behind, before, right and left--I am all this. 2. Next follows the explanation of the Infinite as the Self: Self is below, above, behind, before, right and left - Self is all this. He who sees, perceives, and understands this, loves the Self, delights in the Self, revels in the Self, rejoices in the Self--he becomes a Svarag, (an autocrat or self-ruler) he is lord and master in all the worlds. But those who think differently from this, live in perishable worlds, and have other beings for their rulers. 26. 1. To him who sees, perceives, and understands this, the spirit (prana) springs from the Self, hope springs from the Self, memory springs from the Self; so do ether, fire, water, appearance and disappearance, food, power, understanding, reflection, consideration, will, Mind, speech, names, sacred hymns, and sacrifices--aye, all this springs from the Self. 2. There is this verse, "He who sees this, does not see death, nor illness, nor pain; he who sees this, sees everything, and obtains everything everywhere. "He is one (before creation), he becomes three (fire, water, earth), he becomes five, he becomes seven, he becomes nine; then again he is called the eleventh, and hundred and ten and one thousand and twenty." When the intellectual aliment has been purified, the whole nature becomes purified. When the whole nature has been purified, the memory becomes firm. And when the memory (of the Highest Self) remains firm, then all the ties (which bind us to a belief in anything but the Self) are loosened.
  19. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    U2 since you know the songs?
  20. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    The beat goes on even though we didn't start the fire, so bye bye Miss American pie while Nietzsche waits to reincarnate because God did make little green apples... so even if there is a bad moon on the rise blackbird sings in the dead of night that Eli is coming heart to heart in a burning ring of fire for Suzanne who takes his hand and is as sweet as tupelo honey and unchained melody running free as wildfire -
  21. ...but if they are both female (to begin with), then how? Never mind. http://specials.msn.com/A-List/Second-pregnant-man.aspx?cp-searchtext=second%20pregnant%20man (link from msn)
  22. Instant, incredible power

    what is your definition of unconditional love?
  23. 365 Tao - ACCOUNTABILITY

    "...He cautioned incessantly about speculative sidetracks..." on one hand yes on another hand no - since there is doctrine (which is more or less related to specualtion) about a few time returners, one time returners and no returners. And of course there is the witness from the Earth just before his enlightenment as to his countless incarnations as a compassionate type of being... which btw is not presented in a speculative framework. oh well
  24. Instant, incredible power

    All powers come from or out of Om, but Om has a deeper and deathless connection or unknown that can not be defined per-se. Mind and will at the most can only take the stepped-down permutations of that power and manipulate it to various degrees, but surrendering to the deeper connection of deathless power and being with it can never be of a personal manipulation or motive made for gain by mind or will. That's the ballgame. Om