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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. KAP

    I consider your meanings for possible truths as I see or hear them in regards to my understanding on the matters spoken of; and if you see or hear your meanings as truths for yourself and associates then that is of course where you are coming from and I don't mean to step on that. As for my interpretations (see my underline above) such were not chiseled in stone and were meant to touch on possible interpretations that may be heard when reading that particular sentence of your text. Also, what is apparent to you via your related ways is of course of your free choice to have and to hold in making points, as it is for me and others to do the same with our ways. I also try not forget that what is apparent to someone else is their present take on reality and is important to them - regardless if they have ever heard of kundalini and its possible effects like having visions of light or not. Om
  2. Forgiveness

    Hello Sundragon, Some ramblings from me: There is a sense that purely karmic law does not forgive, yet if there was only karmic law then a forgiveness with the possibilities of going beyond an exacting, mechanical like, cause and effect wheel of fate could never be attained... and one might ask how does the Spirit of Love use karmic mechanics to bring about an arising to or an awakening to the Spirit? Om
  3. Forgiveness

    A comment about the saying of, "love thine enemy", this is a teaching of spiritual/mystical transmutation and transformation that is not exactly taken up or possible for most of us beginners,(so to speak)... since imo it would take a very deep understanding of the true nature of things, which includes a deep understanding of good and evil along with the power of not to being overtaken or taken advantage of by same. (thus a miraculous transmutation and transformation is possible with this teaching!!!) "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" Om
  4. KAP

    Namaste also, "...If people could only look through our eyes and see what we see..." As stated, although your context is apparently different, (?) this may sound like you are implying that people need eyes and or your ways like yours to see wisely... when what we really need to develop is our own eyes and ways to see wisely. (which btw may be rather different than someone else's) In other words helping someone find their own wisdom (even if it means leaving them be) is greater than showing them ours. (even if we mean well) Consider if you will the words of Gibran: "..But you do not see, nor do you hear, and it is well. The veil that clouds your eyes shall be lifted by the hands that wove it, And the clay that fills your ears shall be pierced by those fingers that kneaded it. And you shall see And you shall hear. Yet you shall not deplore having known blindness, nor regret having been deaf. For in that day you shall know the hidden purposes in all things, And you shall bless darkness as you would bless light..." The last line above is not easy to see, (yes/no?) and may never be chosen to be seen, and also could never be forced to be seen. Om
  5. Stealing Life Force

    Ok Kaliyuga, but is the sarcasm really needed or productive? (for your way that works for you and which could be stated as such, for a counterpoint or alternative?) Om
  6. KAP

    ShaktiMama, An inspiring witness except near the end where you state: "...If people could only look through our eyes and see what we see..." as stated this sentence totally misses the mark and might be very self-revealing for you? Om
  7. "there is such a self"

    "All that you can say.. about all that you believe.. pales in comparison with a single moment of Life.." ...and that is right on the mark
  8. Innocence

    Core Spirit is uncorruptable, if not all would never have been. Om
  9. Stealing Life Force

    Considering that much of our "culture" (spiritual or otherwise) is often a melting pot - I don't think we can make hard and fast generalizations or absolute statements about how another should proceed in the situation that has been brought up; other than general pointers and or help. Maharasa, as you know you will have to search and pray deep for the particular help that you are asking for and make it happen, thus even if someone here gave you the best of tips (and the names of people) the internet still has limits which I believe you already know... Having said that, - yes - Master Jesus is a living cosmic torch of an unlimited, divine Holy light, further what He opens none can close and what He closes none can open. Best wishes, Om
  10. KAP

    Not at all sure what you are saying above in regards to me Deepbluesea? Anyway, I'm glad that I didn't just let certain statements about the potentially fatal use of electricity SLIDE. And I'm also glad that some people here took note, maybe doing so will prevent serious harm or worse to someone out there? As the for the intial presentation and bragging-up of the material regarding "220 VAC" it was irresponsible and foolish in my book, regardless of any of the later rationalizations for same; although thankfully warnings did come out. Om
  11. KAP

    "dumb and dumber". But I've already said that. Om
  12. "there is such a self"

    Hello TzuJanLi, More or less agreed with your statement above in relation to the relative worlds. (which includes all the realms and souls that are woven together under the One) Thus a weaving of light existing as an individual soul someplace in time and space under the One has relative will within the worlds that it is interacting with.... But consciousness in and as a particular being and will (or even as the One) is not the Tao that can not be named which is what we ultimately are or no-thing which beyond even its first born or consciousness. Btw, consciousness may not be ready to give up its grand consciousness for no-thing unless it has reached the point of desire for more than consciousness, and at that point it can then surrender itself to that which is unknownable to it. Om
  13. Views on the Transition

    Mother Earth is evolving. As She evolves her frequency goes higher and at some point the law of the jungle will no longer be taking place or apply here... When that will happen I don't know, but more importantly and what it means is that only the beings within a certain frequency range (so to speak) will be able to incarnate here instead of the way things are now with its incredible mix of hellish, human and heavenly beings - on what is presently a testing and proving ground for all us and the planet. Thus humans or anyone else who refuses to evolve will no longer be able to come here because of the purity level that the Earth will attain. Thus the point is not really to become an expert at survival via the law of the jungle, with our own little well armed and well stocked group existing inside a fortress somewhere out in the deep woods, the point is to raise our frequency level to be free of the law of the jungle with its tooth and claw, kill or be killed mind-set. And in doing so we will then be able to exist in harmony with the renewed and totaly purified frequency that She, the Earth soul attains. (beyond any trespass) Om
  14. KAP

    Better yet imo as Jesus said in Mt 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
  15. A modification if you will? What is under One stays under the One, and in that sense nothing can be disposed of by the One. Thus all that is under the One is recycled in some way within the One. Only no-thing can go beyond the One.
  16. Destroying Hope

    Hello, Using a different term consider desire... there are many desires that we have as human beings but what is really behind all of our desires? To try and destroy all desires is not the point nor healthy since more self-defeating frustrations would result from not being able to do so. Instead we must consider what is at the root of our many desires and aim to find the one true desire that is more or less masked by those many forms of desire. (desires which may be at cross-purposes and or in conflict with each other and with our aim) For many the one true desire may be described as attaining an end to suffering and for the fullness of spiritual unity and its related power and wisdom that is beyond any doubt or fear. Thus by mastering all lesser and or conflicting desires and joining them together as a united team (thus and not destroying their drive per-se) will help give us the needed drive or fuel to attain the one true desire. An example: I believe the Buddha came to realize that he could not attain his truest desire by methods which included the near starvation of his body that had its need and desire for food. Om
  17. "there is such a self"

    Namaste CowTao, and top of the morning to you What is the taste of one hand making coffee?
  18. "there is such a self"

    Of the eight liberations taught in Buddhism, none of them go missing when moving among or through them. (as the historic Buddha is recorded as doing) To me there seems to be a fairly common idea (sub-conscious or otherwise) that upon attaining a certain liberation of a greater defined number than of a lesser liberation, then the so called lesser liberation has no meaning or is only an illusion to be shunned. Holding such views makes for a mind and heart crushing problem in my interpretation. ...then again I'm not a Buddhist and everyone has the right to their own interpretations along these lines... as long as we don't proceed to impale others with same. Om
  19. Hello Apecph7, Well said and or quoted, although in relation to the first paragraph above my view is that the Tao is that which is inherent in all beings, but not always realized and actualized in all beings because of us being identified with ego as later said. The laws of the jungle are something the Sage has risen above. A great Sage no longer needs to take or get very much energy from outside of themselves as so many of us still do; thus such is no longer driving the Sage on. Why, because they are now generating and radiating energy; also there is that saying that goes something like, "there is no place in them for death". Further, in radiating energy they have become a human sun, thus more than just an elemental sun as in nature, for an elemental sun is still under lesser laws than a Sage who is at one with the completion and fullness of law which is an Ocean of energenic love and wisdom, that if needed will be tough or if needed will be gentle, without ado. Om
  20. "there is such a self"

    obviously the historic Buddha had free will and employed it: Lines from the Maha-parinibbana Sutta: 30. And the Blessed One suppressed the illness by strength of will, resolved to maintain the life process, and lived on. So it came about that the Blessed One's illness was allayed. ------- 3. And the Blessed One said: "Whosoever, Ananda, has developed, practiced, employed, strengthened, maintained, scrutinized, and brought to perfection the four constituents of psychic power could, if he so desired, remain throughout a world-period or until the end of it. [21] The Tathagata, Ananda, has done so. Therefore the Tathagata could, if he so desired, remain throughout a world-period or until the end of it." ------- "The Blessed One Relinquishes His Will to Live" 9. When this was said, the Blessed One spoke to Mara, the Evil One, saying: "Do not trouble yourself, Evil One. Before long the Parinibbana of the Tathagata will come about. Three months hence the Tathagata will utterly pass away." 10. And at the Capala shrine the Blessed One thus mindfully and clearly comprehending renounced his will to live on. And upon the Lord's renouncing his will to live on..." -------
  21. Chapter Five: translation by Master Hua-Ching Ni "The subtle virtue of the universe is wholeness. It regards all things as equal. The virtue of the sage is wholeness. He to regards all things as equal. The universe may be compared to a bellows. It is empty, yet it never fails to generate its products. The more it moves, the more it brings forth. Many words lead one nowhere. Many pursuits in different directions bring only exhaustion. Rather, embrace the subtle essence within."
  22. how to erase bad karma

    Using the fear you mentioned earlier does not take out fear, it sets you up to also fall by such devices; countless examples of this exist throughout human history of those that used evil to try and take out evil only to become its next and often worse replacement. (then who will remain to help your friend? Not you, you will be gone, replaced by your dark side) - True self-defense is completely different than that. Perhaps some experienced people at this site will share in that area with us? It is a critical subject at this critical time for you and also for so many of us! I also know that human reasoning is often not a workable solution or option in these matters, which is all the more reason for you to seek spiritual help from the divinely powerful forces! Om