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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. another description,

    I see no disconnect anywhere, Om
  2. T.T.C. 49: The Sage has no interests of his own, But takes the interests of the people as his own. He is kind to the kind; He is also kind to the unkind: For Virtue is kind. He is faithful to the faithful; He is also faithful to the unfaithful: For Virtue is faithful. In the midst of the world, the Sage is shy and self-effacing. For the sake of the world he keeps his heart in its nebulous state. All the people strain their ears and eyes: The Sage only smiles like an amused infant. (the whole book needs study, not just a couple of chapters)
  3. how to erase bad karma

    Very sorry to hear of your friend!! That is extremely hard. Defense is one thing and there are powers that can and will defend beyond any human or demonic offense... But any energy you twist up to comit twisted revenge will also end up binding you, and sooner or later in serving and feeding that beast you to will become its meal. Trust in the greater power of the Holy Spirit (or the name you give it) to help you - or fall into the pit of abomination, for the beast is not particular about who it feeds upon. the choice is yours... Om
  4. KAP

    my earlier post said, "dumb and dumber for a wide open public forum" - thus such is general rule in my view regardless of anybodys name or fame and I stand by that. Om
  5. KAP

    ...and yet lots of people are not here after coming into contact with electricity... ignorance of its laws, accidents and or irresponsibility related to same do not mitigate its effects, and a first time contact with it can easily be and often is the last we see of a person in this world. Om
  6. KAP

    Btw, for those who have not studied anything about electricity and how it can and will effect most people - it only takes a small fraction of one amp or around .015 amps across the heart to kill someone. Voltage is the pressure so to speak that pushes the amperage to flow. "Static" electricity that many of us have come into contact with normally has a tiny amount of amperage behind it, (although not so with lighting bolts!!) thus with our dry skin resistance the odds of a harmful current flow through us is way down even though the static voltage may be very high, an everyday example of survival of static electricity would be that of a person walking across some types of floor rugs while wearing certain types of shoes and then having a big spark jump out when they touch a relative ground and feel a zap. On the other hand house current circuits normally start with 15 amps behind them and go up from there, with 120 to 220 volts pushing that current through various electrical devices. And remember it only takes around .015 amps across the heart to kill a human being, which 120 volts (and even more so with 220 volts) can very easily push though our skin resistance and then across the heart and prove fatal. Electricity is not something to fool around with. I have had a few bad electrical shocks over the years while working with industrial equipment. In my job I work with breaker devices that have voltage up to 13.8 thousand with several hundred amps of current behind them - one mistake while working around that and I'm instantly vaporized history. Om
  7. KAP

    dumb and dumber, for a wide open public forum...
  8. how to erase bad karma

    That could happen - and the hell you now know will probably increase a horrific 100 fold (as an example) and also follow you beyond this time and this present life, where you will have to meet up with "them" again until you and them get it right...
  9. another description,

    Hello Blasto, Debate is ok with me and can be fair enough. "viviates" (a seldom seen word by me :-) sounds to be more or less a matter of opinion - whether of a small group, an individual, or of a school to embrace such means of viviatation. (spelling?) The paragraph was not mine, although it rings true to me. The post was submitted as an alternative to what I've heard and more or less taken as the often monolithically (to borrow your meaning) described and held voices related to certain terms as they are commonly used by various schools. (when to me such terms are basically just pointers to beyond such names) May I suggest we take what we find useful and leave the rest - considering that this is a wide open and sometimes wild public forum... :-) Btw. I can see how people who are devoted to the Taoist schools may not be so pleased with all the variety here; many thanks for your tolerance. Om
  10. Hello Hardyg and people on this string, What the microcosm can realize is also of the macrocosm; and the mystery that is of the microcosm can not be held down, limited or stopped by that same mystery that is of the macrocosm... that is an idea of how the realization of universal oneness is possible if you will? Here is a unpanishad that I feel alludes to this for anyone interested: Chandogya, 8th Prapathaka, 1st Khanda: "1. Harih, Om. There is this city of Brahman (the body), and in it the palace, the small lotus (of the heart), and in it that small ether. Now what exists within that small ether, that is to be sought for, that is to be understood. 2. And if they should say to him: 'Now with regard to that city of Brahman, and the palace in it, i. e. the small lotus of the heart, and the small ether within the heart, what is there within it that deserves to be sought for, or that is to be understood?' 3. Then he should say: 'As large as this ether (all space) is, so large is that ether within the heart. Both heaven and earth are contained within it, both fire and air, both sun and moon, both lightning and stars; and whatever there is of him (the Self) here in the world, and whatever is not (i.e. whatever has been or will be), all that is contained within it.' 4. And if they should say to him: 'If everything that exists is contained in that city of Brahman, all beings and all desires (whatever can be imagined or desired), then what is left of it, when old age reaches it and scatters it, or when it falls to pieces?' 5. Then he should say: 'By the old age of the body, that (the ether, or Brahman within it) does not age; by the death of the body, that (the ether, or Brahman within it) is not killed. That (the Brahman) is the true Brahma-city (not the body). In it all desires are contained. It is the Self, free from sin, free from old age, from death and grief, from hunger and thirst, which desires nothing but what it ought to desire, and imagines nothing but what it ought to imagine. Now as here on earth people follow as they are commanded, and depend on the object which they are attached to, be it a country or a piece of land, 6. 'And as here on earth, whatever has been acquired by exertion, perishes, so perishes whatever is acquired for the next world by sacrifices and other good actions performed on earth. Those who depart from hence without having discovered the Self and those true desires, for them there is no freedom in all the worlds. But those who depart from hence, after having discovered the Self and those true desires, for them there is freedom in all the worlds." Om
  11. Ready to move on

    and "this is it"
  12. KAP

    Hello ShaktiMama, I understand and appreciate what you are saying above although the word radiate comes to mind for me in the context you are describing, - instead of the context that I was trying to touch on of a conciously directed type of pipeline transmission as directed towards or into another Being. (which imo is the common meaning of the word "transmission" as related to much of this strings topic) A universal type prayer for the general well-being of all without any strings attached is not being strong armed to me; but if someone is transmitting out a prayer to try and change me for what they believe is my own good, without my consent or knowledge of them doing so then that to me would be a prayer of intrusion on my privacy or on that of a group, even if they meant well. Om
  13. KAP

    Sending a strong-armed "good" transmission to someone without their permission or willingness for participation with such on some definite level or in some definite way is "bad". (or serious infringment on another Being regardless of some of this neat sounding stuff) General kindness and respect of others privacy is not strong-armed goodness, thus it is truly good. Om p.s. granted, that was very simplistic but after 14 hrs at work it's time for me to hit the sack.
  14. how to erase bad karma

    Hello Sabretooth, Terrible karmic situations can be met with the assistance of advanced helpers... it truly is available, but not exactly on the internet except as a place to start. I'd suggest such help to be sought out in person, face to face. (and or in prayers for help which can lead to same, if you have not already done so?) It works. Om
  15. how to erase bad karma

    "I think by 'erase' the OP meant 'untwist', or undo, purify, release.. almost the same meaning. What would you recommend as a practical means to untwist one's past actions 3Bob? What would this entail, if i may ask. You mentioned faith. Are there any other methods one can employ to purify one's memories of the past? Regrets, guilt, that sort of thing. Your thoughts? Thanks." from CowTao Well, how about everything that helps lead us up to knowing that we are not really our memories although we have gained from going through experiences related to same - thus by the power of wisdom and compassion our attachments to our memories in ways that limit us can be seen through and untwisted. This site, and so many other sources have lots of Sage advice about "everything" or the many fine spiritual and common sense ways that can help us do that. Good fortune to you CowTao. Hello Marblehead, That was a delightful and insightful story about the lady and water pots! Om
  16. how to erase bad karma

    "erase", what exactly do you mean by that? ...may I ask what value can you take from this lesson and use it to reduce suffering for yourself and for the other party involved, and for the rest of your life as a person interacting with the world? I feel that part of the solution is to untwist our karma enough so that we can move; move towards the dharmas or laws that heal. And that will take some faith that the dharmas or universal spiritual laws will help and will bring healing, (thus not just an erasing without all the steps taken in between) even if we can't presently see that far ahead by ourselves. There is no magic bullet or method for us except for hard work and all the aspects of love that makes it possible.
  17. KAP

    Hello Vajrasattva, Yes... and I would be remiss not to add to my previous post that many built-in (so to speak) warnings are given at many points. Also that this same infinite power can also act in a redemptive and transformitive way with such power and grace. Om
  18. "there is such a self"

    Well said CowTao, thanks for your thoughtful and generous reply Like I've said before, I'm not a Buddhist - thus not really qualified to speak as if I belonged to a certain school of Buddhism, although I do very much appreciate many of the Buddhist sayings, and do see many correlations with other "rafts" of noble teachings. Here is one that comes to mind in relation to our particular posts today: "At the moment of awakening, the Buddha exclaimed: "Wonder of wonders! All living beings are truly enlightened and shine with wisdom and virtue. But because their minds have become deluded and turned inward to the self, they fail to understand this" Kegon Sutra, Copied from, "The Pocket Buddha Reader" page 13. The underline was added by me - seeing that such is not a just a potential (per-se) but indeed is a wonderful fact! Om
  19. KAP

    Hello Upfromtheashes, A short reply on one issue where I've inserted a quote from you below: Morris speaks of Saints and Psychopaths if I remember correctly and says something to the affect that psychopaths or those possesed by the dark side can have just as much energy as saints - This is not true in the sense that those seduced by what might be called the dark side are basically limited to what they can steal thorough various twisted methods. And more and most importantly there are limits to such methods and to what can be stolen! Thus and for instance an ego using methods that can handle and steal 1000 volts so to speak has that limit and will be seriously burned if trying to steal 10,000 volts... extrapolate this out and only a totaly true and deep Saint without any ego motives can be one with the infinite power, for any ego that trys to twist and steal that will suffer incineration. Om
  20. "there is such a self"

    "...But Boddhisattvas perform actions that has no past, present or future causes/effects since they have transcended all dualistic notions of self, space and time..." CowTao Hello CowTao, I agree that the liberation has/is synchronized/transcended beyond dualistic aspects as related to realms of time and space, yet in my case or further interpretation along these lines which will likely not be in-line with various other Buddhist interpretations, I'll continue by borrowing the drawing of with the Tibetan Wheel of Life, which to me shows Buddha nature as being free from or outside the effects of the wheel - while also showing it working inside of it for freedom from the effects of being overshadowed or attached to somewhere within said wheel; thus if Buddha nature is also working within a wheel that has certain limitations - via and through those certain limitations then there are also certain effects of dharmas in all of time and all of space for all Beings, yet ultimately at the same moment the same Buddha nature is also or already free.
  21. Virtue is...

    great string!
  22. Whats up with this smell?

    so it is :-)