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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Anyone willing to share the Hidden Secrets

    a hidden secret, look right under one's nose or feet.
  2. The Self, Does it Exist?

    ah, umm..., this is in the Buddhist sub-forum so terms per that format apply here. if the op wants to move this to the wild-wild west general forum then terms could be bandied about without anyone expecting a Buddhist context or whatever else arises.
  3. The Self, Does it Exist?

    The Self (per the Upanishads for anyone who cares to read them) is not a thing...thus reasoning or logic about a thing or things does not apply to it.
  4. The Self, Does it Exist?

    there we go again with that small 's' , which does not mean the one with a cap 'S', (per the Upanishads)
  5. so how far can a meddler in powers shoot his piss, that would control where by-standers stand.
  6. Feel Who Is Thinking

    although most beings do ask about and know suffering of some type at some time, their own and that of others....
  7. powers like humility, kindness and wisdom?
  8. Feel Who Is Thinking

    feel the joker who is presuming such presumptions - (while riding on high horse)
  9. The Self, Does it Exist?

    well rocala why did you use the capital S in the header incorrectly if that wasn't your drift? Anyway no biggy, besides it is fun to answer our own questions sometimes isn't it? Btw, and as long as we are kicking the can around some Buddhists don't accept teachings about a Buddha nature either. Lastly the upanishads explain the Self quite nicely if you happen kill the Buddha while walking down the road someday...
  10. The Self, Does it Exist?

    the capital 'S' for Self is correct in Veda based systems/texts/teachers. In a Buddhist sub-forum you are barking up the wrong tree, for such a teaching is what the Buddha taught against. (and there may be some Buddhists that debate that but that is what the founder and most other teachers of Buddhism stick to.)
  11. What Did The Buddha Actually Say

    so what the hell and what else is new sewage mouth?
  12. Degeneration of Traditions : Mechanisms

    I suggest letting go of most of that detailed harping about this or that mess, (since you have already been there and done that, besides such uses a lot of energy that could be better spent) Btw, Jeff gave you a nugget with, "but they can actual show and share a “taste” of it"... 1. loving "God" is a work in progress being that we have mostly created God via various thought(s). Going to "the source" is also a work in progress being that if we fly directly into the sun with paper wings many of us will burn up...whereas following the simple and true ways of mother nature teaches us much of what we need to know and live by.
  13. Regret, guilt and shame

    Excellent witness...
  14. Regret, guilt and shame

    back to the OP, the factors mentioned can lead to crippling depression for many of us that are not easy to overcome, then pour dangerous mind altering drugs, alcohol abuse and other robbers of the vital forces into the psychological mix and it be a very long and hard crawl back to a healthy life.
  15. Regret, guilt and shame

    Right, just checking to see if we are on the same page with meaning about some of these terms. (being that you did not make the distinction above a few posts earlier) btw, even saying "without qualities" has some pitfalls to it imo...along with "beyond categories", thus I happen to find the Taoist saying of "Mystery of mysteries" to also be very useful.
  16. Regret, guilt and shame

    sounds informative...thanks. Btw, the Chandogya Upanishad states that Prana (first and all prana or light) "springs" from the Self thus it does not directly equate Self with light. (and neither is that which is "beyond categories" (aka the Self) equated with light per many schools.
  17. Regret, guilt and shame

    right the Self knows the Self...btw your most recent post is contradicting your earlier sentence regarding "experience" although I think I get your drift. (are posts numbered somewhere like they once were?)
  18. Regret, guilt and shame

    which also brings up the unanswerable question of why, and can we be so sure how the silent witness sees things? (as defined by mind)
  19. Regret, guilt and shame

    with "God" nothing is impossible...so never believe or think there is not help for whatever the issue may be no matter how difficult.
  20. "Spiritual Master" Bs

    depends on what one means by spirit realm, for instance the realm of the sun and any spirits there is extremely yang....for instance of white light type fire and brilliant blazing gold...
  21. cosmic cycles

    one for MH... “Means and Ends The purpose of a fish trap Is to catch fish,And when the fish are caughtThe trap is forgotten.The purpose of a rabbit snareIs to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caughtThe snare is forgotten.The purpose of wordsIs to convey ideas.When the ideas are graspedThe words are forgotten.Where can I find a manWho has forgotten words?He is the one I would like to talk to.” ― Thomas Merton, The Way of Chuang Tzu
  22. cosmic cycles

    since all exceptionally long cosmic cycles have the same causal source, and sequences of creation, maintenance and dissolution it would seem to follow that they are all identical and gloriously repetitive... along with all types of forms and souls repetitively going through all the motions in same. Now that does not really sound like evolution resulting in anything that brings about cosmic or even an end game of change for beings since cosmic dissolution also claims them, thus it sounds like we are in and part of a fated machine although a truly incredible, diverse and long lasting one! Btw, the Self (per the Upanishads) cannot gain or lose anything thus It is non-evolutionary. Considering these points how many would say we then have an unanswerable why about the big picture? (although beings may have eons and dharmic motive to participate in and enjoy a cosmic cycle as much as possible there is still noting that can really be gained or lost regarding true identity)
  23. cosmic cycles

    yes Jeff you are confused....