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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Noumenon & Phenomena

    I'd say if one has seen and felt the power that Jesus radiates then they have zero doubt of his will (and compassion) in alignment with Spirit, regardless of their sect, text or earthly upbringing. Such is similar when meeting great beings of various ways, for instance the Masters and "gods" known by and spoken of by various ways.
  2. Noumenon & Phenomena

    as long one is interacting in "creation" as a being a body of some sort is a factor along with will... (among other things) for instance the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, was known to have a great will through working with Taoist like principles - which gave him great ability even in very old age to take down or resist multiple opponents...
  3. Noumenon & Phenomena

    those are interesting lines...(if you would care to fill them out further I would appreciate it ) Btw, I appreciate Mr. O's description (in the 4th way) of what Mr. G said about the actions and workings of Law of Three and the Law of Seven that have chain reaction like aspects...
  4. Agreed about getting the higher quality ball valves which are not cheap up-front but are cheap insurance against leaks! If one looks at the guts of a cheap ball valve you can see that ball casting inside has a route to leak out at the top where the lever hooks up (and whatever else is cheaper about them like their thinner walls). I think some of the big hardware stores sometimes have the better quality valves which are almost double the price of the cheaper ones. Btw, it is a nice feeling when one does a perfect job soldering on copper lines, watching the solder melt, flow and seal up is fun after one has gets the hang of it... even if it is an older way of doing plumbing compared to all the newer stuff available.
  5. Noumenon & Phenomena

    The Prince of Peace also aspects like a Lion and warrior that none can throw-down.
  6. Noumenon & Phenomena

    I'm surprised you don't hear my drift with your Christian background....I can 100% guarantee you that Lord Jesus has a truly incredible, irresistible and indomitable will in alignment with Spirit!
  7. Noumenon & Phenomena

    I'd say that is one take Jeff applicable in or to its related context... Another is a will surrendering to a greater will which does not mean one losing will-power, but a re-alignment to or a joining with.
  8. Noumenon & Phenomena

    btw, it takes a will to surrender a will, for critical mass must be dealt with in one way or another.
  9. Noumenon & Phenomena

    fair enough, and we could add in the sayings about "the plans of mice and men" and "life turning on a dime'...(although with some limits to randomness)
  10. Noumenon & Phenomena

    I would put that a lot differently...namely that revealed scriptures and dharmas succeed (more or less) in helping one attain the threshold to the Self in noble ways...but that the power of Grace and the Self (which chooses the Self so to speak) are needed to cross that threshold. (even though the Self never really left) one might take a look at the Isa Upanishad for one of the shortest examples.
  11. Noumenon & Phenomena

    agreed that a particular soul or "I" identity comes into being at some point...but that does mean there is not the Self-"I" as so deeply and repeatedly pointed to in the Upanishads...thus the Self is not an abstraction except to mind and words which can not grasp or delineate It.
  12. Noumenon & Phenomena

    hmm...if all conceptual thoughts recede do not all "notions" recede right along with same thus leaving naked Truth - which needs no fitting or covering? also if an eye can only see in the direction in which it is pointed then that eye can not see where it is not pointed and thus claim that which is not in its vision is illusory and or non-existant.
  13. Noumenon & Phenomena

    I can relate to parts of that last quote ...while the sentence about bondage and liberation is off to me in seemingly dismissing soul and matrix evolution as illusory which is not so per their realm...or equating that which springs from the Self as just being illusory. (which opens up possible attachment for all sorts of negative and or nihilistic connotations)
  14. Noumenon & Phenomena

    Hello neti neti, yes I meant contortionist although an element of extortionist could come into play mentally. (lol) I like your paraphrasing although I'd say, ...It is free in that there exists nothing which does not spring from It although It is not bound by any-thing namely the various laws which apply to various things...thus being transcendent yet immanent.
  15. Noumenon & Phenomena

    The Self is free, free of extortionist like mental gymnastics, and also has no problem with meaning and form which it sees and knows beyond mental seeing and knowing.
  16. there is no dharma in ending it in that way (suicide) which really makes it much more painful and longer to get back to bat as a human being or 1st base in evolution...of course one can not convince someone of that but they can attempt to convince another that that is how they see and handle it...also a good psychologist should be met face to face after contacting a crisis center for immediate help.
  17. The silence beyond Om

    where is or what is the unreal and where is or what leads to the real...? I'd say the statement repeated by the Swami sets up a dichotomy that only exists in mind, for only mis-perception and misunderstanding makes statements about there being an unreal and real...(btw, such is also a seemingly common problem that occurs with interpretations of Buddhist teachings) Thus I'd say there is no disconnect between "Siva" and "Shakti" as if one were real and the other unreal for such is inherently impossible.
  18. ...and it would also be foolish and or ignorant for anyone to mock or put down a very rare and true renunciate in crossing over to the Self.
  19. renunciation is also a method...and once it has served its purpose it is no longer needed... by the way there is not a single renunciate who would have ever existed without the the normal desire of their parents making a human vessel for them, thus mocking or putting down that aspect of the creative process or householders is obviously of a very foolish hypocrisy...
  20. The original face

    it is said: "Tao gave birth to the One"....chap 42 also, "The Mystery of mysteries is the Door of all essence"... chap 1 and, ""Only Nothing can enter no-space"...chap 43 and I'd say it takes the power of Mystery (which includes aspects of Wisdom/Grace) for any to return through that Door...which in a way never really left except as being mysteries.
  21. The original face

    a few doubletakes: 1. the truth lays us bare 2. 10, 000 lifetimes or one lifetime of ten thousand years, no problemo if one is free. 3. "the mind is a wonderful thing", but it is not "the wonder of wonders" 4. our mind can not make the crossing and must be left behind - with the mind. 5. " one is only human" until one finds out otherwise.
  22. The original face

    it might be considered that Chap 14 of the TTC describes as well as it can be what the term "original face" means.... LOOK at it but you cannot see it! Its name is Formless. Listen to it but you cannot hear it! Its name is Soundless. Grasp it but you cannot get it! Its name is Incorporeal. These three attributes are unfathomable; Therefore they fuse into one. Its upper side is not bright: Its under side not dim. Continually the Unnameable moves on, Until it retums beyond the realm of things. We call it the formless Form, the imageless Image. We call it the indefinable and unimaginable. Confront it and you do not see its face! Follow it and you do not see its back! Yet, equipped with this timeless Tao, You can harness present realities. To know the origins is initiation into the Tao.
  23. The original face

    maybe sleep on that if you can, and see what the morning brings...?
  24. The original face

    Stosh, Thanks for that hope, and fortunately it has worked that way which I was recounting witness to. Btw, and as you may already know in Hinduism there are the 5 actions of Lord Siva (related to the depiction of Lord Nataraja) with one being called, "revealing Grace" and there is also the very important Grace of the True Guru. (who also works with that action)
  25. The original face

    there are all sorts of connotations about Grace, not unlike there are all sorts of connotations about enlightenment, liberation, etc..so one out of the many ways that Grace can be pondered upon is that there is really no waiting on it willy-nilly like, and no time or space limits to it, it is already and always available if one is open to it...another example or term would be unconditional love which has no conditions to its all pervading power to act except per what the receiver enables with an opening of heart and being-ness, and even if one is largely closed off it can still find a crack in the armor of ego and do its work, although never with forcing or harming. Grace can never opt out of a sincere approach to it - and its wisdom is greater than we can see, hold or know by thought.