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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. The original face

    that was well said Stosh and thanks your reply. My take is that one will never exhaust all "confusions" as you put it since the mind will forever churn out some new variation of argument, speculation, or doubt...thus for me the best that the mental approach can attain is to accept its own futility in trying to resolve that which can never be resolved per the dualistic tool that it is. So to calm the mind and not to nail down mind per various riddles is to let Spirit come and act through it...for then mind knows it place as servant to truth which is Spirit/Self free of ego, karma, and death!
  2. The original face

    using Buddhist terminology I'd say it is kind of "poison arrow" to spend to much time trying to figure out and nail down who is truly enlightened or a "Buddha" per all sorts of textual information, correlation, and even well meaning intellectual speculation...thus true spiritual teachings say just get on with the practices or dharma....(including an imperfect me doing so)
  3. The original face

    I'd say except for the Sermon on the Mount teachings of Jesus and some other wisdom and certain people in that faith, the multitude of dangerous dichotomy's in being "Christian" (with two thousand years of details not being brought up) can easily drive one insane.
  4. The original face

    as a Christian? I wasn't going there or coming from there - for Grace is known as great blessing in many "eastern" traditions...and it's also well known that various Buddhists have tons of forms and levels of blessings/empowerment's being given.
  5. The original face

    yea Stosh, that major omission and un-explainable lack of acknowledgement is why I'm not a Buddhist even though the practice has much dharma...btw. there is the acknowledgement by the historic Buddha of the truth and I'd say help of the Earth soul in his battle with Mara but that doesn't go quite far enough for me.
  6. The original face

    Without Grace karma would not be untangled...for the true master helps break the back of and strangle hold of dark karma's and hell's. Also see the TTC chap 49..."He is kind to the kind; He is also kind to the unkind. For virtue is kind."
  7. humans do not exist they are just a creation of a mosquito's brainwashed and bloodthirsty mind....lol anyway know that gods, angels, humans, animals, demons, insects, fish, bacteria and countless other forms of beings exist, and any denial of that is brainwashing or relative blindness limited to a very narrow spectrum of vision, - and limited vision does not prove non-existence of such beings by those who have not seen!
  8. the mind has realms of fear and non-fear. Btw. If the historic Buddha did not have the help of his mother and the mother he would not be...so any foolish notion of not rightly seeking help or not rightly giving help is just that - foolish (to say the least).
  9. Can We Know Truth?

    thus to me the op question really boils down to "can we BE the Truth", and the answer is yes - meaning that instead of holding the truth as mental knowledge of it or as a thing that can be gained or lost, it is our true or the true indestructible nature of spirit.
  10. Can We Know Truth?

    non-dual truth is not found by or with a dualistic tool.... It is.... and memory/time can not hold 'that' like it holds regular and also great knowledge.
  11. When were you not the Self?

    I'd say particular form is not eternal (obviously) -- although form is coming and going in an eternal and grand dance of change on multiple levels which cannot be denied as just "illusion".
  12. When were you not the Self?

    Self is not evolutionary, but everything else is and thus is that which springs from the Self; also that which springs from the Self (namely everything from the first and purest Prana/joy, to the last and densest/matter) is not just illusion but is connected as manifest dance of Shiva/Shakti
  13. Cosmologies - Split

    "Vanity of vanities, all is is vanity" per only the mind but not for the true heart and mind...
  14. Shall we kick around "God" for a bit? (Quote found on the internet) "...This is for those who are very much hurt by the idea that God is neither good nor evil, that he is beyond good and evil. Traditional God is described in this way: before creation there was only one God, and there was nothing else; no space, no time and no matter. Let us suppose that in this situation God asked himself this question: am I good? If in this situation it was possible for God to know with certainty that he is good, then of course he is good. But if this was not at all possible, then God cannot be called good. Those who will opt for the affirmative here should also explain by what process God could have come to the realization that he is good, because we all agree that at that time there was no one else, nothing else, other than God. If I claim about myself that I am good, then I am also claiming that I am the negation of that which is not good. That, which is not good, is the other, and I am not the other. I am the negation of the other, and the other is my negation. But if we claim about God that he is good, then where is the other of whom God is the negation? This is because before creation God was one, and there was no one else other than God. So for God to be good, he will have to be his own negation. For God to be good he will have to contain within himself his own other. This can be expressed in the following way: God is the principle that represents all that is good and at the same time he is the principle that represents all that is not good. God is the affirmation as well as the negation at the same time. So either we will have to say that God is both good and not good. Or we will have to say that God is neither good nor not good. But to say that God is good will be philosophically naive and immature..."
  15. Light is Pure Awareness

    Even "God" can not keep one from returning to the Self. (also meaning mind can not make that crossing) As alluded to me in Taoism (as it is in several other ways) per chap 43 of the T.T.C.: "Only Nothing can enter into no-space"
  16. Light is Pure Awareness

    not exactly on topic but one might imagine someone (with their eyes wide open) moving so very fast around a circle that they go all the way around it and back to where they started instantaneously...thus moving so fast that they end up standing still and being fully aware there, btw. there is also no where on said circle that they are also not standing still and fully aware because as mentioned they are moving so very fast that they are standing still everywhere at once... (the high wind speed may make their eyes water a bit but what the hell the ride is great)
  17. Samadhi

    To meet a master of the "deep secrets" is possible and they work as Sat Guru with Grace, not ego... Btw, for me there is no disconnect or divorce between the Self and fullness of Shakti, The Silent and also Roaring Om reveals this and speaks this. (for example as I take same to be depicted in Sri Yantra, but again that is my take for I'm not into teachings that sound like transcendental divorce )
  18. Light is Pure Awareness

    on another line: only the Self knows the Self - and how one might further allude to that with various terms remains to be seen or heard. (pun intended)
  19. Light is Pure Awareness

    off topic and or terms but one should not confuse a silence that harmfully crushes with the silence that frees and is of great help
  20. Samadhi

    The idea of what or who is liberated in a seeming future and after certain events take place is problematic...for the Self can never be bound and then become liberated in a future time through or per such events - thus the Self is free now and always...although I'd say that the deep secrets of veiling and unveiling related to soul, or mind, or ego or whatever terms and meanings one uses is 99.99% a secret to most of us and I'm also speaking for myself.
  21. Samadhi

    99.9999% of us are not total renunciates and do not take on the dharma of a total renunciate/swami thus it's largely getting ahead of the game when speculating on such...but we tend do so anyway
  22. Light is Pure Awareness

    all things are woven from light, and the first and primary heaven is of an ocean light but even such light is not enough.
  23. Samsara

    there is the Joy which is beyond human joys and sorrows that springs forth, and it springs forth being that that is its nature, not unlike it's the nature of unconditional love to be unconditional, beyond which any "why" can explain. Hari Om Tat Sat
  24. Samsara

    a vehicle has its place and purposes, (before it is properly set down or picked back up for further use)
  25. Samsara

    in the meantime dharma, instead of nihilism or other forms of harm to life-force.