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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. On Meditation

    your dog barking at you in disgust?
  2. On Meditation

    "one hand clapping" wafts farts away...
  3. Question about Falun Dafa / Falun Gong

    I know next to nothing about them, but I didn't care for the sectarian push in their public dance concert presentation which I went to thinking it would be based purely on Chinese history of a non-sectarian kind... (other than some references to ancient schools of religious Taoism and old mythology) which to me it seemed they were co-opting to give credence to their school.?
  4. Advaita Vedanta is only one out of hundreds of other religions that also make sense to millioins and billions of folks which is or could be called a great and tolerant outlook of "Hinduism".
  5. it is to pure and simple to be a thing or a mind, but it does know itself beyond regular knowing. (otherwise all would be like the vanity of vanities)
  6. The Way of Understanding

    so one's effort and a certain purity is needed to reach the threshold, but once there (so to speak) ones effort alone can not cross or leap further without the helping power of Mystery along with being granted passage to Mystery where things can not go....
  7. The Way of Understanding

    casting various and highly dubious interpretations of the often fragmented content and context of many 'fourth-way" sayings (by use of veiled correlations) - onto or over other traditions, teachers, people or ways is part of what Mr. G. admittedly said was the MESS HE LEFT before he passed away, and imo parroting indirectly (or directly) such is not a new or deep revelation.
  8. Advaita Ishvaravada.

    This is not a very long read...and very informative with understandable terms and concepts on this form of "Hinduism". https://www.himalayanacademy.com/index.lc/view/bd_2016-12-30_path-to-siva_lesson-10_commentary
  9. Getting rid of fear and anger

    A rhetorical like question: So could the entire manifest universe be seen as or dismissed (which some do) as only being an "illusion" or an attachment of or to form? Further, since most of us should be able to assume that there are forces greater than our particular state and form, thus forces that are sometimes called the Tao or Nature that wastes not in its purposes or its ways - then what purpose is there for form that is connected to, attached to and in dependence on Tao? (or Tao itself having an aspect of form thus a Tao that is not in denial of form and is also mother to it!)
  10. The Self is aware of it Itself (aka Self realization) but not as an object. ("normal" or conventional thoughts along this line do not apply)
  11. How to find REAL peace of mind

    Only the Self is of lasting and true peace, although a still mind which the Self can work through is (critically) important.
  12. Getting rid of fear and anger

    right, there is the ideal you speak of, but I was not speaking of the ideal but what is often factual. ps. as you know the traditional paths (of most forms of Hinduism) in regards to householders and renunciates are very different besides just being so on the surface, although later in life the householder may become a renunciate after settling their family and worldly affairs...
  13. Getting rid of fear and anger

    a different and more drastic example being something that few can do in this day and age, for instance that of the historic Buddha renouncing the world and no longer having to deal with his wife and child and his many other responsibilities to his household by retreating to a life as a renunciate in basically open areas with a moderate forest climate...and then later more or less criticizing common people for their lack of non-attachment.
  14. Getting rid of fear and anger

    I appreciate monks, nuns or renunciates for what they do... but how many of them can they honestly criticize the lives and dharma's of householders who are dealing with the world? Obviously not many, and for some of them to do so if they are supported by householders seems more or less nuts. ( for they don't have to deal with the common and understandable fears and angers of being a householder in the world, including not having to grind away at difficult jobs for 50+ years to support themselves and a family)
  15. Big Brother Really Has Arrived!!!

    if the so called spiritual doesn't include spiritual warriors fighting in the trenches then it is not really spiritual, more like disconnecting or retreating to some kind of la-la land...granted everyone needs to take a break from the "world" now and then but we can not surrender the welfare of mankind and the rest of the wondrous natural world to forces of darkness and expect to still have nice cozy spots to meditate in peace and experience tranquility.
  16. only perception can be wrong never reality, thus there is only reality and no illusion.
  17. our inner most Spirits are sacred, and have never been touched by sin, while our minds and humanity have been all over map when it comes to sin or "missing the mark" as our Buddhist brothers and sisters like to minimize per said connotation and or equate sin to...
  18. I don't know who I am

    who am I not...?
  19. the wall, part of trumps insanity

    our number one problem is to first get traitor trump, who is also a pathological liar, cheat and thief extraordinaire out of the WH and in court to be tried for his many crimes! Anyone who thinks truth can come from a lie apparently does not know that 1+1 does not equal 3...it's as simple as that regardless of the mountains of double-talk from talking heads! (Pence is no better, being trumps puppet and enabler for the worst of worst potus in the entire history of the US, although traitor trump has proven himself more dangerous than Pence )
  20. the wall, part of trumps insanity

    Thanks guy, I'll have to look into those charts...and of course we have lots of people at or near the border sites saying trump is full of it and largely doing things related to the "wall" for his incredibly sick and twisted grandiose ego!
  21. the wall, part of trumps insanity

    update on our "emergency" with the liar, cheat and thief extraordinaire. (among his hundred other anti-virtues!) https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/02/16/se-cupp-monologue-trump-national-emergency-unfiltered-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/this-week-in-politics/
  22. the wall, part of trumps insanity

    so when is trump going back to Saudi Arabia to dance around with those cold blooded lying murderers? I'm sure he is also looking forward to getting more gold metals hung around his neck and I bet he can't wait to have a good old time laughing and bullshitting, with his buddies since the media has largely been consumed with his beautiful "wall" and shutdown distractions; all the while a supposedly American protected journalists murder goes unpunished for the planner and the case more or less being lost in the woodwork regardless of proof? Btw, I hear 50 of trump's rally fanatics and 50 of his absolute apologists are flying on Air Force One with him and will be treated to all the cheeseburgers and fries they can eat both there and back...what a life! https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/13/politics/tom-barrack-trump-donor-khashoggi/index.htm
  23. Corruption and Natural Growth

    it's a hot topic for some and would take study of several volumes of materiel from several sources...which I don't want to get into now.