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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. a sovereign force?

    things as they are if mechanically like bound may be as they should be per a mechanical like sense but not as they COULD be per spiritual freedom.... which is why to me there is so much teaching about transformation and evolution of being. (as from a mechanical like state to the spiritual. One could also say ego is mechanical like per the things that basically drive it compared to the freedom of spirit which is not bound) Thus I believe the saying "things are as they should be" needs context beyond a simple generalization.
  2. a sovereign force?

    Thanks to everyone for their comments and thoughts on the subject here! Lots to consider. Btw, I believe all karmas in all the "multi-verse" will be resolved and that there are no lost causes or beings anywhere in any world, although there is no free lunch and a very long row to hoe. still that does not negate the fact to me that in the blink of an eye the gravity and bindings of karmas can be overcome with beings realizing freedom in Spirit - being that Grace with Wisdom is a far greater, overwhelming, unbound and unbinding force with an unlimited reach!
  3. a sovereign force?

    oh they are involved alright which I did not express very well, I just wonder about the sayings of nipping things in bud before big problems take place (which human beings are supposed to do) and many are doing their best yet why do we have major problems if sovereign forces also nipped problems in the bud? (meaning we all go through apocalypse type problems that were not nipped in bud as the teachings about same says to accomplish)
  4. World perception

    I'd agree that the One beyond the Two is singular, (borrowing Taoist terms) after that -meaning to agree or disagree about Mystery is of much ado.
  5. World perception

    "when you die..." that is mental conditioning as to who "you" are, the Self (per the Upanishads and other Hindu based doctrine) is not bound by such nor is it a body that dies or has loss of perception. Btw. there is almost always trouble when or if Hindu and Buddhist takes on the Self /no-self are brought up or mixed together since they are 180 degrees off from each other per key concepts and doctrines along with the schools that follow such. Meaning that advanced Buddhist and Hindu based teachers or guru's are 180 degrees off from each other per their core experiences and realizations as revealed by their teachings.. (have fun integrating that as a student that has degrees of appreciation for both)
  6. a sovereign force?

    well I'd say things are a lot worse in certain ways now than they were in the times of Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, early Taoist sages, and early Shamans or healers of various native cultures, etc...
  7. a sovereign force?

    I'd agree up to a point Edward, but its not exactly being bailed out of everything that I'm trying to get at or hoping for, it is where the line is drawn at what is allowed to transpire against the ways of Tao, by a sovereign force, being or beings....and if spiritual and or Taoist wisdom says nip troubles in the bud (after or needing an 'x' amount of learning) why are certain planetary and in some cases individual troubles not being nipped in the bud through sovereign power being that such is also of its responsibility ? (yet humans are lectured to nip all of the troubles in the bud for such is only their responsibility)
  8. a sovereign force?

    I think that at its best democracy is used for or as a transitional method for us human beings to get along, but it does not exist in the heavens where a sovereign being and or beings rule... btw. many of us on this forum are democratically minded westerners and such ideas about a sovereign being do not sit very well or are rejected out of hand by many that think such is obsolete non-sense of religious fanatics that we can look down upon via our intellectualized spiritual enlightenment, besides some of us are non-dualistic or whatever masters of the universe in our own right and have no use for a sovereign being. (again an idea that must really grate on some schools of thought who have no use for a sovereign being since they are already hip to a reality without such)
  9. just the karmic facts, karma will be worked out by the end of the cosmic cycle and a related question is how does one want to dharmically spend that cycle besides wondering about enlightenment concepts...?
  10. miss greater laws and beings, fall to a lower laws and beings - and a reboot.
  11. some demons are very clever as recounted in parts of this string...and I think such should be called what it or they are - crazy demonism - not crazy wisdom
  12. Reality vs. Unreality

    "to win the world one must renounce all" Chap 48... that is an important part of the payment due (so to speak) and lets face it only an extremely few number of beings are devoted to being re-nunciates, many of us would rather be super-duper, 3rd eye seeing and kundalini empowered masters of the universe.
  13. Reality vs. Unreality

    maybe consider chapter 48 in part for the context I'm trying to convey...such is what is due or paid and or left behind.
  14. Reality vs. Unreality

    if "only Nothing can enter into no space" something was paid, or due or left behind per law (so to speak) before such could happen...
  15. Reality vs. Unreality

    Everything that is under The One so to speak is owned by or within its law, thus in that way such everythings also pay their dues to the One per its law, (while the One is under the Tao) (which is not unlike a "Hindu" teaching that all created beings are under Lord Brahma the creator (which would include and makes the Three by adding aspects of Lords Vishnu and Shiva) - while Lord Brahma is under the Supreme Brahman or "Self"
  16. Reality vs. Unreality

    a catch of returning to the Tao is that who we think we are or have as an individual or particular identity can not go or be taken past the One, for the One keeps all that is within its sphere and which it also owns (and which is Its due) until even it to returns... Note: "...Only Nothing can enter into no-space..." Chapter 43
  17. Reality vs. Unreality

    Hi MH, I'm no expert but I've studied that "Hinduism" covers a great variety of teachings like almost anything from A-Z...in concepts, beliefs, practices and experiences which btw. don't all agree....although there are key precepts (for instance non-violence, soul, reincarnation, certain scriptures, the commonly recognized god Ganesh, levels of dharma's, karma's, etc.) that all Hindus by the broadest definition collectively and basically or mostly agree upon or about. (and of course there is so much more that has been written (or said) in thousands of volumes over thousands of years by thousands of teachers and members of its various sects!)
  18. Reality vs. Unreality

    The One is the first "born" of Tao, and also the last to "return"...so we might ask if the One and everything under it is "real" if such is born and also returns? (born or returns how and to what?) I submit that a further definition of real should be added along these lines namely that all "things" born are in flux yet also connected to Tao, thus there is nowhere or nothing that is ultimately unreal for only an incomplete perception attempts to separate a real from an unreal... (like trying to say or proclaim on the manifest scale that only light energy is real while dense matter is unreal)
  19. hardcore meditation as a way out

    Meditation is not "enlightenment", it is a work of mind. It is important for mind to see/unerstand itself but it is far more important for Spirit to see/understand that it is not mind.
  20. "what is against Tao will soon cease to be" (Chapter 30 last line) Does this saying raise multiple questions for you? For instance if such will soon cease to be then how does it keep arising and btw. how can it arise in the first place under the overall Tao? Thus does one come to ask if such is really against the Tao from the perspective of the Tao which is far beyond just our human related concerns and definitions as to what qualifies as being against the Tao....?
  21. "what is against Tao..."

    It seems to me that if one is in for a dollar it also follows one in for a dime...unless one is not really in for the dollar?
  22. "what is against Tao..."

    yet and ultimately the "ten thousand things" cannot really be against the great Tao, for such and 'against" must only be apparent and relative to the overall workings that the Great Tao always supersedes, yes?
  23. Ignorance is not bliss

    is it also pointless to understand dharma, karma, etc...?
  24. Ignorance is not bliss

    So do we wonder why the Self veils the Self, for the Self does not gain or lose in relation to or from such veiling?