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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. The Tao Sound or Nada Sound

    we are connected whether we know it or not, so it is with all forms and beings...but far fewer beings are keepers and weavers of deep responsibility.
  2. A question for everyone

    not the same as one foot kicking...or maybe it is?
  3. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    Btw, if "I" and "we" are not "eternal" now then we will never be so in the future, so goes the game. Also is anybody worried about not becoming enlightened at this time, or running out of time to become so even if they complete all the steps? - On that note beware of nihilism for dharma is smarter than it is.
  4. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    to no one in particular : Spirit is smarter than us smarties...
  5. Om is Brahman

    and lets face it who wants to give up their identity as a particular mind, which is a step that only or mostly a renunciate will take.
  6. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    emptiness is a misleading word in most cases...
  7. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    it is a hell of a lot easier knowing one is a spirit having a human experience than the other way around, although that doesn't mean I'm knocking that process.
  8. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    and one might ask if matrix's for True Self ever realize the True Self...?
  9. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    multiple beings are not transformed to a private and separate timelessness , (although an exceptionally long god like life is possible) for there is only one timeless being-ness that becomes unveiled and is already existing beyond normal existence, without any transformation needed to make it !
  10. Daoism and Buddhism's Differences

    samsara is relative and dependent upon holding a limited perception and or position, thus the "First Nobel Truth" is also and ultimately only apparent. (which btw and imo. is alluded to in other Buddhist doctrine)
  11. The real-self and suicide

    the way I see it is that the human self is a matrix for the soul self to act through, and the soul self is a matrix for the eternal Self or Spirit to act through. Thus the human and soul selfs can not be fully satisfied until all three (or whatever system one wishes to use) are in alignment and firing on all 8 cylinders together - so to speak
  12. The real-self and suicide

    we are countless woven souls but only one weavers hand is the source of all of us, and that one never denies its countless weavings spun together out of light and which spring forth with soulful joy.... .
  13. No-Self? Who or what is reborn?

    Great quotes above. Btw is there any Buddha that has not learned from (and become manifest) via the sublime teachings and understandings of life and death and their transmutation...I'd say no that would be impossible to skip over. '
  14. Rama -Sita Ram, mantra

    Agreed Fa Xin,
  15. and of course we have a great many high sounding platitudes to explain or rationalize many things away, for instance what some so called "holy men" say or get away with because they are supposedly holy - and we all know how that can work out.
  16. I don't know about that, for instance Krishna spoke on the battlefield to Arjuna...and stakes were far higher !
  17. there is a lot of talk that looks down on form..yet I'd say the transcendent reaches all the way through form to us - proving such talk false or a misunderstanding.
  18. agreed, a problematic irony - yet such is shattered by an unconditional and overwhelming grace!
  19. so it may seem, then again the Self reaches all the way through so to speak, thus who or what is really negating sure footedly equal to the power of the Self to reveal the Self?
  20. I'd say that which springs from the Self is not negated by the Self...thus that which springs from Self is not false only a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of it may be false and needs whatever negating.
  21. Not sure of all you say or mean, but the earth is becoming a heaven, her song reaches all the way through.
  22. "The "transcendent" is always there" - umm, which was alluded to in post 3. btw, a non-dual perspective is an oxymoron but I get your drift about Advaitins although I don't agree with that teaching - and neither do many well recognized Guru lineages of thousands of years of succession. (which teach that Shakti is just as real as the Transcendent it is one with) Om also (edited)
  23. is there a problem with realized Self in form?
  24. ...and who is this "us" that the transcendent reaches all the way through form to, - I'd say to Itself revealing Itself.
  25. a sword can cut all the way through if need be, or not even be drawn if that will work.