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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. ego coming undone is not the same as your truth coming undone - but its waking up
  2. a (full) enlightenment that is not permanent is not full enlightenment... Btw, that which reincarnates is something which we also don't know (most of us anyway) but it's a neat concept that has legs.
  3. Desire is a prerequisite. Meaning and defining "desire" not as something to be looked upon as negative or as a misleading factor, nor as something to be shunted, stunted and killed and thus eliminated without mercy. For all beings Desire the freedom and spiritual being-ness of their True Self, of the True Self. (which they feel separate from and incomplete in some way or another until that truest Desire is fulfilled)
  4. it's a quandary since no one will attain enlightenment in the future yet one still prepares in time - and that is not exactly or always a LOL being that thinking and hearing about enlightenment but not knowing it can really be hellish in many ways! Btw, the Self chooses the Self, there is no willful way or mind method to accomplish that. Sorry if I'm being a party pooper on the subject.
  5. sin or no sin...

    Some eastern or other ways deny that there is sin, others have no problem in recognizing it. I believe Zen says sin is like missing the mark, which does not sound to major since one was trying, right? (and will try again and again until they figure it out one way or another) Others dismiss sin same as they dismiss Abrahamic religions as some kind of guilt trip foolishness. In many forms of Hinduism sin is like bad karma and has to be balanced out, etc. Anyway I think denial of sin would have to include denial of will and self-knowledge from ones experiences gained in interaction with the world and natural conditions, laws - and the results that take place via any level of will exercised and self-knowledge about same, for only if one has some degree of will and self-knowledge related to such could one then go against it willfully and knowingly, thinking that the system could be gamed for ones ego in a lasting way. Your thoughts?
  6. sin or no sin...

    LOL, yes they were great!
  7. sin or no sin...

    yes, the unified, unbreakable unwavering Supreme!
  8. Unplug from the Matrix

    one definition for the matrix (so to speak) is the mind - all of it - so the problem is not unplugging per-se but being free in and master of your interactions with it being that tons of stuff is going on there.
  9. various elemental forces follow the way of Tao and that is not iffy at any time or place or in coming and going, I'm just saying those derived and manifested forces can be willfully screwed with - meaning not through natural actions of their own. while an internal dichotomy we may feel or doubts we think about concerning what is real or not real is often iffy, in the meantime true dharma is not iffy just as truly un-screwed-with elemental forces are not iffy.
  10. not sure of your meaning related to elemental or natural forces getting iffy? I'd say such forces can only get iffy if willfully screwed with in their normal functioning and not by themselves.
  11. a good thing about elemental forces like the ocean is that they don't break their own nature, so they can always be counted on whereas doctrines, etc. can get very iffy.
  12. if you don't get out of the finger trap you can't swim to well btw, all that profound mental stuff can be useful but the Ocean is a hands on teacher
  13. there is the lesson of Chinese finger trap, Btw, how does a swimmer get out of a riptide, (as in the meantime)
  14. sounds like many of us are experts in conceptual use of the term "empty", which may give a false and or bad connotation to some imo.. better to walk around conceptually saying, everything is "happy" which is as close as words can get to fact, and that is happy without it's normal counter part of sadness. So I suggest some might try that for a change of pace
  15. bad connotation imo

    My take: The one eternal Atman is free from or "empty" of bindings to all forms for It knows Itself by the Self, yet that does not mean spiritual divorce from forms.
  16. risky to become one with the tiger as in being eaten by him, thus dualism has its merits
  17. bad connotation imo

    Zhongyongdaoist, thanks for the information!
  18. bad connotation imo

    Btw, I did not mean a "happy" that comes and goes with highly conditional thoughts, emotions or the gaining of objects, more like what is the deep and abiding happy smile on the face of a great master or realized being about and why? (and our trying to at least touch into that now and then) besides walking around in what can turn into a non-edifying and repetitious, "everything is empty or is an illusion", blah, blah, blah
  19. bad connotation imo

    I like the quiet idea which translates to me as peaceful. So with peace one is not up against the wall or walls of noise (so to speak)pressing down! Thus there are more options that are available besides just the fight or flight reactions taking over.
  20. without the pauses between notes of music, that music would not exist, nothing debatable there but maybe we can spin some analogies off that?
  21. one can know further than regular knowing or beyond any shadow of a doubt or a still pending whatever - but not through or by sticking with doubt, shadows or methods derived from same.
  22. it really is a great blessing to know for yourself 1st hand (which is the only way possible beyond pro and anti concepts) that Atman is eternal, thus a knowing that no regular or even subtle knowing can know - and that no making or unmaking of that is possible. "Fear not"
  23. the interesting thing is that there is only one of us - although countless facets
  24. the tree that fell was split open after coming in contact with my skull.
  25. you guys are making me think of dental root canals gone wrong! (but it's all just in the mind, )