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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. "no mind" is a pointer term (with dubious connotation imo) since mind can not know it...so one could insert many other far out pointer terms within those quotation marks - that have advantages or disadvantages related to them.
  2. there is no Shiva without Shakti, there is no sound without unstruck sound, there is not a Buddha without a Mother there is no disconnect between the Tao and the One and the from the One to the Ten-Thousand
  3. What are the 3 most important revelations a master can make to a student? (as you hope, know, or will try to express)
  4. what are the 3 most important...

    Jeff, you might be interested in Edgar Cayce's correlation to the Book of Rev. if you haven't already read it, the wording takes a little work to get through but lots of info. there, (and yes some info I'm alluding to is related to "eastern" systems although there is some crossover in meaning)
  5. what are the 3 most important...

    is that what the Book of Rev. says to you? (after correlation)
  6. what are the 3 most important...

    Jeff, -7 or the 7th hell, (if one uses that term) is the end of the road -- btw. it is also said in some schools that +7 continues on to +14 (or seven steps above the crown)
  7. what are the 3 most important...

    Yueya, Thanks for sharing, that's not an easy pill to get down and it reminds me of the following saying: Meditation in Affliction - Gyalwa Longchenpa Assailed by afflictions, we discover Dharma And find the way to liberation. Thank you, evil forces! When sorrows invade the mind, we discover Dharma And find lasting happiness. Thank you, sorrows! Through harm caused by spirits we discover Dharma And find fearlessness. Thank you, ghosts and demons! Through people's hate we discover Dharma And find benefits and happiness. Thank you, those who hate us! Through cruel adversity, we discover Dharma And find the unchanging way. Thank you, adversity! Through being impelled to by others, we discover Dharma And find the essential meaning. Thank you, all who drive us on! We dedicate our merit to you all, to repay your kindness.... (I'd add this caution: it's takes a +7 to hold a -7 in check, thus not for an idealistic +1 to take on a -7
  8. what are the 3 most important...

    a lot to ponder there...I don't have much to say in doubt about the way elemental forces like weather, earthquakes, fires, floods or the positive bounty of nature and such take their course and affect the life, illness or death of beings - but it's the more twisting and turning of psychological effects that don't seem fair and impartial like the elemental forces are that can raise doubts.
  9. what are the 3 most important...

    Btw, I'm pretty sure Taoists could also find themselves with to much to bear or to be tempted in similar ways, or at least in magnitude as anyone else could - being that we are talking about what is common for most human beings to go through... thus with some word changes many sayings from different schools could be found to correlate even though we may baulk at certain worded concepts that we don't normally use. (so why am I stating the obvious or rambling on - maybe it will come to me later?)
  10. what are the 3 most important...

    Getting off the OP but no biggy: Very sadly, and sometimes horrifically a lot of people have been given more than they can bear as in suicide, homicide, and other serious actions that can not be recovered from or undone! (excepting by what some concepts speculate about or projected sayings and or platitudes there may be concerning such matters?) So I think that Bible verse really leaves a lot to be desired and it's not just a subject in the context of the Bible verse but for all humans beings if or when they are in or going through such troubles!
  11. what are the 3 most important...

    Yueya, Your last post brings up a major point! Thank you for submitting that. Btw, I'm thinking about a Bible related saying/tangent, namely: 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." I've had some trouble getting a full handle on where I've underlined part of this verse above - being that many of us have been tempted beyond what we can bear - and at times I think it has also been applied by teachers or schools. I'm interested in hearing how you or anyone else sees it?
  12. what are the 3 most important...

    Ok MH, I wasn't sure about post 22.
  13. what are the 3 most important...

    it's not a "duh" to those who have tried to do so or follow such, at least in a lot of ways or to certain degrees - is it?
  14. what are the 3 most important...

    they can never teach anyone to be exactly like they are, they can never teach an adding to or taking away from that which can not be added to or taken away from, they can never teach putting "Mystery" into a definitive and limited box.
  15. Advaita discourse - Michael James

    I'm sure the speaker means well but he starts by spending a lot of time talking about destroying the ego or even the world... yet I'd say it doesn't work that way per-se being that the only thing needing destroying (if one uses that term) is incorrect perception/identification - thus the Self (per the teachings of the Upanishad) has no problem with worlds or anything else that IT is free of yet aware of while springing forth in a joy that is without sorrow. note: to those that create these videos I suggest they put them in half an hour sessions.
  16. It has been said that religion is made for mankind... yet we often see where this concept is completely turned around to where mankind is made for religion, namely in the sense of and analogy of people often being poured into very complex molds to strictly conform to a religion. (including schools that don't call themselves a religion) One can come across this feeling after picking up and studying the written doctrines of most any religion or school where it soon becomes apparent that they could spend dozens or even hundreds of lifetimes in years to try and understand and fulfill all the required information, rules and regulations related to those various religions or schools and yet still not fully succeed in fitting into said molds! So and because of such a scenario what do you think people should do?
  17. religion is made for man...

    I have also ditched some stuff, or in some cases put it on the shelf for who knows how long...
  18. religion is made for man...

    from the Tao to the One and on to the Ten thousand there is connection and flow, the Tao is not separate from the Ten Thousand nor vice a versa.
  19. what are the 3 most important...

    Steve, It sounds like you are concentrating on just one side of the coin in post #11? For if a "you" is or may be part of the problem then a you is or may also be part of the solution. (for there is only you in the process to do the work that you mentioned)
  20. religion is made for man...

    then again I think moderation about religion like everything else can and does have a time and place. Another way to think about such issues is with the analogy that spirituality can be like the non-manifest and religion like the manifest if or when aligned. Thus I don't see any virtue in unbending fanatical pro or anti stances concerning religion.
  21. what are the 3 most important...

    ah but you did anyway MH, and if you don't like the sound of "master" then maybe commenting on 3 important things a NCO or XO did in relationship with you would be cool?
  22. religion is made for man...

    it would be a futile exercise to try and prove or force (a definition of) wrongness per conceptual details as he is more or less doing...anyway the wrongness of such a venture as you call it is proved in or by obvious principle which I'll leave open for further input... (edited with a word or two)
  23. religion is made for man...

    Hey Gerard, Did you notice how Anadi speaks as if he is the greatest expert that has ever lived when it comes to knowing all about dozens or even hundreds of various paths or faiths? - Which btw. would only be possible if he has lived dozens or even hundreds of lives while retaining complete, direct and detailed knowledge of those paths with all of their pros and cons as he describes them? (along with the fact that such could only be known for sure by a person deeply into those paths which implys him having been a Lama, Guru, Master, Sage or Saint in dozens or even hundreds of paths?!) hmm...
  24. The expansion in Being - Brahman

    one could also consider the analogy of having a 33 lp record player with a little sync light on it, when the player is adjusted to spin at the right speed the light quits flashing or stands still along with giving the best sound reproduction. (so extrapolate that to infinite speed, which btw is kind of an oxymoron per such a context)
  25. The expansion in Being - Brahman

    moving so very fast that it is standing still everywhere at once.