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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. religion is made for man...

    opps, earlier I meant to write, I'm not talking programmed or blind type faith - although one could also approach meanings the other way.
  2. religion is made for man...

    I feel that there is a certain faith that is not to be discounted along these lines, and I'm not talking about programed or blind type faith. opps, added a not
  3. religion is made for man...

    I'd also say spirituality can make religion in line with it.
  4. How to Feed Your Demons

    sounds like several dangerous ideas.... Btw, for those in denial of certain beings yet who also proclaim Buddhism - remember the historic Buddha had no problem in seeing various so called invisible yet existing beings of different realms as recorded per well known and respected doctrine. I'd also be interested to hear from any traditional Buddhist where certain of these dubious practices with demonic forces are suggested per their teachings??
  5. Common universal laws: namely and as well pointed to and demonstrated by the "laws of nature" which are also related to what A&P said so diplomatically...and which are also well pointed to in T.T.C. with additional human aspects and in parts of many other teachings where such make for and hold common ground! CT, Thanks for the comment from your peanut gallery, that was funny.
  6. Rene, I imagine you know the answers to your apparent rhetorical questions - being that you have probably been around the block 'x' number of times?
  7. Many secondary but also important and truthful things may be agreed upon, (a.k.a. common ground) ...but one will also find with a little study that the primary and most important realization is not agreed upon among the broad spectrum of major faiths as taught by their founders, - Not by the historic Buddha, not by Lord Jesus, not by Lord Krishna (or by other great Hindu Sages who do not proclaim a particular founder for Sanatana Dharma), not by Muhammad, not by Taoism (which would be making much ado if it did), not by atheists, agnostics, anarchists, philosophers or psychologists, not by modern day figures said to be realized, and probably not by any of those of many lesser known faiths or practices. So what is a soul supposed to do to attain True realization? (with the idea of soul and or path not even being agreed upon!) Well I feel that all one can really do is work with the more obvious common ground universal laws for in doing that certain forces will be put into motion to further help us and thus somehow we attain or uncover our own realization! It's the only game in town as far as I know and even if we choose not to play we are still playing.
  8. Btw, there also the Isa Upanishad which gets into this area although it is not interpreted the same by different schools which may be 180 degrees out from each other.
  9. but then again isn't there that Zen saying about, "first there a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is", and in that pointer what was negated per-se?
  10. the first stroke to learn is hardly a stroke at all but to float without panic, besides if one is not failing about in the water it makes it more difficult for the sharks to find you. ;-)
  11. an apparent "they" is just that...apparent, Atman is not nor sees such a they. A matrix for the "awake" comes and goes, yet where or when is the awake and its matrix not?
  12. one can read about and watch films about swimming but that is not swimming itself It's ok to have reference books and videos about swimming but it's more important to also and soon get into the pool and take some strokes - compared to memorizing and becoming an expert on said books and videos. (otherwise we will drown in the books and videos) Btw, a good swimmer can come along and demonstrate some pointers in the pool for us when we get in the water but if we don't then it's still more or less like watching a video.
  13. Many do not agree. Which is one reason why Buddhist Lama's and Hindu Sat Guru's seldom if ever get together for a tofu cook-out - they are 180 degrees off in certain key teachings and or doctrine although they tend to be polite about it, or never really say anything about it while sticking to their own system, group, or sect. (and traditions)
  14. news article about anti-Hinduism in India: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-3943620/How-anti-Hindu-fashionable-India-s-middle-class.html
  15. Such seems to be common ground to so many of the great masters, saints, sages, etc.. and their personal stories and lives of struggle. I just thought I'd mention that while some of us are passing around interesting mind candy about enlightenment and fantastic powers.
  16. hmm, sounds like an Old Freudian Angel?
  17. What Taoteching99? I thought "Hawkeye" was serious but in a clever and fun way, so I suggest one consider and include that type of serious with other forms.
  18. Teacher who advertised themselves

    Btw, there is the idea in Luke 11:33 to consider "No one lights a lamp and puts it in a cellar or under a basket. Instead, he sets it on a lampstand, so those who enter can see the light." ...and not only a lamp light but also white hot fire, lightning and accompanying thunder!
  19. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    "that" is so profoundly simple and pure that it completely blows the head off, thus can not really be put into a neat and stated formula for said head trying to deal with the radical aftermath.
  20. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    the original cannot be caught in or by memory, but it can and does leave a trace in memory/matrix
  21. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    I suggest reading the Upanishads for the "Hindu" pointers, for instance there one reads that mind is not Atman. (btw, mind is a heavily used term in Buddhism. have fun...
  22. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    umm, this is not the Buddhist forum. Buddhists mostly (as far as I know) and the historic Buddha pointedly reject Atman or the Self, so you may have to check at their sub-forum.
  23. All energy is equal?

    I'll raise you a tit for that tat...