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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Effort vs no-effort

    maybe the stomach is smarter than the brain when it comes to digestion ;-)
  2. Gayatri Mantra & English text

    good point, btw. do you have a link that in your opinion gives a more proper pronunciation? Speaking of "proper" as you well know there are several major sects and a great many sub-sects or schools in Hinduism and they are not all in agreement about what is proper or not.
  3. Effort vs no-effort

    Jeff, Good point in post #10 about the full context of my Bible quote, and it's often problematic when mixing apples and oranges or teachings from two different paths! Still I hope at times that some use can be made of doing so although it can get messy....
  4. Effort vs no-effort

    "the mind resting" as you have put Dwai is major key, for then Self sees and works so to speak all the way and clear through the mind without resistance, interference, attachment to or being veiled over by same.
  5. Effort vs no-effort

    MH, In Vedic teaching Self with a capital is not limited to a human self, a "concept" as you like to put it that has often been presented. I'd also say that if the author of the T.T.C. had no faith then the book would not have been written by him.
  6. Effort vs no-effort

    faith as in the "Mystery" pointed to in T.T.C. is real?
  7. Effort vs no-effort

    part of my post #4 may sound like double talk as in, "it is the Self that is Self realized"...after which one might ask (or might not) how could it be otherwise thus why such a statement? All I can say for now is that it seems otherwise when the veil of mind/identity/ego is in action. But when true identity of Self is in action the mind/identity/ego is clearly seen through for the software like program that it is. Some more points about effort: there are universal laws related to it for instance from Christian teachings we have in Matthew 7:7: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:”; then add to that Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God" and we see that there is more than just one aspect to work with or through.
  8. Effort vs no-effort

    I'd say that the mind can not be Self realized as in the company of same, for it is of memory and memory can not hold the Self - thus it is the Self that is Self realized... with mind being like an derived aspect of It but still always limited to time and space - so again not Self Realization Itself which is unbound and free. (and independent from the limits of time, space and related mind processes)
  9. Effort vs no-effort

    One has to have a will to surrender a will, The Self chooses the Self, thus personal will only reaches as far as the threshold where only Self can pass through...otherwise a willful ego would take over.
  10. Killing the Ego

    "if she saw me", that sounds like you were sneaky at times?
  11. Killing the Ego

    so your Mother is verbal?
  12. Killing the Ego

    There is the saying that, "there is nowhere where God is not" which I think points to both manifest and un-manifest...thus to me the saying points to a greater, all inclusive, non-dual and un-conditional realization.
  13. Lord shiva & the ascetic life

    There are tons of introductory information on the internet about Lord Shiva. (or Lord Siva, both with capitals) I have found the teachings of Lord Siva as (or with the aspects of) Lord Nataraja to be very helpful in getting a handle on key and important meanings. All sects of Hinduism start with the foundation of non-violence and 'yama' type precepts - so various powers and Kundalini (which are often talked about) are not its goals, Self Realization is the goal ! - Also abstaining from certain things and many other yogic methods that help toward Self Realization are carefully taught and used by qualified Swamis and Gurus along with the very important spiritual writings per related sects. Btw, the Upanishads are an excellent source of information about Self Realization. Good luck
  14. Madmen Biff (aka Trump) and President Bannon hit a judicial speed bump today on their head long run into hell. Btw, various republicans and dems have screwed us over in various ways but Trump is neither - which should be dead obvious to anyone by now?
  15. Killing the Ego

    yea, multi-grain, cooked just right pancakes with real butter and real maple syrup - none of that fake stuff !
  16. Killing the Ego

    Buddhist or other texts can be quoted until the cows come home.... but I'd say Spotless has the correct pointer pointing even if the way he is commenting on it doesn't jive with everyone. The Upanishads also point to the limits of memory...and or a "crossing". Chances are that around 99.99% of us do not want to or are not ready to leave memory or that which we think of as our mind (which is understandable) for to do so is indeed about as "hairy" as it gets. Btw, our seemingly particular mind is really part of THE Mind which is revealed in Spirit which sees and knows that. (but not by mental seeing or knowing - hehe)
  17. Where is the human?

    humans can range in actions as a matrix for energies anywhere from the sub-human demonic depths of the horrific 7th hell, or to the subtle but powerful divine being-ness of 7th heaven. (which can also be correlated to 14 chakras)
  18. Killing the Ego

    ego is a thing of programs and various devices, Spirit is not a thing nor programs of various devices and when it fully takes it True place ego is no longer needed, nor is it fed anymore nor can it steal anymore, thus it unwinds and is no more. (except or apparently for a remnant wisp or facsimile of it used for worldly interaction - which only a Sat Guru or Sage type being would know for sure)
  19. Where is the human?

    is that a rhetorical question?
  20. Where is the human?

    being a human is Spirit being attached to a human framework or matrix, being a god is Spirit being attached to a god framework or matrix, being an animal is Spirit being attached to an animal framework or matrix, etc.,etc...
  21. Killing the Ego

    the ego dies when it no longer has energy going to it for spinning out its plans or for keeping up its devices, and thus is no longer king rat...(even if the rat is well dressed and intelligent)
  22. Killing the Ego

    There is a golden lion from the tribe of Judah that is very ferocious when it comes to protecting the innocent and weak. And there is a blinding white light super-nova that is very ferocious when it shines explosively through darkness...and also kills death.
  23. Killing the Ego

    pure consciousness without knowing it-Self is an oxymoron. (for such is not a limited, localized or particular "I" based on ego or mind but an I or Om beyond those)
  24. Killing the Ego

    Om and all of its derivative's exist, Shakti and all of its derivative's exist. there is not a Guru or a Buddha (with the term 'Buddha' being in no way limited only to Buddhism) without their Mother who exists.