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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Killing the Ego

    thought forms do not need a dense or only physical medium per-se to exist in (for instance a brain), they exist in more subtle mediums and get around a lot there - obviously.
  2. Killing the Ego

    whose fault is that CT?
  3. Killing the Ego

    if Spirit only remains above and or beyond (or un-manifest) then there no is action that can take place; but since Spirit also "goes far" and "returns" there are realms and actions in them. Thus it is said Tao gave birth to the One, The Two, The Three and all else. And who knowing that would dismiss, put down or try to alter the going far and returning?
  4. Killing the Ego

    also for a renunciate to deny or belittle house-holder dharma is as foolish as a house-holder to deny or belittle renunciate dharma
  5. Killing the Ego

    I'd say again, there is no denial war or divorce of Self regarding that which springs from it, regardless of high sounding quasi-mish-mash. No-thing does not negate mind per-se, it is just free from identification with being a thing or things and thus sees mind for what it is. This idea is not unlike the fact that the Tao does not deny or destroy the Ten Thousand.
  6. Killing the Ego

    Are parts of this quote are straying from the Upanishads and or Sanatana Dharma? ...for instance and a major example to be considered is from the Chandogya Upanishad which speaks of that which - "springs from the Self" - and that which springs from the Self exists in certain ways since it is connected to the Self, granted such is not the transcendent Self but an emanation from same which can not denied imho.. I see no denial war by the Self of that which springs from it! In fact that springing forth is of Joy and of law, of the eternal law of Sanatana Dharma.
  7. finding the path?

    How can we find the "path" without walking it, regardless of what anyone else proclaims about it? Granted some scouting can be done, and general information gathered but that only goes so far; for instance and using an analogy: we can scout out food sources and information about them but until we actually eat we remain hungry and or get weaker. We often like to extrapolate on (or fill our minds with information about) the 'path to enlightenment' or whatever but have often taken only limited steps out of the "ten-thousand" to reach its hairy threshold... Good walking to us all.
  8. finding the path?

    will death come to claim no-thing, or is no-thing out of its reach?
  9. finding the path?

    as you've heard me say before MH, it is death that dies-the old hard nut to crack!
  10. finding the path?

    Bubbles, Umm, I did mention dubious and double talk as methods which I thought Mr. K. used quite a bit later in his life, namely the whole anti-guru, guru thing (compared to earlier when he personally recounted his "mystic" experiences and I think did compose some gems) Good point about a lot of Taoists not broad-casting themselves!
  11. they aren't mine and don't need to be called by anyone, they already know and thanks for the warning.
  12. Please pardon me but.. #1. Jeff unless you are an empowered swami of a Saivite order and under the direction of its Satguru I'd say you really need to change your game since you have taken things out of bounds...#2. btw. your interpretations of Kashmir Saivism are not publically kosher and only apply to yourself; thus such can not to be given out as anything else since you do not have the authority to do so unless #1 applies per the Kashmir school. are we having fun yet?
  13. finding the path?

    it's not a belief - with the "mind" being part of or with time and space - anyway one can find many pointers alluding to the end of the long* walk through the realms of mind, follows is one of the shortest of them from the T.T.C., Chap 43, 3rd line: "Only Nothing can enter into no space". So if you want to write off the T.T.C. for yourself as being arrogance that is your right but I suggest not leaving such a karma turd on the path for others. * which in another sense only takes the blink of an eye.
  14. finding the path?

    btw, I feel that Mr. K. gave out some dubious double-talk comments about a pathless path or land... which I believe only applies after one has actually finished walking the very long walk and path (through all realms of the mind where they then end up moving so very fast (or quickened) that they are standing still everywhere at once ;-) - thus his was often abstract double-talk like so much else that is presented out there.
  15. if the need is great an alteration to mechanical forces can take place through divine will, otherwise the divine will is no stronger than said mechanical like forces.
  16. Gateway to limitless being

    and of course we really don't know much about transfiguration
  17. Let it rip Nilsson!

    From youtube:
  18. formula for enlightenment: doctor!
  19. formula for enlightenment

    Btw. did anyone notice how strong the hulu girls legs looked? (strong like being able to work long and very hard, maybe more than the men?)
  20. Gateway to limitless being

    part coyote method, whatever turns your crank.
  21. transmission can put a helpful crack in the coconut, but after that the onus is on us - always. (that reminds me of that silly song about putting "lime in the coconut" ;-) )
  22. I would say mind does not get destroyed per-se, although in the end attachment, binding or identification with it does - thus mind is used rightfully as a great and powerful TOOL!
  23. individual effort is in turning the power that is stuck or identified in mind - in upon itself, which is also assisted by qualified help and Grace. For then the veil over Self is at least cracked or in some cases shattered open.
  24. (in somewhat of a side context) "The true meaning of the precepts is not just that one should refrain from drinking alcohol, but also from getting drunk on nirvana." Bassui