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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. The illusion of reality

    without Shakti Shiva does not dance...
  2. Logic, the prerequisite of all truth

    are ants more logical than mankind?
  3. sooner or later something has to give - or go back and start all over, or go in circles etc.., or finally hear and follow the still small voice which roars out ! for unconditional love is relentless but never heavy handed, hope that helps some?
  4. "God" searches out your true heart - not your knowledge of mechanics, and only the Self can choose the Self.
  5. Vulnerability

    Concerning question on denomination: to me there is a great and grand mind and all of us beings with karma and ego are in that sphere (so to speak) regardless of the particular niche or name that we adhere to or identify with - within it... but true freedom is greater than even attaining complete mental freedom within all the niches of the mind sphere..., and where or what that is not reachable by mind - for mind and it's various identities or attempts to mentally negate identities must be left behind to realize That which is not bound by the law of the sphere - being a "That" which has been pointed to with the concept of Atman as found in the Upanishads - and or by whatever or wherever else a parallel pointer to same might be found... (as alluded to) Om
  6. Vulnerability

    Jesus is absolutely invulnerable to any form or intensity of spiritual attack from any realm, is he vulnerable so to speak in having compassionate feelings for those suffering - yes
  7. Energy of Intimidation

    the truth is intimidating to a lie, evil is seen by the truth but the lie is blind to truth...with a definition of truth here as being that which is rooted in Spirit or the Great Tao.
  8. Vulnerability

    that is one possible view, also an understanding of the various aspects and processes of vulnerability could be seen as a virtue or as a plus. Btw, anyone can be vulnerable to a fall until they have gone past the point of no return with their soul in Spirit - a point where egotism can no longer prevail or undo them.
  9. Vulnerability

    I did not mean vulnerability in a negative connotation or as being a static condition - and I don't think the O.P. did either. Thus more as a learning process that comes out the other side of it stronger than when going through it...for instance it takes more strength to forgive in a positive and active way that brings mutual understanding and goodness than to take up the rage of vengeance which is the "mind killer".
  10. Vulnerability

    Stosh, Sounds like you are way hung up on a word which can be used in more than one context?
  11. Vulnerability

    A sort of transposition - but my take: Different forms of suffering (which all boil down to a state of suffering) can bring humility - humility in recognizing and knowing that others also suffer not unlike yourself - thus the smart-ass or smarty-pants realizes that they to are not so smart (or invincible) after all and that they can be reduced to suffering via karmas or other factors - which can then give one pause and open a space, a space of vulnerability where compassion for the Beings and the situation can take place.
  12. hehe, tell that to the "One".
  13. an "individual mind" is the dream...which is realized upon waking up
  14. the supernatural is also natural and as Fred would often say, "Yabba-dabba-doo"
  15. Dwai, Has not (and in many cases) insightful science come to the change of perspective you mention? So I'll modify my previous statement to include that the 'splitting of hairs" does not necessarily have to come to an end or be discarded at some "further" point, just extrapolated upon and thus seen for what it is - which can still be of benefit in the manifest world to an 'x' or relative degree. (per such human exploration) The author also mentions Yoga several times and considering his Indian background (as you have touched upon) one might wonder why he does not mention that Lord Shiva (or Siva) is also the Lord or first guru of Yoga, and also has the aspect of Nataraja the revealer? (or could he have a Buddhist bias and interpretation that out-weighs Sanatana Dharma yet he somehow and strangely still quotes and extolls the value of the Upanishads which are counter to key Buddhist precepts like no-Atman?)
  16. interesting but made complex... what could one say about science in a nutshell - such as it can keep splitting hairs down to sub of the sub-atomic particles along with time and space factors until it can go no further...? As for Brahman (via mind preparation)...to still the mind is to also still karma, ego, and all else - and no one stills those without dharma-Shiva/Shakti and Grace... (or the equivalent in meaning from other paths)
  17. "drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry --- and them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye saying this is the day that I die..."
  18. I have an unknown cat who is very comfortable being in my backyard. He acts a lot like my past cat including looking very similar! He doesn't run away when he sees me but keeps a little distance when I talk to him...makes me wonder if anyone has had a similar cat experience?
  19. what has been sown is being reaped - could things happen any other way?
  20. Bhaja Govindam

    none of the things mentioned above with a negative connotation would have come into being without the dance of Shiva.... (in the context of creation, maintenance and destruction) and to see that simultaneously with Brahman would to me be the deepest non-duality, thus without a divorce among any of the tattva or the transcendent.
  21. Where is the real middle way?

    that's omnipotent...
  22. Where is the real middle way?

    a "strong wind" -
  23. Is it immoral to tell people who they are?

    if one's being was pure enough such a speculative thought would not arise about people that came into contact with them, for those people would then tend to see themselves truthfully before the irresistible purity and light of such a being, namely their karma's and also their incorruptible spirit that can be free of karma's... Jai Satguru
  24. Bindi, what about "tough love" at the +4 heart level, is such anger as in an ego being angry that things are not in line with what it wants? (different)
  25. hate is never at the +4 heart level (so to speak), being that it and its cousins are at the levels below the root Chakra which could be called the -1 through -7 level at the feet. Btw, it is said that an enlightened beings new root becomes the +7 chakra (with there being more beyond that....)