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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. the Earth soul and great mother wins in the end for the hungry evil is cast out where all that is left for it to feed upon is its own abomination in the abyss...a place (so to speak) where there is no root and any sort of balance of elemental forces related to Tao can not be struck.
  2. Mountains and Not Mountains

    yea the expert is within and all that side-stepping clever stuff... but the help of an "expert" aka true guru is vital otherwise one can bake up a superiority cake (as you started out with) of ingredients from some kind of profound sounding, neo-nihilistic-quasi whatever demeaning variation like, "redundancy of my own human level of experience".
  3. Mountains and Not Mountains

    Sounds like some fancy B.S.? for real experts (who are speaking or who left words of wisdom) help lead us to the threshold of That...regardless of time, space and even mountains of karma! And no, Dharma is not hanging in the wind willy-nilly, also the True Self is indestructible and not bound by mind structures, -thus neither falling nor rising in a feeling its way around. Btw, those standing at the gate unseen by physical eyes and who live as compassion are not dead.
  4. Mountains and Not Mountains

    I'd say that the human point and Right choice is Dharma (or a Tao that is in alignment with the Great Tao) and for human beings to realize such is natural and also Noble in the sense that such has foundational and quintessential meaning for being - instead of spending to much time in ripping one's mind and heart to shreds, especially if such is seen as or becomes an end point
  5. Mountains and Not Mountains

    MH, not so going by the historic Buddha's alluding to and meaning (since Orion is quoting Buddhist stuff) that was termed the, "Wonder of wonders" which does not die, and which is more than just a dry scientific concept of energy that does not die...
  6. Mountains and Not Mountains

    yea sounds like some neo-nihilistic sounding stuff... and or some "to be or not to be" ponderings, etc. Maybe try study of the Upanishads and the true Self, they don't leave our ass hanging in the wind - btw and also remember that the historic Buddha realized and said, "wonder of wonders" thus be very careful about all of the dead-end gnawing on concepts crap - that's imo. anyway.
  7. Infinite Void

    doesn't matter how many (infinitely spun out) things there are or how many dimensions - they are all still things, whether the very small microcosm(s) or the very large macrocosm(s)... thus realize that you are not a "thing" for then there is freedom when visiting anything.
  8. Existence, Life.

    Note to moderators and members: Lets remember this is the Hindu sub-forum, and not the general anything goes or blows general forum, thus I'd say that those of you who want to express your p.o.v. divorced of and or counter to major Hindu teachings and beliefs (which consist of thousands of years of detailed and divine dharma background) need to make their own posts in the general forum...
  9. Existence, Life.

    no-thing knows no death, "...how is this? Because there is no room for death in him" TTC,chap 50
  10. Existence, Life.

    when death dies then there is no dying... (see "eater of death")
  11. The Now as a spiritual escapism.

    Seeker of wisdom had some good points in post 51.... the way I'd put it is that all energy is now but thoughts and or the traces that they are may or may not be enlivened in the now depending on whether or not energy is flowing through them, thus if the relative past is resolved then the thought or memory that it is in the mind realm does not have energy flowing through it reliving all that it involves. Memory is important but it is a retracing or re-enlivening by energy flow through a memory pattern that should be under our control and not have mind of its own, (so to speak) that compels us or gets us stuck as energy repeating through a trace. In that way "being in the now" means all thoughts are resolved and at peace, with the energy that we are being free and not driven by or attached to various thoughts that loop and bounce around willy-nilly.
  12. The Now as a spiritual escapism.

    Karl, your pov only applies to you, (or those that more or less agree with you) and if you are 1/10 as smart as you think you are you would realize that... as for my witness anyone can take it or leave it, for its no biggy here.
  13. The Now as a spiritual escapism.

    a ripe and full ego can become mature enough to accept its death so Spirit can come to the forefront... it can also become a sort of demon full of itself.
  14. The Now as a spiritual escapism.

    what is far more revealing and in a way disconcerting is when we find out that our particular mind is only ours in a certain way or like an appearance yet also part of the totality of mind...with such being that the mind or an apparent 'our mind' is then seen for what it is - being a computer like thing which runs computer like programs that can get lost in 'thinking' they are true identity or that ego driven programs are true identity. "Mind" is an excellent servant but a conflicted master...
  15. The Now as a spiritual escapism.

    until we see mind (a multiple-use tool) and ego (which often becomes a dictatorial programmer) then that is the limit of our reality for dictators tend to die hard.
  16. The Now as a spiritual escapism.

    Since the topic drifted somewhat I'll comment on the drift: Mind and ego are like computers and related programs. We could say we have a computer or a mind, but the computer or mind is not us nor are its various programs. It is very revealing when the Spirit of us sees how its been way-laid and enthralled by mind and or ego driven programs that can act like a dictator or imposter that takes over.
  17. Swimming in the air

    reaching escape velocity is assisted by divine beings,
  18. Some major schools or lineages of truth have successors on this side, some lineages of truth come to an end on this side as far as a successor goes - although their advanced students may still be around to help - I can see how a founder working on and from the other side could have a lot of influence yet such would not seem comparable to having a full blown successor on this side? I don't need to know of any particular lineages but I do wonder about the general principle of what happens and why if continued spiritual evolution per successors is part of the modus operandi of spirit... any ideas?
  19. deadlines?

    You only have until today to make a totally optional $ donation to so and so, after that you will then only have until Friday of next week and if that is not enough of a deadline then you have until the first Monday of next month... so don't forget! Then again certain astrological alignment's only come around once in a lifetime and you better not miss those... umm, well, perhaps ;-) ...or how many chances does a blind groundhog get at an acorn?
  20. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    Rene, I guess what I don't agree with you on is linking the terms creation with benefit and destruction with harm, (and there is also a period of preservation in there) I do agree about changes in form and changes in types of energy as seen from same - but from or in relation to Tao the term and meaning of "benefit" is greater than and beyond the duality of apparent or relative benefit or harm.
  21. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    "first there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is" thus I flush certain talks or perspectives about illusion
  22. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    "you don't have an equation for it"... I believe we could say there is a simple formula that permutates to complexity yet it loops back to its original simplicity.
  23. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    since my rhetorical like questions... anyway are you now also saying that there is no benefit or harm as you did before?
  24. Except that is only a story...

    didn't know that MH, sounds like their loss