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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    does "The One" behold itself or know itself and if so how or from what vantage point does it see, hear or commit benefits or harm within or to itself?
  2. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    cleaning up permutations? (oh heck)
  3. Except that is only a story...

    A westerner that's never heard of Steven Colbert must be living under a rock or someplace like the Yukon territories? No biggy though...
  4. Except that is only a story...

    a spin off of that: since life turns on a dime don't pass the buck when it turns up tails and don't gloat when it turns up heads.
  5. Except that is only a story...

    Karl, maybe Steven Colbert could help you with that...it doesn't seem many here can.
  6. Except that is only a story...

    lighten the hell up Karl..."Jesus Christ!" ;-)
  7. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    Rene, depends on the beholder doesn't it?
  8. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    Rene, I do not see or hear harm in the deep song and great dance of "Tao", for is not benefit or harm only seen or heard by the beholder of such?
  9. Theosis: Becoming Like God

    Spirit gives unto Spirit, that is its true desire and law, (so to speak) as for other all other desires are they not spin-offs in one way or another of the truest desire - which in some cases is almost impossible to see?
  10. It sounds like you dislike the veils related to the schools of hard knocks? Does Siva dislike such veils and schools and if so why has he not destroyed them; could it be they also have a place and purpose in the divine dance?
  11. Bindi, Different schools of Hinduism (and of course ways other than Hinduism) have variations of interpretation in relation to trying to address the questions you've brought up...along with the caution shared by Prasanna about being result orientated one might also wrestle with, "what is the point and reason for all the trouble in the first place", "to be or not to be", - and btw. if God is all knowing, powerful and present and also our Father then why isn't He here with us on the Earth where there is so much suffering that needs to be relieved? Etc., etc.. Well we've all heard a thousand explanations that attempt to address such questions many of which sound like automatically given and repeated platitudes that leave us desperately hanging out in the wind... I don't know much but I do know that Grace is real and that it reaches right through the troubled mind and heart to the core of Joy that has no accompanying sadness. Faith like a tiny "mustard seed" can grow, what else is there to do, surely not to fall down and be further bound...
  12. my secret

    ...and there is the woman by the well story in the N.T..
  13. How Are Having and Giving the Same Thing?

    there is an exchange of energies in giving and receiving, one may start by giving something physical and then receive something non-physical which is of far more meaning... which can then be passed along which acts like a multiplier in positive force for all parties involved.... an opposite or negative multiplier can also take place as in losing what we have if never shared or given.
  14. my secret

    which could be modified to state that lack of "God" is an illusion, but then not so many will get on board.
  15. I'd agree that there are many types of "yoga" (or ways) that help to prepare a being for Grace and Self Realization... but again the term and idea of "spiritual pursuit" is a loaded one and I think it needs further definition. For instance many are pursuing relative heavens or hell's through various means, neither of which are the freedom of the Self.
  16. Prasanna, You said the "individual" realizes the Self? I'd say it is more correct to state that only the Self has the full capacity to realize the Self while all other aspects are derivatives of Brahman - thus the "individual" is relinquished for such a realization to take place... I'd also say that "God" is not separate, disconnected or "alone" from the tattva's and or Shakti although there is the simultaneous-transcendent.
  17. there is no lasting rest or satisfaction as solid as the Self, until that return we go ever which way in search of what is right under our noses but seemingly thousands of light years away...
  18. radical love and wisdom

    "love thine enemy" does not mean being taken advantage of - unless it goes wrong (in a half-baked, idealistically impressionable like way) - and I think part of such includes having overcome the enemy within ourselves through love which then brings the possibility of doing the same nitty-gritty action externally... being that the power of love is rooted in the power of Spirit which is greater than the un-rooted thief of power that fear or hate are.
  19. radical love and wisdom

    "love thine enemy" is very radical, for violence will never end violence - also such can only be done with through great wisdom to keep it from it going wrong
  20. I'm borrowing part of what you said Kar3n - how will they know if we or Sat Guru do not share love, for love not shared is not love at all.
  21. Prasanna, parts of what you said above sounds like an example of spiritual elitism.... Siva has no limits to his reach in helping jiva or a Tom, Dick and Harry, or a Jane, Sally and Sue that he is also within. Btw, the corruption of the laws of Manu is another example of spiritual elitism and was not of the original intent to lord it over others of so called lesser caste. There is no where - where Siva is not, if we can see that then we can see the whole truth.
  22. a prerequisite of and for a certain context related to a spiritual path was used by Mr. O in the title of his book, "In Search of the Miraculous"... in other words everyone is more or less searching unless their ego is so self-satisfied and self-justified that it becomes frozen or crystallized in such a state with its only search then being devolved and devoted to further such a state. edit: but even then karma is not denied and dharma will work its way.
  23. Spotless, your last post sounds kind of profound and also kind of non-relatable...at least for some of us common folk that are dealing with duality and which is our starting point.
  24. How to trust the universe?

    the universe of everything does last a for time, does end, and then re-begin... this can be known but not in the regular way of knowing. Also see the Upanishads for additional reflections on the matter.