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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. The Hell planes

    Also think predators, (stalking between realms to a certain extent) try to imagine dealing with a hungry, malicious s.o.b. spirit being on our ass, such can and will give us 1st hand and personal info besides all the second-hand accounts of others - which could be put on the shelf until we have comparative proofs. This 1st hand info idea also goes for a compassionate being trying to help our ass out of a jam!
  2. The silent treatment: when practiced by many people it often cruel or hurtful, when practiced by a true guru it can bring a revelation that speaks volumes, for the guru's heart can never be cruel or hurtful in the same sense... your experiences along this line? (and I know there is that Buddhist saying about not accepting something from someone and then who does it belong to, but that is far easier said than done for most of us)
  3. the silent treatment

    yea, in relationships I'd rather have someone mad and expressing it compared to the silent treatment, for instance if my wife gives me the silent treatment then I'm or we're probably in much worse trouble ;-) I also know that silence in a passive aggressive variation does not work well for either party
  4. The Hell planes

    and here I was thinking I escaped cop-outs, (from possibilities) by the way, in well known and regarded Buddhist doctrine the historic Buddha mentions many beings at different frequencies (so to speak) which he saw plain as day while many of his followers were blind to them - for instance Ananda. who was often right at his side.
  5. The Hell planes

    realms are actually at various frequencies/dimensions, thus the earth realm along with our physical bodies that dwell upon it are just a small part of the totality of frequencies and dimensions... take a physical brick and smash something in physical form and then say or imply it is only a mental type of image or projection and the results would say you're nuts - it's no different in other realms where the particular laws related to same apply, just as certain laws apply to the physical world. Further the soul can experience or be in realms a-z which means such are not just make believe mental projections!
  6. The Hell planes

    I'd put it as all are realms of the mind, and relatively real in time and space for any being that is in and dealing with relative time and space along with dharmas, karma, evolution, etc..
  7. The Hell planes

    it is important to remember that holy beings can instantly reach a soul in distress and lift them out of or stop the hell realm beings attacks or bindings... Jesus the Christ and other master souls have such power!
  8. enlightenment is cool and gentle, yet can pierce granite and stand in the sun
  9. the silent treatment

    "...But then I will admit that there have been times when someone made a statement or asked a question that I felt was out of place or none of their business and I just remained silent." by MH a good point which is often the best course to follow which btw. reminds me of TTC, chapter 8: "...If you do not strive with others you will be free of blame"
  10. the silent treatment

    Thanks for the reply MH. This can go anywhere folks may want to take it or how they may want to comment on it... being that there are several aspects to it. For instance: one is that if we get the silent treatment from someone then it is not uncommon to give it back and that could said to be a negative type stalemate along with the possibility of it devolving further, which could mean that if someone is unreasonably ignored and treated as if there voice means nothing then they might not walk away calm, collected and unattached. (some of which we see in the news everyday)
  11. The rule of keeping the cultivation secret

    off topic but: every time one wrestles with ego some of its moves are learned, moves that it can't pull so easily the next time and which have limits...
  12. Rays of the Absolute

    Nice quote TI, and so he mentions Ishwara. Btw, you sure make a wide range of interesting quotes...
  13. well Brian superposition talked about two waves meeting and forming a different magnitude wave, or a standing wave, thus there is an interruption or change with an original wave (as so ever named) which was in certain time/space coordinates...?
  14. The rule of keeping the cultivation secret

    Btw, the subject of this string is far from being just in "India", or just to do with a spiritual practice. If one is being given particular instructions by a teacher one does not blab off about it - for they are not the teacher... One could say in very general or generic terms to another, "I'm doing Yoga" or whatever it may be, but there are problems as mentioned in the other posts when going further than that, although if another person wants to find out more then they could be given public type information about where or how to come across such teachings for themselves. The fruits or results of a practice in one's state of being are not hidden per-se, just as light can not really be hidden under a bushel (or however that saying goes) although those that do not see or even consider such can not be forced to see, which would back-fire if tried.
  15. Rays of the Absolute

    Dwai, Does this teacher say much about Shakti in his various talks, for me the Absolute is absolutely connected to Shakti along with Siva's drum never that ceases...
  16. Hi Brian, Thanks for adding to the conversation. When you say "a sea frequencies all simultaneously occupying the same space-time without interference" (implying one to another) I don't follow you? It seems that sound waves, radio waves, or whatever.. being in the exact same space/time as a more or less a substantial phenomenon would not be possible, with one space/time coordinate being limited to holding or having one certain frequency occurring there regardless of higher and lower frequencies above and below it which would be close but seemingly in different areas of space/time?
  17. Meditating on the Meditator

    my spin off that: I reserve the right to put something on the shelf in case it comes in handy later. hehe
  18. MH, I thinking along the lines that if two different frequencies are truly blended then a new frequency will result which is then different from the previous two, whereas in harmonics two different frequencies can be close or have certain commonalities yet remain separate... maybe Brian will chime in to?
  19. Thanks for the additional comments Spotless... One might ask what can really resist Presence as you put it, or the Great Tao as some might put it... also and in the manifest two different frequencies can not occupy the same time, space and frequency, something or one of them has to give and I know that the one in alignment with the Great Tao will not.
  20. and I would hope Spotless would go into more detail, examples, or analogies' for the gem he submitted in post 4
  21. Meditating on the Meditator

    many of those inspired depictions of wonderful, radiating beings sitting on a lotus are not just romanticized/flowery drawings... that is how they look in the light realms where most karma's and ego are resolved compared to other more conflicted and strife like realms. Btw, such beings tend to be very compassionate although there are some that are very stern, powerful, no non-sense, inviolate guardians.
  22. Commanding the Mind

    reason can reason away whatever you are saying Karl, whether or not that is "reasonable" per your definition is moot.
  23. Commanding the Mind

    for some yes, for some maybe, for some no
  24. lots of great insights and reflections in this string...! we can start out doing something mechanically (so to speak) and at some point it may work automatically.
  25. Who are you?

    as human beings we are composites of the aspects of ourselves which often has a high number, for instance the general public self, the group self, the at home alone self, the combative self, the kinder self, the b.s. self, the honest self, the liar self, the tough self, the noble self, the indulgent and lazy self, the careful & conserving self, the presuming self, and on and on... all those selves do battles within us and for a single, unwavering and unified being to evolve, emerge and synchronize with the already True Self and be lord of such is no cake walk!