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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. windows ten likes to delete text on its own... anyway there is the saying, "resist not evil" which has lots of inner meaning but should not be given without certain cautions or just idealistically.
  2. okay so I made a mistake, not so okay when I repeat the same mistake, or with obvious variations of it 10-20 times in the sense of thinking dharma can be put aside as if karma wasn't backing it up...
  3. Commanding the Mind

    Mankind's reason and logic alone or without Spirit can deliver one into forms of hell such as the "Vanity of vanities"...
  4. Who are you?

    ...yet we don't want a dichotomy do we? I'd say the matrix (or manifest from A-Z) of or for "God" are important as functional vessels for "God", thus not to be dismissed as just illusions... for where is there illusion in Shakti connected to God unless in the eyes of the beholder?
  5. Commanding the Mind

    be the programmer not the program...for the mind is a lot like a computer although much more complex
  6. Who are you?

    Atman, for all else is apparent (meaning a changeable appearance) and relative.
  7. Meditating on the Meditator

    Please get off it TI, you could go whole hog Buddhist and enjoy that particular raft, thus quit quoting or trying to understand, interpret, correlate or compare Vedic related masters and their spiritual teachings or their orders to where and how you think they fall short when it comes to your present hodge-podge.
  8. "The Mysterious Origin of the Fortune Cookie Much to most American’s surprise, the fortune cookie is not a Chinese invention. Fortune Cookies Originated In CaliorniaFortune Cookies Actually Originated in California! It is actually an American invention originating in California. There are many theories, and much speculation surrounding the mysterious origin of the fortune cookie. As to in which city the fortune cookie originated and as to who invented it, Chinese-American, Japanese-American or 14th century revolutionists, there has been much debate. In 1983, there was even a mock trial held in San Francisco's pseudo-legal Court of Historical Review to determine the origins of the fortune cookie. Legendary History of the Fortune Cookie #1 The Chinese immigrant, David Jung, founded the Hong Kong Noodle Company while living in Los Angeles, invented the cookie in 1918. Concerned about the poor he saw wandering near his shop, he created the cookie and passed them out free on the streets. Each cookie contained a strip of paper with an inspirational Bible scripture on it, written for Jung by a Presbyterian minister. Legendary History of the Fortune Cookie #2 Some claim a Japanese immigrant, Makoto Hagiwara, invented the fortune cookie in San Francisco. Hagiwara designer of the famous Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park was an avid gardener until an anti-Japanese mayor fired him from his job around the turn of the century. Later a new mayor did reinstate him. In 1914, to show his deep appreciation to friends who had stood by him during his time of hardship, Hagiwara made a cookie and placed a thank you note inside. After passing them out to those who had helped him, he began serving them regularly at the Japanese Tea Garden. In 1915, they were displayed at the Panama-Pacific Exhibition, San Francisco's world fair. Legendary History of the Fortune Cookie #3 The Traditional Fortune CookieThe Original Idea In the early 1900’s a plan was hatched to transform San Francisco’s Chinatown from a ghetto into a cute tourist attraction. San Francisco’s Chinatown promised tourist a real Oriental experience. The city promoted Chinese decorations, pageantry and architecture. Supposedly, increased tourism led to the invention of the fortune cookie to fill the void of a dessert item. To fill the tourists demands for a dessert, a worker in San Francisco’s Kay Heong Noodle Factory invented a plain flat cookie in the 1930s. This plain flat cookie, while still warm, was folded around a little piece of paper on which a hand-written prediction or piece of Chinese wisdom would be found. Legendary History of the Fortune Cookie #4 During the 13th and 14th centuries, China was occupied by Mongols. The story goes that the Mongols had no taste for Lotus Nut Paste. So, the Chinese people hid sayings inscribed with the date of their revolution inside the Moon Cakes where the yolk would typically reside. Under the disguise of a Taoist priest, patriotic revolutionary Chu Yuan Chang, entered occupied walled cities to hand out Moon Cakes to other revolutionaries. These instructions coordinated the uprising that successfully allowed the Chinese people to form the basis of the Ming Dynasty. Moon Festival became regularly celebrated. Part of that tradition was the passing out of cakes with sayings inside them. It is thought that this legend is what inspired the Chinese 49'ers working on the construction of American Railways through the Sierra Nevada to California. When Moon Festival rolled around, they did not have any traditional moon cakes. So out of necessity they improvised with hard biscuits and the Fortune Cookie was born. Today’s Fortune Cookie Fortune Cookies Make a Tasty TreatFortune Cookies In Fun Colors & Flavors Make a Unique... And Tasty Treat! Fortune cookies became common in Chinese restaurants after World War II. While not traditionally part of Chinese cuisine, American customers expected desserts. So out of necessity the fortune cookies thus offered Americans something familiar with an exotic flair while still being economical for the Chinese vendors. Although there have been a few cases reported of individuals actually liking the texture and flavor of fortune cookies, most consider the fortune to be the essence of the cookie. Early fortunes featured Biblical sayings, or aphorisms from Confucius, Aesop, or Ben Franklin. Later, fortunes included recommended lottery numbers, smiley faces, jokes, and sage, if hackneyed, advice. Politicians have used them in campaigns, and fortunes have been customized for weddings and birthday parties. In 1988, Mike Fry invented the concept of fortune cookies in fun flavors and colors and founded Fancy Fortune Cookies®. The first gourmet fortune cookie bakery specializing in custom sayings as well as great tasting fortune cookies! Fancy Fortune Cookies now provides fortune cookies in a variety of flavors, colors, and with many options such as, milk chocolate dipped, dark chocolate dipped, white chocolate dipped, with custom sayings, and full color imprinted fortunes. Most recently they have become a volatile marketing and direct mail tool used by fortune 500 companies such as, Motorola, FedEx, Apple, Starbucks, MAC, Victoria’s Secret, Johnson & Johnson, Guess, Ashley Furniture, Sony, Honda, Lilly, Pfizer, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Bank of America, GM, AT&T, and many more."
  9. Origin of the fortune cookie:

    Not bad MH, and an important point!
  10. Origin of the fortune cookie:

    I thought there might be an esoteric analogy in there (the original cut & paste) somewhere but maybe not...hehe ...that is unless someone wants to create one?
  11. OM

    Ok and good for you ! We all need some "Eureka" type inspiration's considering there are also concerns and karmas of daily life to deal with which can wear us down at times. (from a human stand point) thanks for posting, see you around, Bob
  12. sooner or later (so to speak) and always at the turning of the cosmic cycle...
  13. OM

    Juliank, As you probably know Karma yoga is always good as part of what we do as regular guys or gals and as part of a spiritual foundation.... one may blast off or bliss out (so to speak) with certain forms of yoga and mantra but with out a guru's guidance such a blast may be premature and uncontrolled. (as implied by some posters here) I'd say Pure devotion of spiritual emotion is the most powerful fuel but needs some balance with hard won wisdom, knowledge and mature being-ness, that various spiritual orders, schools and related teachers help with!
  14. Why is enlightenment a mystery?

    because it is not in or of the mind...
  15. if the potential for Jesus to fail was not present then his great spiritual tests were fake, which btw I don't think they were.
  16. Desire

    all desires are really veils upon the one truest desire of Self-realization/freedom
  17. Desire

    MH, Are you going to add a bunch of macho tattoos to go with the bald? (hehehe)
  18. It's said most spiritual progress can be made during times like these of great strife and conflict, that may be true but I'm getting kind of tired after learning how to "duck and cover" in the late 50's (during grade school) for potential atomic warfare, and after that everything else from A-Z comig down the pike... how about you? a moments peace to you all amidst it all
  19. something about many 'eastern' renunciates) : many do not live in a 'western' town or city as a householder (obviously) with a spouse and children to support, a job to work 60 hrs. a week, etc.. along with all the other related responsibilities of same! They are a renunciate living a simple life in a simple place with other renunciates and have major support from other people to do so. Thus us western householders who live light years away from being renunciates can not really adopt all of such teachings or live as they do since we have our householder dharma to fulfill... (mentioned since we so often mention the teachings of renunciates)
  20. is a mis-perception and or mis-conception in my book, being that ultimately there is only the total reality of all things and no-thing per a full and complete perception
  21. I don't know about that but at some point ego dies, or the energy that was passing through it or was being used is finally cut off .
  22. the origin of "illusion"

    neutrinos and such pass through the earth and we don't even know it (except by very high tech) yet no damage is done like you are speaking of... (Brian would know a whole lot more along these lines - hehe)
  23. pretty tough to keep an eye on our own ego's without expert help that can see through them... in the meantime I'd say ego should act like a noble sergeant as best it can and try to keep all the various unhealthy parts of itself in order, for a relatively healthy and functional ego in the world has its place
  24. the origin of "illusion"

    a transmutation MH which I'd say is not that far off from how the physical can change frequency and pass through objects in a so called non-normal way...btw non-physical frequencies (depending on one's definition) are effecting the physical all the time in subtle ways, for instance on the common level of x-rays or gamma rays if we want to up the power
  25. Orion, for a Buddhist sounding statement I'd say that was not Right speech, as in acting like a sarcastic A-hole. Remember there is the Buddha's teaching on the subject, as in "Wonder of Wonders"