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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. "not non-existent", a very good point Bindi since one would otherwise be like a newborn baby without any experience and thus no hard earned wisdom coming from dealing with said experience.
  2. which is why I mentioned such as being conditional upon understanding and application - which can be co-opted incorrectly via willy-nilly fluff or puff indulgences like those of Osho farm in Oregon (in the 80's) and by hundreds of other pied pipers along such lines... also and esoterically there is a flow that is against the flow of downstream current, which is the "return" current or upstream flow. (so to speak)
  3. ego type willfulness yes, while will harnessed for and with spirit no...
  4. "going with the flow" could also mean one being pushed willy-nilly, here and there, if misunderstood or applied - thus to me one must really go against the flow to go with the flow - which is demonstrated by great masters with their indomitable will that is not pushed willy-nilly by wind or water or other forces anywhere...
  5. why is "enlightenment" inevitable, well I'd say that since the turning of the cosmic cycle is inevitable then all beings in that cycle will end up RETURN-ing with that cycle in one way or another since they can not be outside of or separate from it.
  6. agreed Bindi - in the sense of and the price of the "going it alone aspect", which is or seems to be part of the case although only a part since there are many helping hands and allies along the way, also the friction of being in the world but trying not to be of worldly driven ways...
  7. "God" that can be nailed down per mind is not "God" nor is that which can be dismissed by mind "God"...a knee jerk reaction to the term "God" is revealing.
  8. when only "God" is seen or known regardless of form or non-form then "reality" is seen or known
  9. "inside time doesn't exist" By MH , I'd say that is a good candidate for the four-fold negation...;-) implosion and or "return" reaches mystery (thus who would say or could prove mystery does not exist?)
  10. yea Tatsumaru, if there is not an understanding of Brahman beyond Lord Brahma I think people tend to get caught in some related limitations or misconceptions.... btw #3 I wouldn't harp to much on ACIM at this site even if it is the apple in your eye as it sounds to be, in fact harping by any of us per any pov tends to be counterproductive.
  11. what happens when death dies... fear dies with it for the eater of death is free from it
  12. What happens when death dies?

    I could say that I'm a type of atheist when it comes to a well defined and mentally contained, nailed down "God", but when it comes to "God" that is mystery and not nailed own by mental concepts or forms then I'm not an atheist...
  13. the first Jhana is not disconnected from the 2nd - etc... and following a pattern that extends and is inclusive all the way to the "beyond of the beyond" per Buddhist doctrine - thus where does illusion begin or end? (which btw are the same jhana's that the historic Buddha taught and practiced pre and post liberation according to well known doctrine) btw #2 there is the saying that is close to, "samsara properly understood is Nirvana" CT, really?
  14. and I'd remind certain Buddhists - per the historic Buddha and his teachings of dharmic truths working in relative worlds - and which can not just be dismissed in a petty way as being illusion - that He had to leave "Buddhism" or the raft that it is behind when He crossed over to the "beyond of the beyond" (which is also of well known doctrine)
  15. doubt has a purpose but it is not satisfactory in or at the end game, know that when death dies doubt dies with it.
  16. What happens when death dies?

    MH, that last one sounds rather agnostic like per or concerning mystery
  17. what does dharma even mean? why do Buddhists even borrow Om in their venerations...
  18. little birds singing to the sun in the morning and little kids happily playing under that same sun are close to "God" Om
  19. What happens when death dies?

    The Upanishads go further into this, ego basically fears its death- or its end which it can not really wrap its head around. One's body (and other perishable aspects) returning to the elements is for the body, not for Atman.
  20. What happens when death dies?

    the trick so to speak is the transcendent and manifest dealing with each other...
  21. try no-thing instead of nothing
  22. What happens when we die

    there is a string or cord attached from the soul to the body when that is cut one no longer returns to that body/matrix and then various forces determine what the soul/state does next...
  23. only the enlightened can choose to be in an accident, the rest of us come to such by a meeting or convergence of seemingly invisible forces (to us) that btw are not all carved in stone...
  24. reality is Atman, not mind which is computer like with various programs
  25. to "march into hell for a heavenly cause", - yep that can have right dharma to it...yet it can also turn into a slippery slope paved with good intentions. Being blissfully or lovingly detached in a dharmic way to all possible goings on is at the fully realized masters/saint level, a novice or intermediate should not take on the pretense of being at that level (although appreciate it for what it points to) and thus do as they can from their own level of understanding per their particular circumstances and try to up-level that as much as they can without it backfiring on them.