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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Absolutes

    math also sings when given with a certain voice
  2. Absolutes

    different dimensions have different laws, or we could say 3d laws work fine for 3d, although 2d laws won't cover 3d. thus 2d and 3d are not false just limited to where they apply, - now extrapolate that to the end of minds ability to measure or enter into - where all energy implodes yet Mystery is.
  3. Absolutes

    just reincarnate into the past and start to straighten things out...
  4. Absolutes

    and which in accord "reality as it is" - would that be -
  5. Absolutes

    if the so-called past, present and future are all contained in a big ball of a non-linear One (which btw linear mind can not see) then they are all open to change per will of non-linear being.
  6. The yoga of Vashishtha

    it is Self that realizes Self
  7. The yoga of Vashishtha

    Om connected to Self never ceases
  8. Absolutes

    no construct is ever absolute and all mind can measure is constructs
  9. Absolutes

    MH, you should study the material before passing a verdict, although just on the face of it I see your counter...
  10. Absolutes

    in addition to blowing your mind with those concepts add in the 4th way ones about two absolutes and everything in between them.
  11. The Buddhsit prayer that says, "May all beings be happy" sounds nice but considering how some beings are only happy when others are suffering seems to make for an impossible, oxymoronic prayer.... and if we include the animal kingdom as an example (since the prayer says "all" beings) then most of the time predator's are "happy" when they devouring other beings like deer which do not display happiness during such occasions... is there a work around in meaning for such a prayer....?
  12. what I meant to say is that we sometimes miss the mark and or sin and its neo-quasi-B.S. to speak as if we are above it all, - granted transcendent pure spirit is not corruptible thus above it all and also hidden in it all - but look around and its easy to see that in the worlds of mind and duality that many things are not being done per pure spirit. The "Soul of soul" is Spirit, whereas the soul of an individual is woven of many strands, strands which may be dark and light. Also the souls which are rising to the call of Soul or Spirit does not lie to itself about its dark karma and the work needed to right their ship..
  13. how to address this B.S. about missing the mark and no sin?... the rising soul knows better than the lie.
  14. the wisdom of truth aka the light of truth reveals the lying rats hiding in darkness where they carry out their schemes
  15. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    an interesting talk but again not on base since there is householder dharma and renunciant dharma, and even a group of renunciants still have some dharma in taking care of and doing basic human work, (say around their monastery and in working with the community that largely supports them)
  16. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    Again, and another example: if I say, " I believe that the teachings of Upanisads are of the deepest truth for me" - then it's really no biggy against anyone else and their beliefs.... but if I say, "all religions end up under the truth of the Upanisads because I know so" then I'm stepping on everyone else. (to say the least) Frankly I don't care what any famous Guru or Swami says if they trespass per the gist of this very short example.
  17. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    considering someone wasn't going to say anything further this went a lot further? Again, there is a major difference if a mystic or anyone else says something close to, "I believe all religions end up in the same realization" compared to them saying something close to, "the truth is all religions end up in the same realization" which directly implies per their experience that they know better than the founders of those religions and are saying so without permission from the keepers of those religions. Such an error is so obvious it's hard to understand why anyone would not see it? Btw, Hindu sects have a great deal in common but they do not (or are not supposed to) step on each other or make proclamations that they all lead to the same realization. (for again that would be a trespass on a sects beliefs )
  18. How many times has "somebody up there" been looking out for you and saved your ass? (or at least mitigated the damage) 2 times, 20 times? 200 times? more than you will ever know? It's safe for me to say more than I'll ever know.
  19. "somebody up there"

    granted all beings have a microcosmic or miniature blueprint of the macrocosm deep within... and it is through an inter-connection and web of that which we all move in and have being (via a deeper power than our ego constructs) thus in realization of that we know Spirit supports us for that is its nature - which we also are.
  20. "somebody up there"

    guardian angels take interest because that is part of their job or dharma, demons do so for feeding upon us. such is obvious as hell if we have had even a little experience on the other side... as for being alone - so it may seem at times - but not true if we look beyond the insides of our own shells
  21. "somebody up there"

    no one is a higher power unto themselves...for themselves, by themselves and of themselves - unless one is mistakenly touting their ego as supreme and source. I'd witness that not a breath is taken or a heart beat completed and all that follows without the "higher power" or first power and its purity of action giving impetus and support
  22. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    In speaking for himself he should have made it 100% clear that he was not implying something per the founders of other religions based on some kind "new age" correlations. For instance Sat Guru does not walk around saying all Buddhists (etc.) are Hindu's - they just don't know it yet, nor a does a wise Buddhist Lama walk around saying all Hindus (etc.) are Buddhists - they just don't know it yet, to do so would be a form of grave intrusion and trespass - like it or not, argue it or not. (and as you very well know more than most anyone else here that the first and foundational law of Hinduism is non-violence which I'd say includes non-trespass and non-intrusion (excepting for types of self- defense) Om
  23. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    Ramakrishnas Atman realization does not echo that of Jesus (duality of heaven and hell) that of historic Buddha and no eternal Self, Mohammed and kill the infidels, etc., etc. etc. obviously R.K. did not renounce Sanatana Dharma once and for all and truly join any of the religions I've mentioned... thus he has no right to say they all the lead to same place without insulting them all since none of their founders ever made such a contradicting statement. If he wants to speak from the Sanatana Dharma pov that is fine but it is not of what other religious founders said.
  24. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    obviously different paths (religions) do not all lead to the same realization per and going by the different founders of those paths... so I think Ramakrishna meant well but he is stepping on other paths in multiple ways when he should just stick with own his sect(s) within Sanatana Dharma, although its fine to show appreciation for other paths.
  25. "somebody up there"

    I've experienced those to Chang, they go by the term demon and their basic state towards humans is malice .