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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. if Trump is Biff...

    Me thinks Marty went extinct or withdrew into un-manifest...
  2. Steve, you're often wise and serious and responded seriously, but FYI I was just stirring the pot.
  3. I'd say all karmas are contained in the One - - being that the One contains all things, thus when the One dies so does karma...
  4. or the kicked and kicker beware
  5. "May all beings be happy" ?

    MH, considering all the telepathic angels out there try asking Clarence,
  6. how many days weeks, months, or years before you are broke and more or less living on the street if you lose your job? (and don't get a new one) ...before or if then we will still have all of this far-out stuff to talk about, some percentage of which may pan out to reduce the suffering of billions of human and other types of beings.
  7. "May all beings be happy" ?

    if 10,000 can fit on the head of pin they have to touch
  8. "May all beings be happy" ?

    yea, you can get a strike instead of a bad split, and a 300 game should give happiness at least for one life time. Is there bowling in heaven - I don't know - co-ed shuffle board maybe.
  9. "May all beings be happy" ?

    like being on an underperforming bowling team at alley where they play bad country western music and with lots of cigarette smoke in the air and serve burgers and fries that look and taste like they are three days old along with luke-warm and flat colas?
  10. Those were some good points Lerner and can't be argued against. (although putting away money can to some degree since if it's in a computer file it can disappear into thin air in a second or two and if it's in cash it could end with a value like that of German Marks late in WWll, in other words good for starting fires if you have the firewood)
  11. I've done some of the low cost, down home country things you mention Nungali but that was many years ago when I was much younger...(and when medical/dental issues were hardly a concern) anyway good for you and I hope you meant more barter than you meant black market - being that "the man" sometimes uses radar on those off the grid.
  12. so the answer seems that millions and billions can't do that realistically and logistically....a very tiny percentage now and then, here and there, maybe.
  13. "May all beings be happy" ?

    Well RT at the end of this cosmic cycle how many beings will still be around to have happiness, I'd say only one whom some call, "the eater of death" and that is enlightenment.
  14. Overcoming the inner trickster

    well man do something simple like go down to the animal pound and save a puppy and bring it home, a puppy will love you unconditionally... and as it gets bigger take it to the dog park where it's easy to get to know other animal lovers - something like that should help take your mind off troubles since it will take time and effort to do right by your new animal buddy.
  15. Overcoming the inner trickster

    I'd say that reading all those descriptions with an impressionable mind can potentailly screw one up, not unlike nurses reading about medical condition's and then projecting such onto themselves! Jung was an interesting shrink but for myself I wouldn't go very far down that path; btw a true yoga master can help reflect who you really are in a heartbeat - problem is they don't grow on trees at every street corner in California. (as some claim to be)
  16. who is "them"? they are us either today or tomorrow when we lose a decent job, and have no one sponge off of...
  17. if things get bad in Florida there are a lot of gators and anacondas to fry up and eat...and sand that could be turned into glass coins.
  18. the billions who don't know where their next meal is coming from, or a drink of clean water and breath of fresh air...or where they will sleep for the night and if they will wake up and see that bright sun and blue sky one more time - yet somehow they carry on... thus a lot that transcendent bullshit needs a good kick in the ass to get down from its ivory tower and deal with us on the ground.
  19. You tube video (oops there was a double post not sure why, oh well) "That's what friends are for" !
  20. "May all beings be happy" ?

    "true understanding comes from real experience, this can be devastating" by flowing hands I'd say and add, "devastating" only to the ego/personality while liberating for the spirit/being. (if that is what you meant?)
  21. "May all beings be happy" ?

    Brian, further meaning I believe per someone like Crazy Horse to say its his dharma or way as an Indian warrior to die with honor in a battle to help save his people....
  22. "That's what friends are for"

    Right on! and feel free to add your favorite friend videos...
  23. "May all beings be happy" ?

    Hey MH, I remember their hit song well but not the one you posted...