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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. "May all beings be happy" ?

    maybe, "may all beings resolve their karmas and fulfill their dharma's" and under those condition's some happiness could be known, but without that what is going to stick...?
  2. Starting a string for listing observed habits/obsession's : our own or those of others 1. Buy and store enough household cleaning supplies and somehow your house will be clean. 2. Buy enough in depth books on enlightenment (that you will never have time to read) and somehow you will become enlightened...
  3. "May all beings be happy" ?

    if the prayer means we can interpret it as we wish then the sky is the limit.... but considering the exacting "reasoning" that many Buddhists seem to proclaim and from that position the prayer (for all particular beings) really makes no sense being that it is impossible to take place in manifest realms , thus would have to be conditional per such realms.
  4. "May all beings be happy" ?

    do you mean context Edward? If so then the prayer could read, "may all predator's be happy" - but not simultaneously read, "may all predator's and their prey be happy while devouring and being devoured".
  5. Wow Brian, so there is life on Mars after all, keeping that from us all these years with pictures of the desert makes for one heck of a conspiracy ...
  6. observed habits/obsession's

    sounds interesting RT just don't drink the water unless you can boil it during transit
  7. could be, just ask the Martians
  8. a 'powerful thought' is only possible if it routes and uses powerful energy whether for good or evil otherwise thought is fleeting like dust in the wind,
  9. observed habits/obsession's

    pulling into someone's following distance behind another car to help prove your immortality doing crossword puzzle's as if they are the important thing in the world....... reading kundalini topics so you can blast off into space
  10. observed habits/obsession's

    switch back and forth between cable tv companies each time your contract expires (so you can get the next great deal) and expect them to quit finding ways to sneak in new charges on your bill.. when hearing a point being made then automatically computing a counter point to it.. loading the dishwasher the correct way which your spouse does agree with
  11. Hello to everyone

    MH, red ink, looks like trouble?
  12. have you sought professional counseling...? I'd say we are all guessing some so I'd take anything said with grains of salt...
  13. the energy that powers sadness can also power gladness, it's ultimately our choice although there is much in the way of energy patterns and flows that can become engrained and which need to be re-patterned or re-flowed. Many of the sayings about how the depth of sorrow is related to heights of joy are along such lines... thus being of the same wattage... but being used to drive either a sadness motor or joy motor. (with a sadness motor being easier to run in a way since its driving downhill and will take a will guided by a central truth to turn it around)
  14. Orion, I'd say keep your options open...new developments can come when least expected or in unexpected ways. Dissolution is a tough one when generalized in a fatalistic way... remember the life force is not denied even by the dissolution of the universe of things since It always rises anew. I have dozens of decent platitudes that I could offer for your consideration but they probably wouldn't help much if your back is against the wall? It all basically boils down to be being a warrior of or for Spirit in our own way for our own being and when possible being a help to other's, for there really is no other way to stand against the forces that would steal, harm or corrupt over and over again. There are billions of us in the same boat of this world and none of us are alone in it's spiritual storms even if it seems like it, so if we keep holding on and reaching out then you and I will also be reached to, for that is an unbreakable fact. Lets hold our heads up again and see that there is more to the story than just the shadows of doubt on the ground. Take care man
  15. Nirvana is...

    well said man, (although there is the aspect of lineages tracing back to the authority of a founder - since Buddhism does have one)
  16. Nirvana is...

    Ok ForestOE, Which of those schools do you feel is following the historic Buddha more closely, it's not a free-for-all is it? (and is probably part of the disagreement you mention)
  17. Nirvana is...

    sounds like an interesting raft all hot-rodded up with Mercury boat motors, kind of shame it has to be left behind, but that's ok since someone else can borrow it for awhile. some of my main teachers have been cats, they emphasize Tao
  18. Nirvana is...

    relative truth is True for the realm, law and or elements that it applies to or operates with... this is not rocket science or some grandiose or subtle revelation, it's as plain as day .. for heavens sake!
  19. Nirvana is...

    humm, certain or some siddhi(s) and siddha(s) can turn to either hellish or heavenly ways without the irrefutable anchor of the Truth beyond any form of reason... so at best siddhis and siddhas are tools of a secondary order to be used for and by Truth. Thus I'd say that "Jaya Guru" also and more deeply means Jaya Truth (as it reveals Itself to be beyond speculation, doubt, dualistic thinking or of the possibility being turned)
  20. Nirvana is...

    RT, Thanks for reply and in taking a shot at that named form of reasoning you mentioned.... by the way I'd say regardless of what any form of reasoning is called or proclaimed to be in these matters imo it can go no further than the four-fold negation as directly alluded to by the historic Buddha. And to say or believe otherwise is an exercise in futility which any form of reasonable reasoning should be able admit to itself. Neti, neti also recognizes that quandary although without hanging Truth out in the wind to flap around meaninglessly.
  21. Nirvana is...

    RT, so are you beating around bush and implying the First Noble Truth is illusion? a pool or well spring of water does not become nor is it exhausted, it just becomes still and clear, then we know.
  22. transmutation without the hype /Kenny Rogers on you tube
  23. Nirvana is...

    are you talking dirty RT (that will be 6 more lower realm and 12 middle realm incarnations along with the possibility of sudden enlightenment at any time if you get all your beans in order)
  24. Neutrino,the little neutral one.

    all neato, rad, and awesome - and if your not stoked then get with the program!