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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. reification and negation

    MH, those relative truths sound close to the greater Truth - btw, grades of BS may be subjective when it comes to our population but samples would still have to be tested first hand by the USDA for carcinogens. and high fructose corn syrup.
  2. reification and negation

    btw, I've heard that 'the price of bullshit in Burma' has gone down lately, how that affects the US stock market I don't know, it probably depends on if their bulls are eating right or if their BS. is FUBAR because of eating genetically modified gravitons? ...and the only way to negate such may be to put their 'Ten Thousand' + bulls on a closely monitored colon cleansing regimen - which I'll decline volunteering for - even if it is good karma yoga along with aspects of virtue and merit.
  3. reification and negation

    well being or having a tachyon sounds like some kind of medical condition although I'll with-hold judgment on the matter for now, btw. how are your 'free radicals' doing if you don't mind me asking?
  4. Nirvana is...

    RT, I've also called people named Brian brains, and they seem to take it in stride....
  5. reification and negation

    hey MH, they say reification is a noun, but has a verb form thus we have another Veroun, holy shit, but it's still not as sexy as a tachyon. (which must near the top of the pile!)
  6. reification and negation

    well sometimes we even get to have our nuts and eat them to... btw, it seems most nuts are fairly safe if they are fun.
  7. reification and negation

    anyone going nuts yet?
  8. again, what is to be gained or lost? Will any of these various exercises really gain one anything except an apparent or relative gain in an apparent or relative world? (granted a positive world would be more pleasant than a negative one yet there would still be no final satisfaction among such) A similar problem arises with the idea of what could really be lost except for apparent or relative losses? Btw, if the Tao is not gaining or losing and the One is not gaining or losing and there is nothing outside of the One - then what in the heck is really going on and what are we doing other than making apparent gains or losses in our heads via all these exercises? That may sound fatalistic or even nihilistic in a way but unless something is really making a difference beyond appearances' or relative gains or losses then it's all just a mind game since Spirit is already Spirit, (along with spirits) with nothing that can be gained or lost since Spirit is already happy to be Spirit (and which is our quintessential nature) and it does not need to gain its freedom, nor can it lose it..
  9. "The process never stops" or so it seems or is true for the process, yet if one can never be free of the process (depending on what you mean?) then the "Vanity of vanities" is the ultimate truth, which btw. I don't hold to...
  10. reification and negation

    I don't know about that RT since there is the "four fold negation" which I don't think is negation per se, but the starting point for a deeper wisdom which it can not reach. (and recognizes such as its quandary)
  11. reification and negation

    I imagine someone out there has some transcendental trig for us?
  12. Nirvana is...

    if one really knows what jaya guru means then I think speculation about Nirvana would be like beating good horse...
  13. Nirvana is...

    I have heard maybe one or two Buddhists here say, "jaya guru" and you are one of them RT. the quote could be taken as another poison arrow but what the heck, turn it all around and inside out, then one can set it aside.
  14. and we could also get into the, "to be or not to be" of Hamlet, (part removed for another thread)
  15. so Jeff when are you going to give up seeming to co-opt these teachings?
  16. Note: When it comes to this or that master or school and their teachings we should say, 'I' think this is what they are saying or mean -- or 'I' feel that their material may correlate to my experience in this or that way --- for then we are not co-opting teachings to prove how smart we are. There are very few of us here who are directed to teach by a lineage holder or give direct interpretations of their school and it's teachings. (and if you happen to be then you need to make that very clear) So it is even more dubious and or nuts when we the start to argue about who is the smartest when it comes to degrees of or forms of interpretation of such material's.
  17. Btw, there are six major schools of Saivism with their variations ....and God only knows how many smaller branches from there?
  18. chidambaram

    Om Namah Sivaya
  19. RT, if he spent a lot time with you and was under your influence, then maybe?
  20. yep wisdom will trump knowledge every time, oh heck I used the 't' word -
  21. the Buddhist texts say that the historic Buddha had a similar outlook about Beings post enlightenment but then a god came along and helped him out of that funk... I to can borrow from well recognized texts and paraphrase them here and there. and also take cheap shots now and then but they miss the mark
  22. wtf? As I meant before start your own school if that turns your crank but be honest about it, thus without copying thousands of quotes from other people or schools as a way to prove your own.
  23. without one's hand reaching out it would be difficult or even forced for another to take theirs,
  24. TI, since you know of the core teachings of those three ways, two of which have well known founders, along with knowing where to find related quotes there is no need to ask me.
  25. Tao as a "verb" and a noun: (so to speak) That is how the following chapter sounds to me how about you? T.T.C. 21. IT lies in the nature of Grand Virtue To follow the Tao and the Tao alone. Now what is the Tao? It is Something elusive and evasive. Evasive and elusive! And yet It contains within Itself a Form. Elusive and evasive! And yet It contains within Itself a Substance. Shadowy and dim! And yet It contains within Itself a Core of Vitality. The Core of Vitality is very real, It contains within Itself an unfailing Sincerity. Throughout the ages Its Name has been preserved In order to recall the Beginning of all things. How do I know the ways of all things at the Beginning? By what is within me.