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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. interesting quote Jeff, thanks
  2. how much rope does mankind get

    a good sage can write words in the air that are more solid than stone....
  3. how much rope does mankind get

    I think the following also comes into play: Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV) 12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
  4. "if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger"... although I don't see that as 100% true. (supposedly)
  5. The essence of Buddhism

    the insane can turn (to the sane) on a dime in a half of blink of a Buddha eye, no bazooka's needed.
  6. The essence of Buddhism

    RT, wouldn't those in the garden of insanity also need such coconuts?
  7. The essence of Buddhism

    we would also not want to get unborn mixed up with the undead
  8. The essence of Buddhism

    lets not forget those other beings between existence and non-existence,
  9. The essence of Buddhism

    yep, or yup
  10. The essence of Buddhism

    do as you will RT, "may all beings (which exist) be happy"
  11. The essence of Buddhism

    Good luck with that RT....one thing is certain the mind can not give what it is not, for it is only a tool for mental process, which of course has an important place but not that of its master.
  12. The essence of Buddhism

    I differ from those grand summations RT - being that the only thing a reasoning mind can give is more reasoning mind along the lines of comparative if's and's or but's (obviously) thus by that very nature such can never be certain of anything.
  13. The essence of Buddhism

    I'd say that any teaching that brings hopelessness is a thief of the life force. what a Koan should do imo is bring the mind to the realization that it's devices are not enough to proceed any further thus making an opening for that which is beyond it's devices to come into play.
  14. The essence of Buddhism

    I'd say that the op was not based around orthodox Buddhist teachings, yet per the title alludes to being of such, thus a problem of sorts since the general forum is more for wide open and counter debates or points, unless those involved here have no problem with the string being like a mini-general forum?
  15. premature & forced opening of the 3rd eye warning: don't do this at home
  16. yea brings to mind that movie "one flew over the kuku nest" with Jack N. where they ice picked the brain of their victims.
  17. post from MSN about a sect of Islam: http://www.msn.com/en-us/video/other/execution-in-saudi-arabia-sparks-condemnation/vi-AA8rx8a and possibly coming to your local area someday...
  18. let's not forget that trump-et head admires that killer nut job dictator in North Korea... (per his own words) I don't care for the misguided liberals nor for the fanatic right, thus our choices for a potential US president are pitifully limited on both sides! (along with and imo Bernie Sanders being way to much of a socialist which would further cripple the middle class thus we are s.o.l. this time around)
  19. a lot of fear relates to feelings and thoughts about gaining or losing something, for instance some of us have various forms of fear about not gaining enlightenment - what a catch 22 that is, fearing that we will not gain that which is not fearful... and then jumping through an endless numbers of hoops to get what we think it is... consider - if enlightenment could be gained then it could also be lost, thus it would just be another thing coming or going, being in effect one day and not in effect on another, etc.. so "what is a soul to do"? (in a meantime that we live in) We have lots of human based choices but in the end there is still nothing that can be gained or lost...since there is nothing that can gained or lost outside of the One that already is.
  20. The essence of Buddhism

    I had never heard of a goanna so I looked them up and found some photos. The little ones look non-threatening to humans but the big ones look like they could be a problem
  21. nothing is gained or lost

    MH, you were thinking of alchemy, how transformative
  22. "Yes, We Have No Bananas, we have no bananas today" "Signs that the world may be ending: Safeway ran out of bananas, both organic and conventional. There were only huge, empty tables where the bananas used to be. How does it happen that a major supermarket runs out of something as basic as bananas? What would cause such an unprecedented run on them? Bananas are America's #1 fruit. They are harvested every day of the year, and are available year-round. Except at Safeway. I know that they will run out of cranberries because they only carry them at Thanksgiving. Since I love cranberries, I buy as many bags as I can cram into my freezer and enjoy them for months. Fresh figs are savored as much for their seasonal availability as for their scrumptiousness. But I can't freeze bananas, or hoard them. Nor has there ever been a need to do so. Bananas are not exotic. They have been readily available all my life, unlike mangoes, papayas, and carambolas. I asked the produce clerk where they had been moved and he spread his hands, beaming broadly. "They are all gone, Senora. Sold out." "Why?" I asked. "At 99 cents a pound, I did not think this would happen," he said, shaking his head at the profligate wanton wastefulness of North Americans. Horticulturists believe that the banana was the earth's first fruit. Banana plants have been in cultivation since the beginning of recorded history, dating back to Alexander the Great's conquest of India where he first discovered them in 327 B.C. In ancient Hawaii, bananas were sacred. Under penalty of death, women were not allowed to eat them until abolition of the taboo in 1819. The banana is considered a perfect food. It has four times the protein of an apple, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals, and is also rich in potassium. It is not a tree, but an herb. Its trunk is soft and tender at the core, yet strong enough to resist strong winds. Patient and enduring, the banana produces one majestic flower loaded with a complete food. New shoots emerge at its sides. After the fruit reaches maturity, the parent, reassured, simply dies.Now there's some food for thought." Posted by heartinsanfrancisco at 10:07 AM Labels: endangered species - bananas sorry if that wasn't as serious as it might have been, so what the heck we made it another day and maybe Safeway will also restock...
  23. A you tube clip of two greats in acting
  24. nothing is gained or lost

    yea technically you are right, I was thinking of iron/steel ships sunken in salt water and how fast the compounds in ocean water eat away at those metals. (compared to no doing so for gold)
  25. The essence of Buddhism

    a figure of speech, clever guy