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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Do we live in the matrix?

    Taomeow, It would seem that the random happenings or chance percent's that you mention would be spin-offs well after, "The Three"? (which would seemingly apply to Xuan Kong or Feng shui type processes if I understand same correctly?), Thus I don't see how an anti-Tao could be rooted in Tao per-se although I do see how certain energies at certain levels once in play could be willfully manipulated or by chance devolve and become corrupted... then one would also have to wonder about karma which in the end is supposedly 100% exacting although it can be super-ceded by a karmic payment by one who can do such.
  2. Beyond the spiritual heart

    "so I will offer what I can" by TI which sounds like an "x" amount of bragging
  3. Do we live in the matrix?

    that was a heavy duty reply Taomeow that deserves heavy duty reflection - perhaps your post 56 could be the start of a different thread? Btw, do you know of a schools doctrine or lineage holders text in print that is fairly close to what you have said? (without being to veiled for a novice to ponder)
  4. Do we live in the matrix?

    that might be part-way to the bottom of it but I meant much deeper and long before the octopus of malice and fear fed and grew as far as it has planet wide, while at the same time the Children of the Earth Mother stand against it. Where, who or what is at the beginning of what could be called corruption? And if it has no root in Tao then how could such come to be?
  5. Beyond the spiritual heart

    I'd say that trying to follow universal and true dharma's is enough and also noble for us human beings and gives healthy results regardless of the forms it may take under Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Hindu or in many other ways, thus all this other stuff if not done under dharma(s) will not be "noble" and result in problems.
  6. Beyond the spiritual heart

    well hell there is the lower, middle and high astral while the subject is hot... and there are demons and angels are all over the place, aka relative realities
  7. Beyond the spiritual heart

    Hello also and ok, btw- you didn't say merge you said know, although I got your drift
  8. Beyond the spiritual heart

    I think I get your drift Jonesboy but he same could be said of knowing in general, as in knower and known.
  9. Do we live in the matrix?

    so if we get to the bottom of it and root out who or what deserves blame - who or what will we then find?
  10. Do we live in the matrix?

    Taomeow, I haven't watched the video yet but I did some searching and found that some of those bees can make it all the way to around 11,500 foot elevation which is getting up there! although they (or certain species of them) also move or migrate with the seasons to lower elevations. Interesting info. I also came across accounts of bees that were using poisonous flowers as part of their honey production which people then ate of and were also poisoned. (in Turkey)
  11. Beyond the spiritual heart

    in regards to the quote: if a particular microcosm and the macrocosm did not have at least a minimal connective and working effect then such a particular microcosm would not be. I'd say that the deepest identity uses both light and the physical to the fullest measure... (as alluded to in the quote) thus nothing including the physical is going to be missed or degraded because of that deepest identity.
  12. Beyond the spiritual heart

    the most substantial thing is a weaving made of light, so to speak
  13. Beyond the spiritual heart

    all this stuff is fringe benefits at best anyway, why the obsession about it?
  14. "Is there fundamentalism in Hinduism" by Vamadeva at link to Patheos below: http://www.patheos.com/Resources/Additional-Resources/Is-There-Hindu-Fundamentalism
  15. Do we live in the matrix?

    honey in the high mountains? That would mean bees high in the mountains to? And above so many feet up there are no plants or flowers for those bees? (besides being to cold for them to get established and last)
  16. Do we live in the matrix?

    there are exceptions to the averages, and the various numbers would take a lot of time and work to verify... so where is all this data? (chronicled at)
  17. Do we live in the matrix?

    well it's interesting to me that densely populated places like those in Japan for a long time had low violence rates among it's own people, whereas and in comparison more wide open spaces with spread out populations and good resources (throughout recorded history) still often had horrendous violence in their areas. I'm not a student of history but I see there are many major factors at work among human beings in regards to the potential for violence.
  18. Do we live in the matrix?

    ok, if we go back to pre-historic times there is weapon and bone damage marks per such weapons type of evidence that points to a sometimes kill or be killed scenario among various gatherer and hunter tribes...
  19. Do we live in the matrix?

    I don't know Taomeow....for instance there were wise and noble north and south American native or Indian peoples, and there were horrific and cruel north and south American native and Indian peoples that made it a point to murder, enslave and even cannibalize each other and they were not domesticated per the so called modern age. (and the same pretty much applies all over the world at one time or another...like the merciless warlords of Asia, Europe, Africa, island nations, etc. who existed long before the industrial revolution and that lived a lot closer to "nature" than modern mankind)
  20. Do we live in the matrix?

    the mafias are small puppets of the great abomination
  21. Beyond the spiritual heart

    I'd say if Mr. Griffin is mixing apples and oranges and openly admits it then that is his particular trip and system... which wouldn't be traditional Buddhism or Hinduism and if either of the traditional ways or a school gave him a lineage title under such circumstances then it would be false, granted it may be a semi-this or semi-that or quasi-this or quasi-that which if not misrepresented then everyone would know it's of his blend and interpretation... same goes for anybody else doing their own trip. (with a little study anyone should know that Buddhism rejects the Vedic teachings per the historic Buddha, and Hinduism sees Buddhism as non-Vedic per its teachings and teachers)
  22. Beyond the spiritual heart

    flitting back and forth or between Buddhism and Hinduism (as if certain things mean the same) may be fine for you TI but I'd say its not really kosher per either tradition, although if you spelled it out each time you were switching it would help the unsuspecting understand such differences...
  23. Do we live in the matrix?

    a matrix of subtle and not so subtle energies that weave forms out of same, thus whole gamut of Om - yet the Self is not woven or bound by any of it.
  24. Beyond the spiritual heart

    Umm, the following paraphrase and principle applies across all True paths although the terms may be different from the following: "seek God and all things will be added unto you"... including all of this rainbow mind candy talk which is what it turns into when it's sought ass backwards. (so to speak)
  25. Beyond the spiritual heart

    that's a good observation Des.