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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Beyond the spiritual heart

    so who (or which of us) wins the contest and prize for pulling the best quote out of the air? or making the best speculative argument, or for getting ahead of the game?
  2. Article at Patheos by Vamadeva

    A sad thing to me when I was India: I got into a good conversations with several Indian people, one was a family man and we talked about several subjects including religion. His relatives were "good" Hindus but he said he didn't believe in God partly because of all the troubles in the world and I think because it's not uncommon for some Hindus or Indians to want to be like so called, "sophisticated, non-superstitious" people in the west. So I'm thinking to myself that he doesn't seem to realize that although Hinduism is not perfect with human beings involved - it is still a most tolerant, vast, rich, varied and vibrantly wonderful religion of truths and Truth in principle and in fact - as practiced for thousands of years in recorded history and also in unrecorded history as timeless Sanatana Dharma! Which btw. is everything I had no idea of when growing up and woefully lacked in such teachings and culture as a child, (although we had very watered down Christianity and some Hawaiian influence) thus and to me he was turning away from a possibly rich spiritual life rooted in Hinduism and instead embracing a so called sophisticated and often spiritually barren world of lost meaning in an often materialistic "west" ...
  3. Beyond the spiritual heart

    The Self is not built... when a private knows what a general knows then he/she to will be a general, in the spiritual ranks "a lording over on another" does not take place but there is still rank...
  4. Beyond the spiritual heart

    what is "absolutely clear" to one person may be a lot different to another...(as Dwai pointed out above) whether in the Bible or in the Vedic teachings and or in others, also in everyday life... Jesus has a brilliant golden aspect of body and light, so yes
  5. oh well maybe my brain isn't that old, although too much coffee can lead to transposing of names
  6. off topic but why is there a Bud Jetsun and a Jetsun, would one of you change your handle?
  7. isn't it nice to know that those that have offered offered dubious advice here will each be sending you $3,000.00 to help cover the costs for pre-natal care, birth and follow up visits to the hospital if you bring a child into this world along with trips to Wal-Mart to buy baby food and diapers - or your cost to pay doctors for STD's treatment - they are here to support you no matter if there is an "accident", just private message them with your address and the checks should be on the way.
  8. Beyond the spiritual heart

    your right Dwai, there can be no forcing of view... even if the Upanishads strongly point to non-dualism. Btw Bindi, I'd say that the meaning of "Spirit" as the term is often used - does not really care what form it can work through - and will take any course it can to do so being that such is its nature; not unlike the idea of water mentioned in Taoism where water takes its course.
  9. A big problem you mentioned are the videos on the internet which I imagine are of a very low level of seeing women as sexual objects... is that so? If so quit such sites which will only misguide and also poison you further. Another big problem or question that may be of note is whether or not you appreciate your parents for supplying a roof over your head? If not join the Army, the Coast Guard or something and earn the roof over your head. And forget this excuse about "dual cultivation" which is done under the teaching and supervision of someone that knows what the hell they are doing... which is obviously not out there for the general public in its true form that is beyond our passionate and romantic adventures and imaginations fueled by twisted media and in cultures. One hope of yours is to see women as souls and human beings 1st and then also as friends, although tending to be of different talents and nature compared to most of us guys who often think with our little heads instead of our big heads. (which brings about all sorts of problems and complications that don't have to be) Every time you think about sex also think about spending the next 20 years of your life working 60 hrs. a week at some job you may not like - to support a baby, a kid, a teenager and a young adult that needs college - who can result from following an over-powering thought or urge... Nothing wrong with babies if you are ready and committed to the responsibly, I sure in the hell wasn't at 22 and got into all sorts of trouble and complications. Good luck (btw I was a child of the wild 60's of "peace and free love" and no prude in finding out its high cost)
  10. Beyond the spiritual heart

    Jesus is a golden being. But the Ocean has no color unless clear is a color that becomes white
  11. Beyond the spiritual heart

    Bindi, There is the teaching that the true identity is beyond categories - and which is sometimes alluded to as "the Soul of the soul". Being beyond categories is to be beyond all individual based designs and motives - even the most extremely refined of such. Om Shanti
  12. Beyond the spiritual heart

    who would forcefully deny another of learning the hard way if that is what it takes?
  13. there is no stock market in heaven and the bank there doesn't fail, along with a boss that is fair
  14. Beyond the spiritual heart

    was cooking something up to say but I'm pooped after work so I'll have a Bud light for now.
  15. If there was no karma before The One, then will be no karma when the One returns to Tao... how do you see it? (besides the poison arrow aspect)
  16. Beyond the spiritual heart

    Yes, the endless round about ways of wondering about Bible verses... One might ask if Jesus meant the "Christ" thus more than just the soul of an individual in your question Dawei. Besides the human and inner life of Jesus would have all been fake (namely the trials and temptations) if He had not had the power of choice in the Garden of Gethsemane and in many other times and places given as examples of Jesus the soul. (whereas I'd say "Christ" itself is like a force or principle that does not have a choice to be otherwise) The redemption of soul is pure and divine, "Forgive them Father they know not what they do"
  17. Beyond the spiritual heart

    btw, non-duality doesn't reject the place of duality per-se, it just moves on from there...
  18. Beyond the spiritual heart

    for me dualistic teachings will not attain the "highest realization" you have been speaking of, since by nature they are dualistic and limited in that way, thus if you believe a dualistic way will get you to or is of the highest realization that is fine and there is no need for those of such beliefs to continue on with speculations regarding various eastern teachings, chakra's, blue seeds and all the rest...
  19. Beyond the spiritual heart

    the Bible is written as a dualistic teaching, some may be able to say their interpretation of it is not dualistic but for a very high percentage of us that have studied it - we can't really justify saying it's a non-dualistic teaching - thus that is it's limit as far as its accepted doctrine goes. (with a heaven or hell forever scenario, along with some variations of purgatory. etc.) This core of dualistic teaching runs throughout the New Testament although with a forgiving and compassionate Jesus. So one might ask why Jesus didn't correct this dualistic teaching in doctrine when He had a chance to with His Apostle's around 2000+ years ago if that is where He is ultimately coming from? (in comparison to non-dualistic teachings which also existed during his human lifetime)
  20. ...and kind of a side topic - that Brad Pitt movie, "Meet Joe Black" about the angel of death getting to know that nice gal was kind of strangely interesting. (where as imo "Fight Club" was strangely sick)
  21. Beyond the spiritual heart

    I wouldn't be a 100% sure about Swami Muktananda... there is some stuff on the web where some of his students had some revealing accounts about hin'
  22. the first of karma?

    Btw, nice wave, looks like Tahiti
  23. Beyond the spiritual heart

    a thing to maybe ponder about is a matrix.... with soul and aspects of a human being acting as a matrix for Spirit to effect that which such a matrix is connected to and active with. Thus such a matrix may have or could be said to have (depending on one's frame of reference and how deep they can see into the matrix) a location --- but Spirit is all pervasive and can not be nailed down per just one particular location or part of the matrix.
  24. Beyond the spiritual heart

    right about the use of "normally", Btw, I like the Upanishads for pointing to and giving inspiration about this kind of stuff - stuff which we can not really lay claim to knowing about per what someone else has to say about it..... thus until we have some experience of our own I'd say there is no point in getting to far ahead of ourselves