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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. reading about some methods...

    meaning many come to this site and read about (or give out) a certain percentage of "dog and pony show" tricks or methods for getting this or that super-duper experience or power... which imo is ass backwards to what true spiritual methods are really about. I'd say "God", Tao, or whatever term one might insert doesn't give a damm about our pursuit of powers or tricks, what Spirit cares about is what (motive) is in our hearts.
  2. reading about some methods...

    the fun or apparently fun context isn't the drift I meant - obviously
  3. the dark side of enlightenment

    is that a Buddhist throwing the Buddha out with the bath water? "it's a strange strange world we live in master jack"
  4. the dark side of enlightenment

    if that is the case then you won't know if the historic Buddha was a pretender or not until the game is over, in the meantime you are guessing based on your bias.
  5. the dark side of enlightenment

    that may be so but harping is not a science or an art except in twisted form.... and if the historic Buddha was really a Buddha then he would have had to give up any forms of forced of harping, aka "right speech". btw is love another one of those "aggregates" or is it eternal like "God", btw #2 if no Goddess then no Buddha.
  6. the dark side of enlightenment

    and there is that one that says, "he who digs a ditch shall fall into it" (or something close to that)
  7. the dark side of enlightenment

    harping on delusions = another form of delusions non-dualism is so tough to really attain, although fairly easy as just another intellectual concept
  8. if you could...

    a lot of Hawaii is "paradise lost" (a super bummer) but there is still a lot to appreciate there, btw the cost of living there is very high unless you are have a support and barter system to some degree with the locals,
  9. if you could...

    and in Hawaii (surrounded on all sides by ocean) it would wise to be on the good side of the shark god
  10. in various forms of evolution or change some of the thoughts and or conditions are like one door opening and another closing, thus one can not or seldom can go all the way back to a state that was before... and if at some point an unfortunate door opens one may fall to a state lower than a (simpler) before. (with such a law also applying across the spectrum of human affairs)
  11. the dark side of enlightenment

    a no man's land is not enlightenment
  12. A most important point

    I'd say for awhile...
  13. A most important point

    ego no matter how powerful or clever can not free itself from itself, although in one way or another it reaches the point where it knows that of itself is not enough to truly satisfy or give meaning beyond doubts - like when Solomon spoke of the, "Vanity of vanities", thus a threshold is reached and that which was veiled by ego reaches out for help which is answered by help reaching through the veil to it.
  14. A most important point

    you can reach a threshold (or work) but you cant' pass it without it helping you do so (or grace)
  15. How to hear silence?

    try not to live next to an airport runway, or get a switch implanted in your brain to connect and disconnect the nerves from your ears... Om
  16. A strange form of suicidality

    "Behold, I make all things new" Jesus
  17. A strange form of suicidality

    when a person is sinking anything that floats is a possible help, us beggars can't be to picky
  18. A strange form of suicidality

    wise and time tested dharma or universal laws point to us helping each other in various ways (without a lot of trappings attached although some form of workable identity is our vehicle to do so) Thus if we are helping and relating to people at least to a certain and healthy degree then we are following an important part of dharma instead of falling for the, "I'm suffering and alone" nihilistic mind-set absorbed in it's own anti-dharmic losses. It's undeniable that we are all in a big boat together (along with personal boats to) kept afloat through ongoing work and purpose - where there is not much time or energy for being stuck in sinking doubts, non-motivation, depression, or an "every dog for himself rat race" that ends in futility, etc. if all our boats, which are worth living for and fighting for through correct dharma's are to be sailed to inner and outer freedom and purpose based on the truth of Spirit, Tao or similar meaning terms. Besides the platitudes of philosophy and for instance - lots of kids need "us" just as we needed us when we were kids...thus there is unlimited opportunity just in the realm of helping kids in various ways. So we do something...
  19. Full moon thread

    Mr. G. via Mr. O. had quite a bit to say about the moon, and it was not romantic or happy camper stuff.
  20. we have always existed

    yea, and we have the Tao and The One duality yet they are connected
  21. we have always existed

    MH, I imagine the 7 hells (as a nice round number) are heaven-like to the demons that dominate there, so there is the difference you are asking about...which is opposite to the 7 upper "chakras" or heaven-like realms in comparison that so many here hammer on.