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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. Nothingness

    it remains to be seen how far certain circles in science will go in accepting God as a being, considering that ego normally prefers itself as God.
  2. Nothingness

    don't beat your brains out about it... I would use the analogy of a magnetic field, which is something we can't normally sense with our senses yet it still there connected to and doing all sorts of stuff from cosmic scales to the sub-atomic! Now "Tao" whatever in the hell that is is a whole lot more subtle than a magnetic field and also connected to and doing all sorts of stuff!
  3. "transmission" is not rocket science it is a one to one, deeply intimate and energized telepathic linkage that shares and or transmits reams of knowledge and intense feelings super quickly without any interference or mistaken meaning.
  4. Some highly recognized folks have tried to make correlations between the Christian Bible and other teachings - some of it more or works and the rest is often like beating your head against the wall - I suggest going whole hog one way or another since the correlation game and its cross references have limits..... in other words the Christian Bible teachings are dualistic so you will be hard pressed to correlate non-duality out of it unless one adds some new age spices or more or less borrows and pastes on non-Bible teachings from other 'eastern" leaning interpretations.
  5. "The One" is connected to Tao and so are the "Ten Thousand" although for the Ten Thousand the connection feels like it is through "God" only knows how many permutations being in effect, (?) or like echo's from echo's from echo's of Tao reaching through time and space making it very hard to hear, yet the Tao is still always present here and now - it can not be otherwise.... Thus there is no complete separation in the totality of creation or manifestation but there are countless permutations in effect that when identified with seem to make it feel like separation is so.
  6. I'd say the light is a result of what we most deeply are, then that light is woven into a soul.
  7. What is the answer to the universe?

    What the hell, all this grand sounding speculation about brains and consciousness? We are all living under the Tao so show me its physical brain and related consciousness (?) --- which btw. and through some mystery its, "Ten thousand" have which it doesn't have per our non-agnostic like assumptions related to the physical.... (which are ours to have and to hold till death do us part!)
  8. The Vehicle of Hope

    Steve, I meant to type, "wouldn't it be nice if hope was no longer needed?"... in the sense that hopes (as true and dharmic ones) have been realized, thus one is standing firm and strong without having doubts along the lines of trying to fulfill hopes.
  9. The Vehicle of Hope

    wouldn't it be nice if hope was no longer needed...
  10. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    Hi Des, Yes, the energy that powers anger can get turned inward, where if not resolved it can then power more problems, like depression. I hope the situation at work you mentioned has improved. It sounds like you have taken the brunt of dealing with it? A workplace dynamic that has come into play now and then for me - being that I'm a blue collar worker in a mostly and historically male job that is often physically demanding - are the interactions of women working with "the guys" in such jobs... sometimes there is no problem other times its difficult along with mixtures of both. The worst aspect to me being when a woman gets special treatment and favoritism just for being a woman, which an honest, hard working gal does not want any part of while other gals will take full advantage of such a scenario to get back at some guys that may deserve it, while other guys may take collateral damage even though they have always treated women well and as equals in such work. Btw, it would take me a hell of long time along with gained experience before I would ever consider myself an equal in female dominated jobs that I don't have the knack for or the background in.
  11. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    So how many people here have had their parents or other family members try to beat the anger out of them when they were kids? (or try to force you to repress anger which didn't help?) Btw, and obviously anger often arises from feeling an injustice committed and then it should be taken as being a signal along with giving the drive to take action - hopefully in asserting non-destructive, resolution and solution type ways - instead of one becoming an anger driven egotistic wrecking ball...or having the energy of the anger flowing through you turned inward without resolution which can lead to all sorts of psychological problems. One step: don't back someone up against the wall and not give some options if you don't want to be backed up against the wall and not given some options.
  12. Seriously though guys, I don't know about you but I'd say that if we don't have general friendships with women and more personal companionship with a particular woman at certain times in our lives then either we are not interested or tend to be missing out on important aspects of the other half of the human race!
  13. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    I suggest we not get mushy about anger being the bad guy...since controlled anger is a whole different ball game than when it is uncontrolled and acts as mutually destructive rage! Besides anger really boils down to energy flowing through the anger zone just as energy can flow through the peace zone, thus to beat anger (or force repression) out of someone is not productive in the sense that their energy is also being beat out of them in one way or another which can then easily create more problems. (instead of being directed and controlled) Btw, lets not forget how some Buddhist sects and or Buddhist orientated martial artists beat the hell out of their students, and I'll bet such is not all out of enlightened compassion since all of the teachers are not likely to be enlightened!
  14. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    As far as I know a great Sage or master has become nearly pure yang in energy not half black (per a yin correlation) or half white in energy, thus we are not talking about a 50/50 mix as some here seem to be alluding to?
  15. What is the answer to the universe?

    By L. Cohen "Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river You can hear the boats go by You can spend the night beside her And you know that she's half crazy But that's why you want to be there And she feeds you tea and oranges That come all the way from China And just when you mean to tell her That you have no love to give her Then she gets you on her wavelength And she lets the river answer That you've always been her lover And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind And you know that she will trust you For you've touched her perfect body with your mind. And Jesus was a sailor When he walked upon the water And he spent a long time watching From his lonely wooden tower And when he knew for certain Only drowning men could see him He said "All men will be sailors then Until the sea shall free them" But he himself was broken Long before the sky would open Forsaken, almost human He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone And you want to travel with him And you want to travel blind And you think maybe you'll trust him For he's touched your perfect body with his mind. Now Suzanne takes your hand And she leads you to the river She is wearing rags and feathers From Salvation Army counters And the sun pours down like honey On our lady of the harbour And she shows you where to look Among the garbage and the flowers There are heroes in the seaweed There are children in the morning They are leaning out for love And they will lean that way forever While Suzanne holds the mirror And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind And you know that you can trust her For she's touched your perfect body with her mind".
  16. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    Who me -the Bob who has been here for several years or do you mean Steve? - he's the wise and mellow dude and also tends to stick around without wandering off. (hmm, I was the one who first mentioned the anti-guru, guru namely Mr. J.K. and if I remember correctly Steve was a fan of his a ways back and may be interested in further discussion along that line...while I never have been a J.K. fan excepting for a few of the jewels he came up with that sparkled with insight - otherwise I'd say a path is not finished until it is walked all the way to where another one begins.. I used to read Allan Watts years ago who I also thought had some great insights for those unfamiliar with "eastern teachings". Anyway, I'm more or less game for various stuff, and don't mind making some cycles around the mulberry bush to see what pops out, although not to early in morning.
  17. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    umm, whatever but it sounds like several projections are yours per the nit picking of word order and or doable analogies. And of course no two beings are on the exact same path since no two beings are exactly alike, btw, if you are a Mr. J.K. reader then we could pick on the pathless path...
  18. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    projection outside is mostly the struggle to first and second base, while getting to third and finally to home are much more of an internal battle. Btw, the "true life' or "true spirit" order of words meant the same to me, regardless of moving them around.
  19. Madhyamika and Time

    Steve, You have submitted many mellow, common ground type posts and I think that is way cool of you... (similar to #29) although how such a stance fits in with Buddhism as originally based on the words and teachings of the historic Buddha, who btw. was not so cool in the liberal or democratic sense of this day and age, I see as being at least problematic because there are strict definitions and pov's as given by the historic founder! .
  20. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    Des, In post #3 say I'd the words "true life of spirit" would generally or normally correlate with the big 'T' as you put it, thus the darkside that is being spoken of is for the many tests one goes through to determine what level of responsibility they are given as stewards of the "true life of spirit" when that term is used correctly. (and not inversely as previously alluded to)
  21. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    human truths based on the willfulness of personality and being caught up in events whether one is leading of following are relative and fleeting...like actors on a stage. Truth knows the actors for what they are having discovered and uncovered itself below such masks. (I'm not talking about or referring to an author or a particular point in human history)
  22. sincerity and the garden of the mind

    Wow, strange notions about one's lower nature being the "spirit of life".... granted recognition of such has its place and value through the passing of tests - yet darkness in the sense of lower nature is willfully twisted light and that has no root in truth
  23. Sanatana Dharma is not Buddhism - get that straight